Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 74: Such as soup, such as boiling (4)

"You are so ruthless that you made people cry." Leoni sat on the cushion in the gym and watched Wang Ai's sweat dripping down: "Others thought he was too ugly to lose the game, But as soon as I saw it, I knew it was because of you that you lost confidence and didn't want to play football."

Wang Ai hung up the barbell without saying a word, bent over to adjust the knee pads and ankle pads, and did squats against the barbell again.

"Hey, talk, don't you want to share the 5:1 victory with me?" Leonie started to move with the fitness ball in her arms, her mouth kept talking.

"What?" Wang Ai said gruffly: "Competitive sports are cruel, how old is this?"

"Well, then?" Leoni originally disagreed with Wang Ai's practice tonight, so she deliberately teased Wang Ai with her words.

Wang Ai had no choice but to keep his mouth shut and insisted on finishing the movement before putting down the barbell with a bang. He pulled the towel and said "wait for me to come out" before entering the bathroom. After rushing for five minutes, he came out and took Leoni's The glass was drained in one gulp before sitting down.

"The cruelty of competitive sports has always been shown in elimination. No matter how long you have been preparing, no matter how hard you have prepared, if you are on stage and compete for three minutes, you will be nothing if you fail. In competitive sports, there is a saying that you will succeed if you don't work hard. In most cases, working hard and working hard enough is just so you can still eat this bowl of rice." Wang Ai shook his head: "In football, the number one sport, the cruelty is much deeper. For example, the five major leagues from Which one of the global recruiters is not a genius when he was a child? It is only when the talents are gathered. But they are all held to compete, and it is even more uncomfortable to lose, I mean psychologically uncomfortable. "

"Have you ever had a time like this?"

"There was no time when they were so miserable, but there were similar ones." Wang Ai stood up and hugged Leoni out of the gym, and turned off the lights: "When I was a child, my family conditions were very bad, alas, I still remember my six On my birthday, my mother boiled two eggs for me, and I ate it like something, I ate one and kept one, and it stinks after three days."

Leoni didn't speak, and while accompanying Wang Ai upstairs, she tightly wrapped her arms around Wang Ai's arm.

"I just wanted to practice at that time. I knew that my family conditions were not good, and I couldn't build a foundation for my body. My parents were not tall and their physical fitness was average, so I practiced my skills vigorously. All my skills now , including running, jumping, dribbling, passing, shooting and even running without the ball, game reading are all the foundations laid at that time."

While the two were talking, they came to the third floor. Wang Ai opened the study and took a look, and found that the computer was closed, and the windows were closed tightly. , I'm the eldest. I was busy studying for a year in junior high school and didn't practice together. I joined the school team in high school. We are six or seven years old. My body is much better than my peers, so I can barely hang out with the school team. Now that I think about it, a lot of times, whether it's my classmates or my opponents, I give way to me, but I didn't know it at the time, I thought it was okay at the time The real despair is that after entering BJ, Lao Gao took me away from the High School Affiliated to the National People's Congress, and I provoked him. He was only 33 at the time, and his blood was not cold at the time. His former teammates, the senior team, played a game."

Wang Ai sat on the bed and sighed heavily: "Damn, it's really disrespectful. Although no one could grab the ball under my feet in that game, they played with their bodies, either hitting me or blocking me, and they would pull me if they didn't. , I am only 12, how could I have done them?"

"Does Director Gao still have such a black history?"

"Ah, he's heavy and simple, but the clay figurine still has three points of anger, don't you know how bad my mouth is? At that time, I just studied philosophy and psychology, and I always wanted to find someone to practice and bully him. Graduating from junior high school is as hard as playing.”

"And then your mind collapsed?"

Wang Ai glanced at Leoni, pulled her over, took a few bites in his arms: "Fuck it, I still had the confidence back then, after all my skills are really good, I just thought about it. It's you who waited for me to grow up, and **** you!"

"Then you're still talking about this?"

"Alas." Wang Ai sighed again: "If you have confidence, you will have confidence, but there is also despair. After the physical gap is large to a certain extent, the technology will be useless. If there is no skin, the hair will not be attached. The first time I deeply realized the importance of the body. In addition, I started to enter puberty, the last opportunity for growth and development in my life, if I miss it, I will be finished, and it is from then on that I started to practice my body like crazy.”

"My father is 1.75 meters, our mother is 1.62 meters, and you are 1.92 meters. Is this how you practiced?"

"On the one hand." Wang Ai nodded: "On the other hand, the conditions of the family are good. When we first planted flowers in our family, it was not bad for me to eat in one bite, but it became a habit. When I was 10 years old, I was in high school, and my family opened a factory and hired thousands of people before I was willing to feed me."

"Huang Xin knew you at that time, right?"

"No? At that time, our family bought a house in the city, and moved to the public security area for safety, just to go out and go to a place like the police. I remember when Huang Xin first came, my parents were too busy, and she taught me lessons. Help me cook, the first time I opened our freezer, I pointed at the lobster for a long time and dared not move, she didn't know it, she thought it was a monster, haha."

"Lobster, what else are you eating?"

"What is delicious and what to eat, I was growing up and I was greedy at that time, and I wanted it in various ways. My parents also came back to it at this time. They felt that they owed me when I was a child. Anyway, as long as I ordered, they would buy it for me. Of course. At that time, I didn’t have much vision, and the food I ate was meat or something, and I only knew lobsters that were delivered by customers. If now, I have to let them airlift me from abroad to be worthy of me.”


"Yes." Wang Ai nodded: "At that time, I was nervous in class. My parents should have read some books and made big bones for me when they had time. The intake of protein and calcium was guaranteed. Later, they also went to the country. In the early days, Lao Gao took me with me like my father, taught me everything, and I ate more scientifically, catching up with the development of my body, and it was aroused in no time."

"So." Leoni leaned against Wang Ai's arms and looked up at him: "You didn't get any real blow, but how can you beat others so hard?"

Wang Ai glanced down at the lion, and his expression returned to his grim look: "Competitive sports are so cruel, and attacking them is also to maintain the dignity of superstars, and dignity is style, style is authority, authority is status, and status is income."

"As for them, who asked them to eat this bowl of rice to provoke me?" Wang Ai stroked the lion's hair.

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