Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 6: Restlessness (6)

"A player's career only lasts for more than ten years." Wang Ai said with emotion: "And a national team only has 23 places, and the World Cup only has 32 places for the main competition. Do you count? There are only more than 700 people in the world. The selection is only once every four years, if you are not careful, you will miss it, or even miss it for a lifetime."

"Then do you tend to support the expansion and shortening of the World Cup?"

"Emotionally it must be like this, and every player has such expectations. But whether it can be achieved or not depends on rational analysis, because there are some practical problems that are difficult to solve, such as the Asian Cup, the shortened cycle of the World Cup will undoubtedly suppress There is room for the Asian Cup. Another example is that the expansion of the World Cup will increase the pressure on the organizers of the event. I went to Brazil to participate in the Confederations Cup this year and found out that there are Brazilians who are against hosting the World Cup. Look..." Wang Ai spread his hands: "The world is in chaos, only In China, the years are peaceful, and sometimes what we take for granted is actually a different set of views in other countries.”

"So when it comes to the World Cup, what is your outlook? What is the outlook for the Chinese team?"

"We still have to look at the World Cup grouping situation first. If we can come out at the end of the year, we still don't know who we are in a group with. Then the specific tactics, our warm-up target, training cycle, etc. will all follow."

"In the end? Can you defend the title? Judging from the Confederations Cup, the team is good in all aspects? Including the replacement of old and new?"

"Well, we will try our best to strive for it, although it is difficult, after all, only Italy and Brazil have done it in history. Although we have confidence in our strength, we also respect the laws of history, and we can only say that everything is still in various ways. Wandering in the midst of certainty, we can only start from the beginning and go as far as we can. At the same time, I also hope that the fans will give us some... Well, not to mention support, there is enough support, give us some tolerance And understanding, in case we do not defend the title, do not enter the finals, semi-finals, etc. Football is round, anything can happen, no team entering the World Cup is going to be the runner-up, everyone is working hard and trying their best. Study our opponents and try our best to set up targeted tactics. If we succeed once, it does not mean that we will succeed forever. In my opinion, any team that can enter the knockout stage and win the final championship is fully convincing. The altar is so full of chance, chance and loss, just like the Netherlands, is it not strong? Van der Vaart, Robben, van Persie, are they not strong? Are their predecessors not strong? Then history is like this without the slightest emotion. Orange The same is true for the clothing team, and the same is true for our Chinese team."

Duan Xuan nodded again and again: "I believe that the Chinese fans will understand you."

"Thank you in advance for me." Wang Ai laughed at himself: "Maybe it's because I've been loved by the fans for too long, and I'm afraid of losing it."

"So from your point of view, what standard will the Chinese team achieve in next year's World Cup, and you will forgive yourself? Or what step do you think the Chinese team has reached, and it has reached the minimum goal? Has it reached the pass line?"

"The team is out."

"So low?"

"It's not low. I invite fans and friends to take a look at China's football foundation. Over the past 60 years, our country and ordinary people have been busy with production instead of consumption, and busy with work instead of leisure. After all, we are a bit far behind. , If you don't want to be beaten, you can only walk like this. And the height of football, like a pyramid, depends on the thickness and width of the bottom layer. Those of us can go to today... Except for the imaginary fantasy when we were young, it is because of our expectations. Yes, and it doesn't quite conform to the normal laws of historical development. I can only say that we people, oh, I'm not talking about just the national team, but many people, including fans, reporters, businessmen, etc. Everyone, we do All of them are very good, and they have almost done their best under limited conditions, so there is such an unconventional result. But we can't always hope for this kind of miracle, the future of Chinese football will still have to wait until football becomes a sport. When we use the daily fitness and leisure methods around us, we can truly worry about the future.”

Duan Xuan nodded frequently, and after Wang Ai finished speaking, he pretended to look at his watch: "Your boarding time is almost here, then we will ask you one last question today."

Wang Ai nodded, and Duan Xuan smiled gently: "When will you and your fiancee get married?"

Gu Long

Wang Ai's eyes widened: "Again? Didn't you ask?"

"Have you asked?" Duan Xuan became suspicious: "Lin Long, how long have I chatted with Xiao Wang'er? Three days and three nights?"

Lin Long's hands didn't shake at all, only his head shook like a pendulum.

"I mean, isn't this kind of question focused on the very beginning? Why did you come back?"

Duan Xuan shrugged: "Dr. Wang, don't you think the content of your conversation just now was too esoteric? Fans don't necessarily like many metaphysical things. I may cut a lot of them later."

"You want me to cut it off and let me tell you?" Wang Ai's angry accusation regardless of the image: "I've drank two bottles of water!"

"Are you going to instruct TV journalists? I remember you didn't include communications in all your degrees?"

"Okay, you're right." Wang Ai admitted his mistake generously, looked at his watch and stood up to carry his luggage: "I think the boarding time is coming, so today?"

"Okay, huh?" Duan Xuan just lifted his **** and immediately sat down fiercely: "The last question, don't run away."

Wang Ai rubbed his face helplessly: "The wedding date has not yet been decided, what do you think I am doing this year? How can I get married? How can I get married? My fiancee also has a job and is very busy. So, this year will definitely not work, probably, next year. ?"

"What about me?" Duan Xuan twisted his face.

Wang Ai giggled: "Okay, old section, don't you understand that my wedding date is uncertain? Whether I get married or not will not affect my football, Qinglian and I have been in relationship for many years, and I don't care about the ceremony for a long time, then It's just a formality."

"Okay." Duan Xuan turned his head to face the camera: "Another rich, philosophical and of course some jokes interview, this may be a feature of the interview with Xiao Wanger, right? Since we are about to board the plane, Therefore, this interview can only be discontinued with regret, let us look forward to the next performance of Xiao Wang, who has returned to the Premier League, look forward to the performance of the Golden Ball award at the end of the year, and look forward to and wish the Chinese team to achieve good results in the World Cup next year."

When Duan Xuan was talking, Wang Ai was in the background far away from the camera, and when he finished speaking, the photographer turned off the camera, and then Wang Ai came over and shook hands with a few people: "It's going to be another long march, so I won't say anything more, there are Sora welcomes you to Manchester."

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