Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 98: Colorful clouds flying in the mountains (8)

"He is a beating without society!"

Returning to the quiet home again, Wang Ai put his arms around Shi Wenjun's waist and leaned against the window of the corridor on the third floor: "He is still a child in his mind, and he will eventually become like a normal person after his addiction is over. Well, when there is no satisfaction, especially when people of the same level are mixed together, there is always a comparison. At that time, he will know that I have arranged for today, and I am not a superstar, but the only heir of Northern Light Industry can be Talking at any time, no matter how many people ask for it. Even if he doesn't do anything at that time, he just needs to put the photo of the two of us on the home or the lobby of the business he opened. I dare not say anything else, Liaoyang That one-third of an acre of land can ward off evil spirits!"

"How can you say that about yourself?" Xiaomei whispered angrily in Wang Ai's arms.

Wang Ai glanced down at her and laughed, "A good wife and good mother, oh no, the red sleeves add fragrance?"

Xiaomei gave Wang Ai a white look, and continued leaning in his arms to look out the window at the silent mountains and forests in winter. Although this was a foreign land, this quiet moment seemed to be the water town in her dream.

After a long time, Xiaomei asked: "Don't you need to go back to this country on the game day?"

Wang Ai shook his head: "Our tactical system has been formed, and the main body of the team has been fighting side by side for ten years. They no longer need any warm-up games to strengthen their tacit understanding. Instead, they are too tired to keep us from being injured."

Xiaomei nodded: "That's right. At this time, the warm-up match is not good or bad. It's better not to do it. Then, let's have a good year?"

Meeting Xiaomei's hopeful eyes, Wang Ai nodded decisively: "There are exactly four of us, including the eight guards in the family, half of them are men and women. By then, it will be very rich for one person to cook two special dishes."

"Then I'll go grocery shopping, buy... Eh, you have to let Zhao Dan go back, right? They've been married for half a year."

"Well, that's right, that's 9 people, 18 dishes, auspicious!" Wang Ai smiled: "By the way, I'll call the consulate in a while and ask where to buy red lanterns, red paper, etc. Yours Is the calligraphy alright?"

"Okay!" Shi Wenjun nodded: "Then you provide the content?"

"Okay, I'll start thinking about it now. Well, by the way, the children of Young Master Liao will be leaving in two days. Let's invite the family over for a meal, just in time for the new year."

"Okay, by the way, can you come back on New Year's Eve?"

"Enough." Wang Ai frowned: "The game started at 8:30 in the evening, and it was over at 10 o'clock. I asked the airline if they had any. I really can't pack a small plane. Anyway, it's a short distance."

"Then why don't you get home at twelve o'clock? The bj time is the morning of the first day of the new year." Xiaomei also frowned: "Oh, it's still not right. If you are at home in the afternoon, we can still eat New Year's Eve together in the evening. Dinner."

"Why don't I take a leave of absence. Tottenham is also a mid-tier team anyway, and we have points now..."

"Don't." After rejecting Xiaomei, she suddenly laughed: "I'm just an idea, it's not worth your delay, but you have always been known for your dedication. Besides, we are not very old, and our parents are in their early 50s. There will be many opportunities to celebrate the festival together in the future.”

Wang Ai pursed his lips: "I'll try to rush back as much as possible. If we have dinner in the middle of the night, they happen to be having breakfast on the first day of the new year. It's okay. At most, they will cooperate with us for the New Year's Eve dinner. I'll be back sooner than later. We cooperate with them."

Shi Wenjun thought for a while, and finally nodded, holding Wang Ai face to face and sticking it on his chest: "Back then, no matter what, I never imagined that the child who suddenly appeared and ran away from my house could, actually be able to..."

"Is it possible to take your pants off one day?"

Xiaomei raised her head and glared fiercely, and then lowered her head again: "Let me lean on his chest and look forward to a beautiful festival together, you looked unreliable at that time, not a little bit, and you were smiling, like... …”

Xiaomei suddenly reached out and pinched Wang Ai's face: "Like now! Let you laugh! Let you be indifferent! Let you think about those things all day long!"

When Xiaomei had enough to vent, Wang Ai put her arms around her waist: "Do you think that those talented and beautiful people in ancient times would spend all day reciting poetry and painting in the house? Playing the piano and playing chess? Where did their children come from? Although taking the university entrance exam is considered cheating, it can’t be considered later, right? Especially the agricultural environmental science in Milan and the mathematics in Munich, all of which I gnashed my teeth and distorted my facial features?”

Xiaomei giggled, and Wang Ai lowered her head and pressed her forehead against Xiaomei's clean forehead: "What about you, beautiful woman. You have the face, the figure, the sentiment, the virtue, and the ability, so I think the ancient red sleeves In the stories of Tian Xiang, there is no lack of our current content."

Xiaomei pursed her lips and looked directly into Wang Ai's eyes while listening, and suddenly said, "Close your eyes."

Wang Ai was obedient, and felt that Xiaomei was hugging her tightly, and then said, "How do you feel about your figure? You are not allowed to lie, can you feel that it is a woman? Don't touch it!"

Wang Ai sighed and opened his eyes: "My little beauty, after all, is different. When the economic conditions were bad, it was the material basis for parenting, so there was that kind of aesthetics. Now it is no longer necessary, and the aesthetics will change. Aesthetics It is a superstructure, and it has to change with the changes in the economic base, so don’t feel inferior, okay? I have never disliked it. You didn’t say that it hurts to be licked by me the morning before yesterday…”

"Shut up!" Xiaomei punched Wang Ai with a smile on her face: "I'm going shopping, you can go to the club too."

Wang Ai opened his hands and sniffed the residual aroma with nostalgia: "I thought there would be an overtime game at noon."

"You're a planter, you're boring!" Xiaomei said angrily, but she saw Wang Ai stepped forward and quickly stepped back: "No, wait for the night, which time it's not what you want?"

Wang Ai stopped and said suspiciously, "The lion is gone, can you do it alone?"

Shi Wenjun tilted his head with a smile and looked at the arrogant man, but he was still blissful after condensing his face: "The slave family is weak, please pity you."

Wang Ai opened his hands with a smile, and finally clasped his fists and saluted: "Xiaosheng...No!"

Xiaomei was stunned for a moment and finally broke out, and she came up to punch and kick: "How dare you not say it according to the words!"

Wang Ai protested while hugging his head and being beaten: "Have I never been out of writing, oops!"

The two went downstairs happily after arguing for a while. To say that Wang Ai is also cheap, he is afraid of Xiaomei or someone who is wronged. .

Wang Ai went out to the club, and Xiaomei brought her team to go to the supermarket. When both groups reached the door, Xiaomei suddenly asked, "Can the lion make this trip back?"

"Wait for the call, I guess it's about the same." Wang Ai smiled: "I mentioned it to my senior sister before, but this time she actually invited her by name."

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