Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 86: The Birth of a Ball King (6)

In the eyes of Wang Ai's friends, Shi Wenjun is relatively low-key and backward, far worse than Xu Qinglian and Leoni. Except for Cha Peixin, Wang Ai's supervisor, no one knew in detail about her relationship with Wang Ai. Huang Xin is similar, especially Kang Si, who has been extremely low-key in recent years. Even Leoni has only a few people in the football circle. For example, Lao Gao and his wife know that she has given birth to a child for Wang Ai, and her teammates are at best guessing.

Shi Wenjun's job rotation to Beyond Sports has long been decided. Her greeting to Zhao Junzhe this time is also for the convenience of her future work.

While she was staying in Manchester to rest and prepare to accompany her to Zurich tomorrow, Zhang Jilong and Shen Xiangfu had also arrived in Newcastle. After watching the game, Shen Xiangfu accompanied Wang Ai to Zurich, while Zhang Jilong went alone to represent the AFC and FIFA talks.

In the hotel where the two settled that night, Wang Ai and Leoni visited together. In addition to giving the ball tickets and talking about the prospect of the Golden Globe Award, they focused on Bai Guanghai's proposal, which caused an uproar at the top of the domestic football scene. It is very clear to Zhang Jilong that he does not need this honor, nor does he want this honor, and asked Zhang Jilong to convey it to his superiors.

After the two left, Shen Xiangfu said: "It seems that they also disagree, what should we do?"

Zhang Jilong laughed happily: "We can't control it, we just tell the family and let them worry."

Shen Xiangfu smiled and nodded after listening, and suddenly asked, "Leader, do you think this should be done or not?"

Zhang Jilong glanced at Shen Xiangfu with a smile, and Shen Xiangfu hurriedly explained: "I'm just curious and want to hear the leadership's advice."

Zhang Jilong shook his head and pondered for a moment before sighing: "It's too late, Xiaobai's proposal is too late."

"Oh?" Shen Xiangfu straightened up: "Why is it too late? Most people think it's too early."

"If it was three years ago, when the World Cup champion just won, with his absolute core and even leadership, it would not be too much to give him the title of football champion. His contribution to Chinese football is even higher than Pele's contribution to Brazil and Maradona. Argentina's contribution. But now, next year's World Cup takes the lead, and these players are at their peak again. Although they have been vaccinated from top to bottom, in fact, everyone feels that they can defend their championship. The risk here is too great. This year Give him the title, next year will not be as expected, and the family still has concerns."

"What about the top?" Shen Xiangfu pointed to the ceiling.

"After all, this is the work of the Football Association itself, and the superiors usually don't interfere. Of course, football is special, and Xiao Wang'er is special, so the superiors must also be concerned about it, but generally they will not stop it. It's a big deal. Big or small, it’s a positive thing, and Xiao Wang’er is especially liked by his superiors, so in the final analysis, it’s a matter of the Football Association.”

Shen Xiangfu listened, nodded, and when Zhang Jilong finished speaking, he said, "I have also talked with a few old friends these days, and everyone's opinions are very mixed."

Zhang Jilong nodded and shook his head again: "Everyone's opinion can't be said to be unimportant, but it can be expected that it is nothing more than support and worry, but basically no one will object. Is there no suitable reason for objection? What Xiao Wanger has done these years It's really outstanding. Personally, I don't think it's a big deal to give him a football champion. He deserves it. In our country, people pay attention to the people's view of history, so I'm generally more cautious about highlighting personal matters. What's the situation? A player has won all the championships and honors he can get from a young age. Don't forget, what our football was like just ten years ago. If you forget, Just look at what the next batch will look like, how rare it is to have a character like him."

Shen Xiangfu was very emotional when he heard the sound, got up and poured two cups of tea, and pushed a cup to the leader: "Yeah, I led the team to Athens ten years ago. If you don’t go or go, it’s also a round trip, and you can’t even win. Sometimes I can’t sleep in the middle of the night and wonder if it’s true, it’s too fake, we don’t have that foundation.”

"This is the second reason for giving him the title." Zhang Jilong raised his palm: "He does not improve alone, but leads a group of people to improve, not only to lead the breakthrough in performance but also to extensively arrange the long-term development of the football career. Young League, Liaoning Women's League, football legal system reform, football culture construction, football infrastructure construction, there are many and many aspects. If others take out one item, they dare to call the champion, not to mention that he has won so much? No matter what else, As for the investors of more than 8,000 civilian stadiums across the country, it is appropriate to say that he has made outstanding long-term contributions to Chinese football, and to praise him as the Chinese football champion, I don’t think anyone can object.”

At this time, in another room of the hotel, Bai Guanghai, who came to visit the two leaders earlier than Wang Ai, was also analyzing the possible attitude of the Football Association with Zhao Junzhe.

"Simple." Lao Bai put his legs on the coffee table: "The Football Association is definitely willing, seeing that the next batch of people will die, and the next batch of people will be your children who don't know yet. Wang, when the fans scold the street again in the future, there will be a shield. The king of football will explain to you whether you will listen or not? Besides, the champion of football is awarded by the Football Association after all. No matter how high it is, it is under the Football Association. Team Ai' is always under control, and it can also improve the status of the Football Association. After all, isn't it possible to cultivate a champion? Just like the Badminton Association, is it a good leader to cultivate a Lin Dan? The Swimming Association cultivated Sun Yang and the Jump Association cultivated Guo Jingjing came out? The reason is the same, so the Football Association is just trying to figure out the timing, of course, it is also trying to figure out or wait for the clear opinion of the superiors. Director Wei Di definitely can't make his own decisions on such a big thing. "

"As for what?" Zhao Junzhe was startled and sat up from the bed.

"As for it?" Lao Bai picked up the can, and put it down with a sigh of relief: "There are 250 million Weibo fans, accounting for 77% of Weibo users, and the number of viewers of a live broadcast of a league match is never less than 5,000. Wan, major games often exceed 200 million! 1 out of 7 Chinese are his fans, excluding the elderly and young children, almost all adult men are! You say, as for it?"

Zhao Junzhe took a deep breath and slowly exhaled: "It's not like that."

"It's not like? Is that a thing like it? It's all public statistics!"

"No." Zhao Junzhe slammed down on the bed and looked at the ceiling: "I mean, he's not like such a powerful person."

"Fuck, who looks like it?" Lao Bai drank the can and threw it into the corner: "It's even more amazing because it doesn't look like it! This is called, this is called a **** return to the original!"

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