Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 30: God (10)

The two goals were less than 5 minutes apart, and even the cool and fast people still haven't shaken off the excitement of just scoring. The Manchester City fans who were used to making noises during goals or accidents suddenly felt a lot of heat in their chests, so the shouting after scoring this time was also stronger and longer.

Unlike the proud Aguero who rarely interacts with the fans, most of the time he just bows his head and runs for a while before meeting his teammates. After scoring, Wang Ai faces the faces of Manchester City fans who have changed from indifference to enthusiasm, especially behind the bottom line. The old and young, men and women looked at his hot face, waved their hands happily, and looked up and down.

"Look at how beautiful he is." Xu Qinglian said with a smile between Huang Xin and Leoni.

"Don't underestimate those few seconds, at least it can help him sell 100 more jerseys. This is just a live fan who was 'looked' by him." Leoni finally cheered up: "Last year, his fans sold More than 3 million pieces, many of them came like this, alas, my Bayern. Let go of Dr., 3 million jerseys are sold less than 3 million pieces a year, do you have to settle the account?"

"Okay, you." Huang Xin glanced at the lion across Xu Qinglian: "Isn't it enough? Didn't the money shared by Bayern finally fall into our hands? The real pain should be Adidas, right? We Come to Manchester City, Manchester City is Nike. If the doctor can sell 3 million pieces this year, Nike can get 300 million US dollars on the ground.”

"Then how much do we take?" Leoni said casually in frustration.

"Didn't you sign the agreement?" Xu Qinglian turned her head to look at Leoni, and put her arm around her shoulder by the way: "Because we and Adi are partners, Nike pays us $30 million a year through the club, and the club can only share 20000000."

"No wonder there are still many people in Aguero who are too lazy to watch the fans. It's useless to watch it anyway. Unlike the doctor, oh, it's really hypocritical. Every move is calculated."

"I think... eh!"

I saw that Manchester City launched a quick counterattack in the stadium, and Wang Ai, who received a direct pass from Navas, felt that he had an opportunity despite the fast retreating Everton defenders. Big feet, the soccer ball passes through the gaps precisely.

Before the start, there were no signs and no surprises, which made the Everton goalkeeper unprepared. He almost watched the football score for the third time in 10 minutes.

"You have opened your mouth, and every time you say a word, you score a goal?" Huang Xin teased Xu Qinglian rarely.

"Don't you know if it's open or not?" Xu Qinglian's eyes wandered: "Who tasted it for so long last night?"

Huang Xin rolled his eyes: "Look at what the doctor looks like!"

Xu Qinglian and Leoni hurriedly stood up to see, where they could see clearly, all the fans in front of them were still far away, but fortunately Huang Xin pulled them to sit down again and picked up the small TV that had been on his lap, only to see the TV camera I gave Wang Ai a close-up, which is the back.

The back of the jersey with the number 20 and the English letters wangai on his back, his hands spread out to face the blue and white behind the cheering and jumping bottom line, with Wang Ai's slightly sideways, the fans facing him grinned and cheered. more enthusiastic.

As Wang Ai turned around and celebrated with his teammates, the cheering climax of the stadium passed, but it lasted for a long time. Unable to bear the wave-like impact of her man being cheered on by the crowd, Xu Qinglian turned to look at Li Jun, who was busy. With headphones on, Li Jun is seriously operating the computer, busy reading comments, listening to comments, collecting pictures, and making animations.

Seeing that he was not free, Xu Qinglian picked up the computer to watch the CCTV live broadcast, and was hearing the comment from the host He Wei: "Judging from the atmosphere of the stadium, Xiao Wanger conquered this place in only two or three games. The doubts will disappear, and it seems that we can see the birth of another stadium that is fanatical for him. Over the past few years, our CCTV Sports Channel reporting team has traveled all over La Liga, Premier League, Serie A, Bundesliga, and returned to the Premier League with Wang Ai’s footsteps. What has changed is the years, the same football, passion and love.”

Xu Qinglian heard this and looked at the two people beside her: "I feel that He Wei is especially suitable for explaining Manchester City."

Everton, who has kicked off for the fourth time in the stadium, is still silent like a stone. The history of a hundred years of foil and a hundred years of small transparency seems to have shaped the special perseverance of this team. However, the more aggressive play after the restart seemed to suggest that being hit three times in 10 minutes was not so easy to accept.

Manchester City, whose overall situation has been determined, relaxes a little, and the game has entered a stage of collision and even bloodshed. Sabaleta's nose, Kolarov's brow bone, and Kompany's hip bone.

Wang Ai's women exclaimed and then whispered: "The doctor is still cunning. You can't see him after getting angry. He just sets the fire, and doesn't care about putting out the fire."

"It's called being good at protecting yourself." Lao Gao and his coaching staff also made similar comments.

Under the storm of Everton, Manchester City finally conceded a goal in the 21st minute of the first half, and then Manchester City played a little bit of energy to hold the score of 3:1 until halftime.

Pellegrini was very happy and praised everyone in the locker room. At the same time, he also hoped that everyone would seize the time in the second half to launch some more threatening offensives and completely extinguish the hopes of Everton. Only in this way can everyone relax and reduce Some injuries are at risk.

Seeing the coach think so for everyone, the players happily agreed. After the opening of the second half, Kolarov and Aguero scored a goal in the 9th minute and 13th minute respectively. Among them, Kararov's goal was Wang Ai's short pass assist in the penalty area, and Aguero's goal. The ball has Wang Ai pulling the defense.

If measured by a thermometer, the temperature at the Etihad Stadium has reached 80 at this time, and a rare passion floats in the air inside the stadium. This warm atmosphere continued to heat up after Everton finally exhausted and resigned, and finally broke through the boiling point in the 81st minute of the game after Wang Ai scored a header in front of the goal.

This is Wang Ai's first hat-trick after joining Manchester City, the seventh goal in four games, the third consecutive goal, and another super-giant hat-trick after five and a half years in the Premier League. .

The cheers at the Etihad Stadium lasted for ten minutes, especially when Wang Ai ran to the corner flag to raise his hands to perform the tree dance. It swayed with Wang Ai's swing, and after swinging left and right three times, he vibrated his arms as Wang Ai clenched his fists.

Everyone does the same thing, what I do, you do too, and what you do, I do too.

"bluemoon" is still melancholy, but blue moon is no longer melancholy!

The hand of God ignited a blue flame.

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