Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 36: Anika Crusoe (6)

It was Zhang Guang who accompanied Yan Zhu on the rotation, and Anika also took the time to introduce her parents. After the meal, the two families separated, and Yan Zhu, Li Jue and their children went to enjoy family fun. Zhang Guang stayed in the hotel and was going to start working on some group security related work tomorrow.

The day's work was finally over. After dinner, Anika led her parents around the small town for a few laps, to Hexin Park, to the university, to the church, and to the market. The town was peaceful, peaceful, prosperous and prosperous at night. , two Romanian professors wandering in the meantime, could not help but go crazy.

I used to be tempted to work in Germany, but unfortunately Romanian education is officially recognized, but it is not recognized in the rules. Going to Germany not only could not be a university professor, but also did not have the qualifications to be a middle school teacher. The couple gave up this tempting idea after hesitation.

Although it seems that with her daughter's energy and future development, she may be able to communicate with the University of Tübingen. But the couple were in their fifties at that time and had no ambitions. People, the older you get, the more difficult it is to leave your homeland.

No matter how bad Romania is, after all, it is my hometown, and after all, I have a bunch of old friends.

At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, Anika and Li Jue were waiting outside Stuttgart Airport. As a flight from the UK landed, Huang Xin appeared in the field of vision accompanied by the guards a moment later. A gentle smile appeared under the constant wave of the two chief secretaries.

"Why are you still here? Don't you say no?" Huang Xin looked at the two of them up and down.

"The leader said no, he was polite, but he couldn't take it seriously." Li Jue stepped forward and hugged Huang Xin's arm: "Don't test us."

Huang Xin reprimanded and got into the van with a smile. Anika smiled cautiously aside, until Huang Xin asked about her work before she spoke calmly and answered questions.

When they arrived in the small town, Huang Xin went directly to the CY sports headquarters without going anywhere else. Unlike Wang Ai, who comes and goes, Huang Xin goes deep into it every time he comes, carefully inspects the progress of various work, listens to the work reports of the heads of branches and subsidiaries, and calls some inconspicuous people to conduct individual inquiries.

Anika has long been familiar with this. In her understanding, the boss is already a figure in heaven. This foundational industry only entrusts some ideals of the boss, but it is by no means the whole of the ideal. Even if these foundations have lost their bosses, they are still the guests of the heads of state, and there are too many fields that can be used. But Mr. Huang and Mr. Lei are different. They are not only the boss's wife, but also the boss's work partners at different times. Beyond sports and CY sports are not only the symbols of their love, but also their historical records, and they are the starting point for their upward climb. For her, Anika, it is enough to have an enviable career to stay in Tübingen, a wealthy town that can be counted in all of Germany.

At first, she thought about whether something happened with the boss. Anyway, the stars are like that, and the boss is no exception. There are several women. But since she saw Leoni, Huang Xin, and Xu Qinglian on the same stage with her own eyes, she stopped this idea. Even the gentlest-looking Mr. Huang is a restrained and resolute, capable and accessible powerhouse. That was "gifted" to the core heavy asset of the entire CY Sports - the Lion Stadium's Lei is a well-known figure in the two big countries of Germany and China. As for Mr. Xu, who was always smiling, for some reason, Anika felt an inexplicable guilt every time she was swept by her gaze.

Anika can't imagine what the common life of such three angular strong men is like, maybe it's similar to ordinary people? But that's because they are all strongmen of the same level. If a weak one gets in, they will only be crushed into powder.

Moreover, there is another Shizong who does not come often. It is said that she has made special contributions in national disasters, and even the boss respects and loves her. The last one is a Spanish girl who was laughing and laughing at the beginning. I have hardly seen it in the past two years. I heard that she is working on rotation in China and receiving training. But Li Jue once secretly told her that the boss's former assistant had a good background and was deeply trusted. Over the years, the W Fund, which has remotely controlled billions of assets, belongs to the senior reserve cadres that the boss hides in his pocket and does not reveal it to the public.

Anika understands when she hears these gossips. Although Constance worked erratically in her early years, she did nothing wrong, and more importantly, she was loyal. Having been in charge of the W Fund for so many years, it must be clear from the perspective of CY Sports' strict financial system and supervision system. And being able to withstand the temptation of such a huge asset is itself a kind of ability.

Ability can be cultivated and improved, but human nature is difficult to change. Some companies need outstanding leaders to shape the direction of the company's development, and this work is done by the boss's family in CY Sports and even higher-level companies. Therefore, the required cadres, loyalty and quality are higher than ability.

Anika understands this, and she understands how she works. When Huang Xin continuously inspected the work of various departments and companies this morning, and kept calling the managers of various departments to listen to work reports, she pulled up all her energy and responded to Huang's questions at any time, supplementing the explanations of others.

While eating lunch with Mr. Huang, Anika heard Mr. Huang's praise to her, and it was more about exams. There are not only general social news views, but also analysis of industry dynamics, as well as various macro strategic issues under the current environment of the company. At the end of the conversation, Mr. Huang asked a question that Romanian girls had never thought of: "What do you think about returning to China for job rotation?"

Anika was stunned for a moment, and could hardly hold back the surprise in her heart, she replied calmly: "I heard you said that family-related enterprises in China have four major sectors: industry, agriculture, finance, and cultural and sports industries. The business scope of each other is very different, and the management of modern enterprises is actually unified at a relatively abstract level. Therefore, a senior cadre will inevitably involve the construction and control of the system, and only the continuous expansion of the job rotation can get rid of the narrow perspective Limit the height, improve management thinking to reach a higher level, so as to better control the work.”

President Huang's evaluation was relatively indifferent, but he just explained that Anika continued to work hard. Anika was a little out of her mind all afternoon, and it wasn't until Li Jue came to congratulate her that she made up her mind.

"Only senior cadres will be rotated. President Huang told you that this is to prepare you. When President Lei arrives in a few days, you should be officially appointed." Li Jue sincerely congratulates his partner.

"And you?"

"I'm about the same, maybe you will be the first deputy general manager of Tübingen Youth, and I will be the second vice general manager, in charge of other business of CY Sports. We are going to officially take over, and we may have to return to China to go beyond the sports exchange for a period of time. , that is the parent company after all.”

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