Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 40: Anika Crusoe (10)

Anika walked into the banquet hall in a low-key manner, and found that everyone was sitting together in a chaotic manner with faint boundaries. Van Persie was sitting in the most conspicuous position, and he was dancing and joking at the boss. The boss listened with his hands on the armrests of the sofa. Between the two was Sneijder, who was standing with his hands on the shoulders of the sofa and listening to the two of them. On the other side of the boss is Van der Vaart, who has his hands crossed on his thighs and his upper body leaning forward to keep listening. Next to Van der Vaart is Robben, who has his legs on the coffee table. He is fighting with Chen Tao, the second star of the Chinese team. Fingers speak.

Others were scattered in all directions, and even if they formed small groups, they were often attracted by Van Persie's laughter.

Anika noticed an interesting thing. Contrary to the fact that the players were vaguely led by Wang Ai, the coaches of the two sides were sitting together and vaguely led by Van Gaal. I don't know if it was because of the Chinese tradition of respecting the elderly or the humble character of Guidance Gao, in short, Van Gaal was in the middle, Guiding Gao was on the side.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong, Anika quietly left to find Mr. Huang to report and ask questions about this phenomenon. Mr. Huang's answer was concise and to the point: power.

When walking home, Anika slowly thought and slowly understood. The power of the boss has far exceeded the scope of the international player, and even the super giant is not enough to describe his status in the football circle. Only then did the proud Van Persie, the arrogant Sneijder, and the strong Van der Vaart convince them, so that they were willing to talk about their bosses, and they didn't have the indifference they had when facing themselves these days.

"It's better to be the boss." Anika, who returned home and narrated the scene, said with emotion: "It's the same for me and those big stars."

"That's because from the boss's point of view, you are all the same." Anika's father suddenly said.

"Really?" Anika asked suspiciously: "Haha, yes, we are all mortals."

Seeing that her mother hesitated, Anika said generously this time: "President Huang and Mr. Lei have both expressed their opinions. I will be promoted in the past."

The mother let out a sigh of relief, but the father asked carefully: "Your boss...

Section 40 Anika Crusoe Ten (Page 1/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

Haven't made a statement yet? It stands to reason that this career is also very important to him. "

Mother retorted: "Since he has appointed two general managers to inspect Anni, he should be relieved."

Father laughed: "Our Annie has invested too much here. If things don't work out, they have to start from scratch elsewhere, and the past few years will be wasted."

"No." Anika said confidently: "The boss will not reject the recommendation of President Huang and President Lei, and they must have studied it. Among the eight secretaries, only I can take up all the work. Originally, Li The secretary can also, but after she gave birth, she focused a lot on the family, and I came after."

In the anticipation of Anika's family's suppressed excitement, the warm-up match between the Chinese team and the Netherlands team for the 2014 Brazil World Cup was finally staged at the Lions Stadium at noon on the 12th after two days of hectic work. Until the moment when the players from both sides walked on the court with the cheers of the sky and was about to kick off, Anika still took other assistants to conduct the final communication in the German rel TV director room, and was accompanied by a stadium sponsor who was temporarily coming to share the heat. .

The game has already started, Anika patiently listened to the sponsor's demands, and explained to the assistant next to her in a few words, and asked the assistant to go down and arrange a new billboard near the player tunnel during the intermission to calm her side down.

At this time, Yang Li, Huang Xin's defender, came over and asked her to watch the game together in the box. Anika took out a small mirror and took a brief look at it before walking to the door of the box. When she pushed in the door, she found that Mr. Lei was there. People, Germans, Dutch, what kind of famous people seem to be? Anyway, Anika didn't know each other. In the past few years in Germany, she knew almost no other famous people except for the people related to the Tübingen youth.

Mr. Huang pulled Anika and introduced her to local bigwigs such as the mayor of Tübingen and the speaker. He bluntly said that she would be the head of Tübingen youth and cy sports in the next few years. change.

Anika calmly...

Section 40 Anika Crusoe Ten (Page 2/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

Under the leadership of Mr. Huang, he chatted with people from all walks of life, and responded to various questions cautiously and politely. In front of the box, there was a fierce and exciting game between the two sides, but she didn't seem to see it. content.

Until the second half of the game started, Anika's ears finally became quieter. Those bigwigs let her go when they heard that she was just taking over as the deputy general manager, and they were still chatting with President Huang and President Lei, but Anika had completely calmed down at this time.

She is the vice president of real power, and many of the content that needed to be reported in the past can be decided by herself in the future. The two bosses and the boss in the sky will only provide advice on major decisions, and outsiders may not see it clearly, but she is very clear that the "Anika era" of Tübingen youth has begun.

He listened to Mr. Huang, Mr. Lei, and other great people chatting and laughing in his ears, watching the game with his eyes, but his heart was circling back and forth. I don't know when the game on the field was coming to an end. Anika quickly glanced at the electronic scoreboard. It was a 2:2 draw between the two sides. The orange Dutch flag and the bright red Chinese flag were waving when the countdown was stopped. of extra effort.

"The game is very exciting, and the close friendship between the stars of both sides is even more satisfying to the fans of both sides." The narrator's analysis and summary came from the small TV beside Anika.

A moment later, the door of the box opened, and the boss who was replaced midway after scoring a goal today came in refreshingly. The big men in the box stood up one after another and rushed to greet him. The boss is also as gentle and polite as before, skilled and comfortable, and does not let anyone feel cold.

After a while, the bigwigs left, Anika accompanied the boss downstairs to send the bigwigs away, and then hurried to the banquet hall with the boss. At this time, the two sides should have some problems exposed in the game that need to be summarized. not together. Anika sent the boss to the restaurant of the Chinese team, and then went to the restaurant of the Dutch team. She was busy until the luncheon was over, and she was summoned by President Huang to the general manager's office.

Unexpectedly, the boss is also there.

The boss stretched out his hand: "I originally wanted to keep one...

Section 40 Anika Crusoe Ten (Page 3/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

Weeks, but Mr. Huang is afraid that I will forget and let me tell you now. After a while, I want to transfer you back to China for a temporary job rotation in Chaoyue Sports. Is it convenient for you to go to China? "

"Oh, it's convenient, I've always wanted to go and have a look." Anika politely shook the boss's hand.

"When you come back, this adverb can be removed." The boss took a few steps and sat on the sofa seriously: "Annika, Tübingen is my home, keep it for me."

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