Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 122: Go straight to the championship (2)

The heavyweight host followed the film for five days, not to mention Wang Ai himself, Wang Ai's stakeholders, not only his family, but also friends and partners will watch it.

When eating breakfast, Wang Ai looked at the information on the black mobile phone and couldn't help but sigh and speed up the meal, but he couldn't eat too much and the show started halfway through, so he had to go to the bedroom on the third floor with a plate and turned on the computer. Tune in to CCTV and watch while eating.

According to the introduction in Shui Junyi's text message, the filming material will be cut into a five-hour interview, but the TV time is not enough and cannot be given that long, so only one and a half hours will be shown on the TV.

At 2:30 p.m. bj time, and 7:30 a.m. British time, Wang Ai was drinking milk, Shi Wenjun was nibbling on apples, and Shui Junyi was wearing a suit on the screen in front of him. Saying he is the hope of Chinese football, five years ago we said he was the breakthrough of Chinese football, and today he has reached the pinnacle of world football. Although he has almost never left our field of vision in these ten years, looking back we are still curious , how did he jump from an Asian teenager who received professional training very late to a star on the same level as Maradona, how did he spend and complete the super giant war that shocked the world in the first two seasons, he is now in What are you doing in your spare time?"

After leaving enough suspense, Shui Junyi paused: "Before the Spring Festival, we went to Wang Ai's home in Manchester and conducted a five-day follow-up interview. Please follow our camera to see his home. one look."

Next is a half-minute clip, including the yard and main building of Wang Ai's house, the greetings of several people when they meet at the airport, the chatter and laughter at the breakfast table, and the laughter of many Manchester City stars on the training ground and the gymnasium. Li Wang Ai was sweating like rain. In addition, there is a ten-second glimpse of the interior of Wang Ai's house, from the first floor, second floor, third floor of the front yard and back yard, and even a lady and wiwi.

When the dog and the cat arrived at Wang Ai's house, Kang Si had already left, and after Kang Si came back for a while, she also sent them to Wang Ai's Weibo. After Li Jun came, Xiao Gui and Cao Sui, the photos of cats and dogs in recent years are the only content on Wang Ai's Weibo except football, so it is quite well-known.

After the film, there was a pitch-dark night and white air that could be seen breathing. The back of Shui Junyi, who was bloated in a down jacket, appeared in the camera. He turned back to the camera and said, "This is an ordinary English morning. There are still two hours before the sunrise, and Wang Ai has already started a day of morning exercises..."

Seeing that Wang Ai has lost interest here, the content that is of great interest to fans across the country is the life he has to live every day, so this morning when Wenjun accompanied him, there was still a bit of turbulence, and he was usually not distracted. So I accelerated the speed of eating, and went downstairs to deliver a plate in the middle, and it was almost broadcast when I came back.

"I know why you didn't go to the training ground, you revealed it before, he forgot."

After returning, Shi Wenjun pointed to the computer screen where he was going home together after sunrise: "You are afraid of being institutionalized, and you seek certain freedom in this way. Your training ground is a jungle in the mountains. Audience, no camera, no one cares if you are bare-ass."

Wang Ai sneered, pulled a chair and put it in front of the sofa, put his legs up and stretched: "It's rare to be lazy and feel sleepy, the next show is boring, why don't you watch me sleep? "

"I think it's beautiful, but you're not shooting me? In fact, we can all predict the direction and characterization of the show, and you didn't offend anyone."

Wang Ai snorted: "Okay, they kindly took pictures for me. If I encounter any questions in the future, I will be ashamed if I can't answer them."

Shi Wenjun didn't say anything and leaned on Wang Ai's shoulder. The two just talked and watched the whole film silently.

"The part that visits you accounts for a large proportion." Shi Wenjun closed the page and turned back: "Don't you say that it is mainly to show the content of your life? It seems that the title of the scheduled film is "The Real Little Wang'er"?"

"It's still a true lie." Wang Ai smiled and pulled Shi Wenjun's arm into his arms: "What should I do, I just like to hold you?"

"I'll hug you, but I'm not forbidding you to hug me, why don't I ask you a question?"

"Maybe the Football Association played a role? I think it should help the Football Association to promote the construction of football culture, that is, through the focus adjustment of this program, to warm up the special meeting in the second half of the year. I have said so much, and I have made it clear. If you know what I'm going to do next, those who eat this bowl of rice must think more about it, right?"

"It should be, in a program that reveals the secrets of the life of the quasi-ball king, through your life clips and work content to reveal the next development direction of Chinese football, this is a case in the case."

Wang Ai laughed: "Anyway, I don't have much to say about myself. In fact, the scattered interviews over the years have not been interrupted. If it wasn't for me changing clubs, everyone would have nothing new. That's fine. I went to pay attention to the new problems of Chinese football, and everyone followed me to pay attention. The problems were solved, at least they were alleviated, and my freshness was maintained. Fans are always changing from generation to generation. I went to the World Cup in Korea and Japan. At the time, it was mainly the post-70s generation, and now they are all post-80s and post-90s, and I have to adjust my own words and deeds according to everyone’s feedback.”

"Then find some little girls."

Wang Ai paused, his arms crossed Shi Wenjun's shoulders and drooped down, and made some mischief: "The woman is a tiger, I am Wu Song, but no matter how strong I am, I can't provoke a group of tigers, right? Now I see Women with bright eyes all turn away."

"Including Shakira?"

"Why aren't you finished? I just showed a little interest."

"As you said, the two of you have the right status." Shi Wenjun teased Wang Ai, and seeing that the man was a little impatient, he said, "Suppose I have the opportunity to introduce her to you, would you like to?"

"Why not?" Wang Ai said quite frankly: "Suzanne is also a famous person, right? I also met when I was in Italy. Our family often walks around, hangs out, eats, etc. I will give it to Suzanne. Introduce work."

"That's true, she is still a model beyond entertainment."

"Really? Shakira too. If I have the chance, I would like to meet her and chat. For nothing else, she is so confident and independent on the stage, and I am naturally curious about her in life. Satisfaction Just like, some beautiful things should belong to oneself, and some should belong to the public."

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