Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 55: Thrush is not deep and shallow (5)

"Have you eaten?" Wang Ai put the satchel on the table as soon as he entered the door.

"The child can't stand the hunger." Shi Wenjun stood up and reached out to take Wang Ai's coat: "You haven't washed the makeup on your face very much, and then wash it again."

"Forget it, I'll eat first, I'm hungry." Wang Ai shook his head and was about to go to the restaurant.

"I'll wash it for you, okay?" Shi Wenjun grabbed Wang Ai and pushed to the bathroom involuntarily: "Don't remove makeup is bad for your health, don't you know?"

Wang Ai bowed deeply to the mirror, and let Shi Wenjun turn on the faucet and wipe it gently on his face. This tenderness refreshed Wang Ai faster than food, and he couldn't help reaching out...


"Hands are heavy."

Wang Ai retracted his hand and shook it: "You wait for the night, look at how much I weigh!"

"If you can't die again, who are you going to scare you? You're still my little girl and don't dare to say anything when you say it?" Shi Wenjun continued to wash Wang Ai's face.

"It's time to wait, right?"

Shi Wenjun snorted twice: "If you can't do it, I'll do it myself, and I'll give you medicine."

Wang Ai's face was still water, so she tilted her head and looked at the little beauty from the bottom up: "Do you understand implicitly, implicitly? You don't want to be like a lion."

Shi Wenjun chuckled and gave Wang Ai a small slap: "Be honest!"

After washing her face and feeling refreshed, Wang Ai went back to the restaurant and ate haise: "What about them?"

"Those who take children take children, and those who do sports do sports." Shi Wenjun sat opposite Wang Ai and watched Wang Ai eat.

"Is something wrong?" Wang Ai asked strangely.

Shi Wenjun shook his head: "It's okay, I just want to see my man."

Wang Ai smiled and said, "I stripped it all up at night so you can watch it casually."

Shi Wenjun laughed and suddenly said, "Should you and Qinglian do things?"

Wang Ai froze and shook his head: "I don't have time, there are hundreds of letters to write, how can I have time? She has to do scientific research, I help her in the morning and practice ball in the afternoon, there is no time at all on this day. This is not easy. The national team is fine on game day, and I'm back with a lot of commercial contracts, too much work to do."

Shi Wenjun listened quietly, and waited until Wang Ai finally finished speaking: "But you have to take your wedding photos, right? Otherwise, what photos do you write to send?"

"Let's talk about it later." Wang Ai said indifferently: "After the World Cup next year, I should be able to spare some time, right? When the time comes to tidy up together, the key is when Qinglian can let go of her work, and she must be so busy. , she doesn't necessarily have the heart to do this. Many letters have to be written by her, and I will name them. "

Shi Wenjun blinked and looked at Wang Ai for a long time, then suddenly said, "She is pregnant, don't you know?"

"Ah?" Wang Ai swallowed the contents of his mouth dryly: "I don't know, when did it happen?"

Shi Wenjun rolled his eyes fiercely, and then held his forehead helplessly: "How did you become a man? When did you start preparing for pregnancy?"

"Uh... It seems that I haven't worn it since I went to the UK. You know, according to our frequency, every day. But she doesn't need that much, maybe once a week?"

"What do you ask me?"

"She thinks it's too much trouble to clean up. She is very tired of doing scientific research. She can't play with me for as long as before, and she has no interest. Sometimes she wants to sleep just to deal with me and let me taste the sweetness. Go to the bathroom."

"You two are really!" Shi Wenjun couldn't help but hate it: "A pair of crazy people are born!"

Wang Ai hehe twice, Shi Wenjun asked again, "When was the last time you two?"

"It seems... before they went to Cyprus, after they came back... well, just in time for me to get used to sleeping alone, then I couldn't get used to it, she was unwell, and then she was not interested... You mean she went Cyprus was pregnant before? And didn't tell me?"

"Hum!" Shi Wenjun stood up and took a photo of the table: "Hurry up and take a picture to save your stomach!"

"Then why didn't she tell me? I have to ask."

"You figure it out for yourself, how do I know what happened to you? Also, go after you're full, don't be hungry again for a while."

Wang Ai thought about it too, and quickly took this opportunity to think about it, eating and thinking, as if she didn't offend Damei.

I don't understand, just as the meal was over, Wang Ai went to the yard as soon as he tidied up his things, and found that the door of the swimming room was open, Leoni and Huang Xin were fluttering in the water with their two sons, and Xu Qinglian was sitting on the shore. Going to undress.

"Hey my sister, it's best not to go into the water when you're pregnant, don't you know?" Wang Ai took two steps and quickly grabbed Xu Qinglian.

"It's okay, I'll take it easy." Xu Qinglian struggled.

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, then it will be four months later, and seven months ago. How long have you been pregnant?"

Xu Qinglian rolled her eyes at Wang Ai: "Guess what."

Wang Ai pointed and counted: "Two months?"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Do not want to tell you!"

Wang Ai sighed, and sat on the reclining chair by the shore with Xu Qinglian in her arms. In the blue pool in front of them, people of all sizes were still playing, and her daughter Wang Hongzhuang, holding a cartoon swimming ring, was also cautiously launching into the water.

Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian just watched a bunch of people making noise, and after a while, Wang Ai whispered into Xu Qinglian's ear: "What am I doing wrong to you, don't be angry with yourself. If Xiaomei reminded me today, I didn't notice it at all, and I was too careless. Did you go to Cyprus because of this? Do you want to have a good time before you can't move freely? Tell me, I will accompany you when I ask for leave."

Xu Qinglian turned her face to look at Wang Ai's sincere eyes, suddenly smiled, and kissed Wang Ai's mouth: "If a woman doesn't say this, how can a man know? I'm just not used to it, if you hadn't been persuading me , I originally wanted to finish the work at hand and then talk about it. So I didn't cooperate much, and I always secretly washed it off, hee hee. Maybe your seed vitality is too strong, I accidentally hit it Oh, alas!"

Wang Ai also sighed: "Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to conceive if you get too old? What if?"

"But my work is not finished yet, the fruit of my hard work!"

"I'll do it for you, so why don't I go to school for this?"


"...Of course it's yours, I'm your assistant." Wang Ai bit Xu Qinglian's earlobe with a smile: "Be careful, when did I say I was going to rob you of the fruits of your labor? It's okay if I don't sign it?"

Xu Qinglian laughed and leaned back for some reason: "Okay."

The children were noisy enough, they were going upstairs to sleep, and Wang Ai also came out of the gym. When Shi Wenjun settled down from the upstairs and settled the child, he saw Wang Ai teasing Xu Qinglian: "Tell me when you can't do it? I'm the four beauty tools that I've been waiting for for a long time."

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