Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 367: Crystal (seven)

After staying in Rio de Janeiro for another day, at 6:30 in the morning on July 4, the victory flight carrying the national team slowly stopped on the tarmac of bj airport. Facing the welcome representatives of the people from all walks of life in bj, after Zhao Xuri expressed his thoughts on the manuscript written by Wang Ai, everyone was picked up by the car of the General Administration of Sports. Today, a domestic celebration party will be held, which is also a real celebration. Can.

This time, everyone took back the $4.1 million bonus. The General Administration of Sports made a big stroke: All to yourself! Everyone is happy to share the 4.1 million. After all, according to the regulations, the superiors can deduct 30%, but the national team has made too much money for the General Administration of Sports through commercial sponsorship in recent years, so it is not bad.

Of course, in the case of winning the Confederations Cup, the bonus that the General Administration of Sport should have issued is also hehe. Anyway, everyone has an account in their hearts. Although the players have no say in the bonus, but conversely, the previous incident of the Football Association's random advertising has disappeared in this national team. In fact, the relationship between superiors and subordinates is that you respect me one foot and I respect you ten feet: you don’t give me random advertisements, which guarantees my business interests, then I will not humming and humming about the amount of bonuses and the distribution of bonuses. , everyone is well.

After the dinner, the national team was divided into two parts. Tang Yaodong led the team and led most of the substitute players to the Xianghe Base. While training, they relaxed and prepared to go to Australia to complete the final qualifier in a few days. The rest of the team disbanded in situ. A week later, they also gathered at the Xianghe base. After half a month of training, they went to South Korea to participate in the East Asia Cup.

The substitutes are happy to be able to play as the main players in this national team, and the main players are relieved because they can finally rest for a week. Young players such as Wu Lei and Zhang Linpeng who have become international players for the first time are also happy to finally have the opportunity to join the legendary generation. Excited to fight.

At the end of the evening, when the song ended, Wang Ai finally got into his van. As soon as the door rang, Lao Gao got into the car: "Send me a ride."

"What about my sister?"

"Let someone else send it."


The car turned in the direction of Lao Gao's house, ...

Section 367 Crystal Seven (Page 1/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

Liu Liang, who is driving, still doesn't like to talk, but occasionally looks at Wang Ai's two trophies through the rearview mirror.

"How is it? A Grand Slam player?" Lao Gao asked suddenly leaning against the car window.

"I want to go home and lie down for a few days now, but I don't think about it, I can't get excited."

Lao Gao didn't speak for a long time with a "ha" sound. He looked at his house and said, "I know you are tired, and I am tired too. But ah, when you reach my age and want to play football again, you won't have a chance."

"Yeah." Wang Ai thought that Lao Gao had drunk too much, so he replied casually.

Lao Gao didn't speak for a long time, until the car stopped in front of his house before he regained his senses: "Aren't you a little bit unable to hold on? Especially after you have won all major trophies and major awards? Don't deny it, I think get it out."

Wang Ai looked at Lao Gao: "I don't think about it now, but I'm really not excited."

Lao Gao nodded: "I used to say that you should seize the opportunity, but now I have to tell you this. It's just that when you were young, you took every opportunity to go up a step. Although you have reached the top now, time has changed. It's limited. Now you may be a little numb to the reporters, the stadium, the cheers, even the money, but you're really retired and miss it, but you don't have a chance anymore, the past is gone."

Wang Ai nodded silently.

Lao Gao patted Wang Ai on the shoulder and opened the car door: "While you still have a chance and you are still in your good years, hurry up and enjoy it. This is the advice given to you by a retired star."

After Lao Gao finished speaking, he got out of the car and walked away. The senior sister who greeted the door took the initiative to approach the car: "Junior brother, everyone knows you are tired, and everyone can see your expression on the TV. Go home and have a good rest, after the rest, start again. I believe you can recover, I believe You can find the joy of playing football again. Even if you can't find me, I hope you will continue to persevere with professionalism. As the wife of a retired football star, my senior sister tells you the truth. Every point of persistence now is meaningful. of."

"I know Senior Sister." Wang Ai smiled and waved through the car window.

Jin Element and Su Shi have all been on holiday...

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, Yan Zhu and Liu Liang sent Wang Ai home tonight and they will have a holiday tomorrow, and Zhao Dan and Zhang Guang will take over. Seeing Wang Ai staring out the window in a daze, Yan Zhu and Liu Liang tried to open their mouths several times, but they didn't say anything.

"Are you back?" Huang Xin stood outside the Wang's Manor and greeted him.

"Well, how are you at home?" Wang Ai reached out and hugged her.

"It's all right, um, congratulations on completing the Grand Slam." Huang Xin said with a smile.

"Haha, this shows that you have a good eye!"

Huang Xin smiled: "Let's go, we're all in the house."

"Yeah." Wang Ai let out a long sigh and couldn't help looking around. The wind blowing from the water surface of the Summer Palace in the distance made him feel cold. In the suburbs of Beijing at night, there is no dazzling lights, noisy sounds, insects, frogs and a touch of tranquility in the city center.

As soon as I walked into my parents' villa, a masked girl suddenly jumped in front of me: "Bah! Trophies and gold medals, take them out and spare you!"

Wang Ai looked past the masked ladies, and saw the old lady holding her forehead on the sofa in the main hall, the smiling father, the little beauty holding her daughter, and the big beauty teasing her two sons, she couldn't help being satisfied: "All In the trunk, Lion, all for you."

"What, why are you not cooperating at all!" Leoni pulled off her kerchief and reached out to take the box: "The key!"

Wang Ai put the key in the puffed lion's hand and walked into the house: "Mom and Dad, I'm back."

Ai Xiaoqing stood up and looked at her son in pain: "Are you exhausted? Are you full? The kitchen even warmed dumplings for you."

Wang Ai smiled: "I was full, but you said that I am hungry again. Not busy, not busy, wait a while."

Looking at his son sitting next to him, Wang Bin nodded: "This trip is good, and the superior is very satisfied."

Wang Ai sighed contentedly: "It's good to be satisfied, it's not worth our hard work. In fact, everyone's condition is not very good, but fortunately, the opponent's condition is also average."

"Well." Wang Bin thought and said slowly: "From the Asian Junior Championship to the Asian Youth Championship, from the World Junior Championship to the World Youth Championship, from...

Section 367 Crystal Seven (Page 3/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

From the Asian Games champion to the Olympic champion, from the Asian Cup champion to the World Cup champion to the Confederations Cup champion this time, you have to fight for your country. "

Wang Ai laughed and leaned back on the sofa in a relaxed manner: "Can't you even bear it, Dad?"

"I didn't say it before because I was afraid that you were proud and felt that you still have spare power. Now I don't say it, and there are countless people who want to tell you." Wang Bin said indifferently: "Have a good rest for a week, and when you come back from Korea, the leaders will meet you."

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