Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 34: Anika Crusoe (4)

Anika's house was originally shared by her and Li Jue, but Li Jue moved out after she got married and gave birth. At this time, their status has risen to the middle and high level of CY Sports, so the company has come forward to bear their rent. Anika didn't change the apartment considering the good environment of the apartment. Just this time, Anika's parents made up their minds to ask for a week's leave, and arranged for them to live in another bedroom that night.

Early the next morning, Anika's parents got up early to prepare breakfast for their beloved daughter. As soon as the bread was baked and the door opened, the daughter walked in from outside, carrying a few packaging bags in her hands, her face still dazed. Sweaty.

"Breakfast, try the Chinese ones, and I'll take a bath." Anika put the soy milk and fried dough sticks on the dining table.

"How far did you go, sweating all over?" Anika's mother said distressedly.

"Not far, I bought it when I came back from training."

"Training? You, aren't you the future general manager?"

"Hehe, wait for me to come out and tell."

"My daughter's life is so strange." Anika's father put bacon, fried eggs, and bread on the table and opened the package of "Chinese Breakfast": "Let me see what this is? Milk?"

After a while, Anika came out of the bathroom fresh and sat at the dining table: "These are fried dough sticks, which are also available in many countries. This is soy milk, which is ground from soybeans. Mr. Lei once told me that our Europeans have rough skin and meat. I eat too much food, and too little vegetable food. Although I think she is just kidding me, Chinese women's skin is indeed better than ours. Mom, you drink, there is nothing strange, just the taste of food. "

At Anika's kind invitation, the parents had to temporarily put aside their already hearty breakfast to taste the Chinese breakfast. It wasn't until then that Anika explained to her parents while eating that the boss's reputation was getting bigger and bigger, and his history here was being excavated more and more. His eating habits, living habits, training habits, training methods and even training routes have been accepted and imitated by later generations. The basic strategies he set at the beginning, such as the second career system for players, are still being implemented, and not only Chinese players, but gradually of Germany's native players have also begun to do so.

That's one of the three superstars in world football after all!

Naturally, a young management like Anika will always imitate and imitate Wang Ai's way of life when they can. Especially after Huang Xin and Leoni, the two big bosses, took morning jogging and fitness as part of their lives, they followed suit even more vigorously.

Today, Anika and Li Jue take the lead, and the middle and senior management of CY Sports insist on morning jogging and fitness. That is, when Shrapner was there, the old man would go for a few kilometers at breakfast.

Seeing that her 27-year-old daughter is young and lively to the naked eye, she is still full of energy even though she is busy going home to cook, Anika's parents know that this kind of life is good.

"Actually, it's not too difficult. If there is no person with enough prestige to take the lead, it may not be able to persevere, but don't we have it?"

"I heard that some companies will give bonuses to employees who run to work?" Anika's father pondered: "It is said that doing this will reduce the chance of employees taking sick leave and improve work efficiency?"

"Yes, but we don't have a bonus." Anika smiled and said, "We also discovered this pattern, but we encourage it through the full attendance award. As a sports company, fitness should not be stated explicitly. But the way of life that everyone understands is the right way. If we ask the players to work hard, and we are big bellies, we will definitely be slandered by the players. And if we lead, the players will not feel as tired as training.”

After breakfast, Anika looked at her watch: "I'm going to work? You... come take a look with me?"

The husband and wife just wanted to see their daughter's working environment, so they got up and went downstairs, and Anika introduced the guards waiting downstairs to her parents. It was only after the Romanian couple who came from afar that they intuitively understood their daughter's current status.

Along the way, Anika greeted people on both sides of the road from time to time, and when she came to the downstairs of the headquarters, Anika pointed to an office on the edge of the five-story CY Sports headquarters: "That's the boss's office, mine is tight. next to."

When Anika stepped onto the steps of the headquarters, her expression naturally became serious, and her little face was tense. Greetings to the staff is no longer the smiley smile on the road just now, but has become reserved and indifferent. This change amazed the professor and his wife who were following him.

The door of the general manager's office was not open, and the secretary's room consisted of eight desks, Anika's at the innermost, and a small partition, which seemed to indicate the difference between her status and other secretaries.

There is not much space in the small partition, but it is full. Various technical materials are piled high, which is not like the treatment of the boss at all. The only thing that can show personal characteristics is a Romanian style pendant.

"I'm here, I'm very busy with work." Anika turned around: "Everyone has their own work, and finally come to me to summarize, I or Li Jue and the two bosses report. The daily work is ours. It was decided through discussion that because many jobs are highly professional, I have to read more materials in order to get them.”

Anika's mother immediately understood where her daughter's status came from. At the beginning, there must have been eight secretaries with similar positions, each with their own duties. other. In this way, when it comes to work that is in charge of several departments, many people should take turns to report, but after arriving at my daughter's place, she not only reported her own, but also reported others.

Maybe she will be unhappy about being reported by her representative, or it will save you trouble. But the boss is different, this is a person who can catch the boss. Then, in the follow-up, naturally, the communication between the boss and his daughter is increasing, and some matters explained by the boss will inevitably be arranged from the daughter.

And a person who can take care of all the work and can arrange the work, can't he become the person in charge? The boss and others will slowly accept and acquiesce to this.

Thinking of this, Anika's mother felt a little distressed: My Ani! This is how much suffering.

"It's okay." Seeming to understand her mother's expression, Anika sat down happily and patted the document: "There is always something to learn, and there is no harm in learning more. Didn't you always ask me that way when I was a child? Next I want to After work, can I have someone show you around? Would you like to eat a nutritious meal at noon?"

Just as he was talking, Li Jue walked in, first chatted with Anika's parents for a while, and then holding the information, he said, "The people from the TV station will be here soon. Let's study the contract for the last time?"

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