Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 400: Forehead God (10)

The audience was laughing, the hostess was giggling, the referee was smiling, Leoni in the family area was laughing, Huang Xin was pursing his lips, and the two bosses were covering their heads and smiling bitterly: My son loves to play!

In the end, CCTV's camera was still a little shy, and only gave Wang Ai a back view, but in this back view, a small white hand was originally beating Wang Ai's arm, but it was visibly hanging down. He took the initiative to stroke Wang Ai's waist.

All the way, all the way!

"Wait for me, I'll show you the gold medal!" After less than ten seconds of kissing, Wang Ai opened her eyes wide, ignoring the whole world and only staring at Xu Qinglian.

"Well, let's go." Xu Qinglian forced herself to remain calm.

In the night breeze, her hair on the temples was a little messy, suddenly soft, some strong, some obedient, some stubborn, some blame, and some smiles. Some resentment, but also full of fearless love.

Wang Ai ran back to the runway with full attention, Leoni in the family area sighed: "Do you want to be the one just now?"

Huang Xin didn't look back: "Is there a difference?"

"Yes." Leoni pouted.

"Okay." Huang Xin shrugged and leaned closer to the lion: "Let's try it together at night? What brand of energy drink is it?"

"Haha!" Leoni covered her mouth.

"Little Wang'er has long legs no less than Bolt, looks like a perfect sprinter, and has an Asian record of 9.98 seconds." Taking advantage of the long preparation time for the third start, He Wei hurry up Time rambled a few words: "Of course there is this interesting tidbit. What kind of answer can Xiao Wanger give to the people of the whole country? Well, the game is about to start."

This time, all the muscles of Wang Ai's body contracted back. He seemed to be an ordinary big man lying on the ground. Only his face that occasionally looked up at the finish line was so determined, persistent, fearless and looking forward to it!

At 9:29 pm on September 8th, BJ time, the most popular project after two "hardships" was finally launched for the third time.


People gather up!


Everyone slammed on the starting block. Surprisingly, Wang Ai was almost the first to take the first step! Many people's heartbeats slowed for a moment, and they couldn't help but look at the referee, look at the referee, look at... the referee who said nothing!

"Ow! No rush, no rush!"

He Wei called out directly in the live broadcast!

Wang Ai buried his head for more than ten steps, raised his head, and sped forward with his long legs. At this time, there was no opponent in his field of vision, as if he was the only one running, running towards an infinite future, a bright future!

Running from the countryside to the city, from Liaoyang to BJ, and from China to Germany, countless figures who have run day and night over the past 20 years have gathered together at this moment, heading forward, towards the red flag, and towards the finish line!

He didn't see an opponent who fell down, he didn't see Zhang Peimeng's raised eyebrows, he didn't see Xie Zhenye gnashing his teeth, he didn't see Su Bingtian's face was extremely vicious! He crossed the finish line without any deceleration on the sound of people's heartbeats!

It was not until he ran to the corner of the track that the hustle and bustle of the main stadium entered his eardrums.

Wang Ai turned around and saw that his opponents were walking back to the finish line and towards the scoreboard. Before Wang Ai could pass by, his figure was caught by the coach jumping over the fence in ecstasy!

Black cards, red words: 9 seconds 71!

Gu You

On the TV, He Wei repeated this number hoarsely, over and over again!

On the TV, Wang Ai opened his arms as if to embrace the entire stand, and embrace the continuous cheers from the entire stand.

On the TV, the aloof Zhang Peimeng walked over automatically this time: "Congratulations."

"How much are you?" Wang Ai asked.

"I was dumped by you more than two meters."

Wang Ailuo did the math: "Ten seconds in?"

"Yeah." Zhang Peimeng grinned and nodded vigorously: "9.92 in 9 seconds! The first time! The first ten seconds is so much. In fact, I can't run anymore, but when I think about it, it's not easy to lose to One star is too many, right?"

"Haha." Wang Ai pressed Zhang Peimeng's shoulder: "Trust me, you are not practicing in vain. Your technical foundation is far better than mine. As long as you use my method for reference, you will soon surpass me."

"Will you teach me?"

"My coach!" Wang Ai pointed back to the sidelines: "I was ready to betray me!"

"Haha!" Zhang Pei laughed and went to celebrate with their coaches and relatives.

"How much are you?" Wang Ai looked at Xie Zhenye who also came to congratulate.

"Hey, hey, 9 seconds, 9 seconds 94!"

"Congratulations, how about you?" Wang Ai looked at Su Bingtian.

Su Bingtian smiled kindly: "9 seconds 96, thank you, can I also ask your coach?"

"Of course, everyone." Wang Ai looked at the future Su Dashen seriously: "I am the lucky one who found a shortcut by chance, but I can't be lucky forever. China's sprinting depends on you."

"Thank you." Su Bingtian opened his arms actively.

When Wang Ai finally walked to the sidelines, all the reporters crowded in front of him like crazy. Wang Ai said to the countless microphones and cameras: "I only have one sentence to say."

"I'm only 0.04 seconds slower than Bolt. The distance is less than half a meter. It's such a long distance. A probe and a leg lift." Wang Aibi made a gesture and lowered her arms: "I may not have a chance. He broke his record, but if we played the same game now, I would definitely beat him many times. I came to the National Games, and I came to break the record to tell those who always like to say that we can't do this or that. people……"

Said Wang Ai to get close to the camera and raised his index finger: "What foreigners can do, Chinese can do too!"

Wang Ai's arm waved in a width of twenty centimeters: "All!"

In the CCTV live room, He Wei slowly exhaled and asked the guests: "Liu Xiang, what's your comment on today's game?"

"I... huh... what Captain Wang said is really good. What makes me happy is that five of the eight players in the final today scored 10 seconds. Just before yesterday, there was not one in Asia. Yesterday There was only one, but today it has become five. Five people broke national and Asian records at the same time in one game! This is destined to be a legendary game that will go down in history! Whether or not he will return to track and field in the future On the field, his contribution to Chinese track and field cannot be denied, and I am honored to witness this match with my own eyes."

A few minutes later, Wang Ai, Zhang Peimeng, and Xie Zhenye, who seemed to be bathed in golden light, reappeared, stepped on the podium amid the continuous noise, and received medals in turn.

They are the top three in China, the top three in Chinese history, the top three in Asia, and the top three in Asian history!

Gold medals, smiling faces, lights, all dazzling; flowers, lovers, food, all fragrant!

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