Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 370: Crystal (10)

"I've known you for 15 years, why are you telling me now?" Xu Qinglian asked in silence.

"Two o'clock." Wang Ai sighed: "First, I won't tell anyone until I'm sure we won't be separated, and even my parents didn't tell, and don't plan to tell, because it doesn't mean anything to them. any meaning; second, I am a proud person, I don't cheat at any time, you can say that I am arrogant and stubborn, but I don't plan to change. I don't have the courage to face you until I have a clean achievement. , facing any of you."

"Foreseeing the future makes you feel ashamed of cheating?" Xu Qinglian asked when she saw Wang Ai nod, and then analyzed herself: "So, you chose an industry where you can't cheat?"

Huang Xin agreed: "Yeah, how do you cheat? No matter how you cheat, you still have to play, you still have to practice."

Shi Wenjun also agrees: "The same is true for family businesses. Although you may have chosen the right line of business when you started your business in the early years and helped the company avoid many detours, you must handle it conscientiously. This is different from those who use market information to make quick money. , not an idea."

Wang Ai smiled and nodded: "Oh, it's like this, it's like this!"

Xu Qinglian snorted and looked left and right: "Football, you really can't cheat."

Wang Ai's face froze, the women giggled, and Wang Ai scratched his face: "This is the only place I indulge, and the only way I can comfort myself for a long time. How can I say that I was born again. Well, how can I say that I am also in other aspects, I dare not say that I am impeccable, at least I have tried my best, and I have achieved a little, I am.”

Huang Xin smiled and waved his hand to interrupt: "Don't say it, we understand. We have all guessed that you have made meritorious deeds, made virtues, and become immortal. You don't smoke, drink, gamble, and ignore women outside, and your body is sanctified. Yes. It's kind of scary, but you still have a place like a normal person."

Wang Ai took a breath, looked at the few people and said slowly: "...

Section 370 Crystal Ten (Page 1/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

I'm happy when you say that. I do have some foreknowledge, but the direct effect is almost zero. More is the application of knowledge, such as business management. Besides football, what I am most proud of is our family's corporate system. Our family's business does not ask for help or take shortcuts. Under the management of my parents and managers from all over the world, I have nothing to be ashamed of. I am not responsible for the country, not for the employees, not for you, but not for the inside. conscience. No matter what the reason, I know those things, and I am still transparent inside and out, and my mind is clear. "

Leoni, who was in the audience, Xu Qinglian, who was looking directly, and Huang Xin, who was gentle and attention, nodded, and the little beauty nodded suddenly and said, "Except for the style of life."

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"The safety factor is also what drives you to keep moving forward in football, right?" Huang Xin asked.

"Yes." Wang Ai sighed: "Sometimes, some things, even if it is impossible to fully control, individuals and families still have a lot of freedom, I and we still have to forge ahead and defend our own happiness, I don't mean money."

"So even if you make your superiors unhappy, you still insist?" Xu Qinglian looked at Wang Ai: "I remember this is the only place where you are stubborn in business matters?"

Wang Ai nodded with a complicated expression: "First, I love you both. Although it's shameful to say that, I'm telling the truth. After getting along for a long time, I'm reluctant to let any of you go. You all know my relatives. I'm very lonely. Second, I'm really not suitable for a career. For someone as lofty as I am, taking that path will either break with reality or make my heart hurt. Third, the situation in our family must be stable, too fast. Now, even if you go into an official career, it can be you, preferably the next generation, and I don’t want to take any risks on this kind of thing.”

"So, in your memory, what kind of people are we?" Leoni asked with interest.

"In my memory" Wang Ai looked at a few people with milk-like tenderness in his eyes: "I dragged it out until the last few years before I had the courage to face you...

Section 370 Crystal Ten (Page 2/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

, face the excellent you. Any cheating, I mean any cheating, I can't stand up under your bright eyes, I can't be honest with you without hiding any guilt, I'm afraid you will see my weakness and leave me. "

"I know." Leoni interjected rarely, "What you are defending is the chance to realize your ideal."

"Yes, forging ahead in football is equivalent to giving our company extra legitimacy." Wang Ai made a gesture: "The business is well managed, legally operated, and solving employment, of course, is also legal. But if faced with It’s not enough to have an opponent with a certain height. Even if I ask for that one, I can solve it, but we can’t always ask for it. At this level, in the final analysis, we still have to have the ability to survive.”


"Say it." Huang Xin urged: "I also want to know what I will be like."

Huang Xin pursed her lips and smiled, Shi Wenjun lowered her head and smiled, Xu Qinglian raised her head and smiled, and Leoni tilted her head and smiled, all looking at the man. Such clumsy love words are more moving than any sweet words.

"Are we that good? It's mainly because you like us." Shi Wenjun said, "Is it in the eyes of a lover? Anyway, I know that without you, I definitely wouldn't be what I am today, and I wouldn't be where I am today if I don't go to university. By the way. , what am I? Specifically?"

Wang Ai shook his head: "Based on my intuition when I went to your house, I think you will still go to university, but you will not resume classes, but go to a relatively poor school according to your grades at that time. Although there will be nothing in your life later. It's a big change, but with your foundation and focus, you should be able to be admitted to the civil service, and no matter how poor you are, you can mix in a staff."

Huang Xin agreed: "I think so too. Although Wenjun has a temper, it is not unreasonable."

"Wenjun, I didn't interact with you originally." Wang Ai looked at the little beauty: "I went to school normally. By the time I took the college entrance examination, five years had passed for you, and there were many situations like you at that time."

Shi Wenjun nodded: "If that's the case, I'm not going to...

Section 370 Crystal Ten (Page 3/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

University, there should be opportunities to work, so what can I do? I can only do some elementary jobs, maybe I will get married in a few years, and I will be an ordinary woman in the future, right? "

"Okay, I accept this explanation." Shi Wenjun smiled and leaned on the sofa: "Where's Huang Xin? She's older than me, so there shouldn't be much of an intersection between the two of you."

"Yes, Huang Xin and I have almost never met. If I hadn't forced her to come to bj to accompany her to study, I should have been rated as a senior teacher now? It's been more than ten years."

Huang Xin nodded: "Well, I should be less influenced by you, right?"

The others nodded together, Huang Xin pointed to Xu Qinglian and Leoni who had been sitting beside him: "Where are the two of them?"

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