Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 126: Go straight to the championship (6)

"Okay, my warm-up effect is pretty good." Wang Ai replied with a smile in the locker room.

His smile aroused laughter from his teammates, and also strengthened Pellegrini's determination: continue to defend and counterattack! With our one goal difference advantage, continue to put Barcelona in the game!

"When you have a chance, play fast break! Wang is waiting in front. When they come up in the second half, Wang will be much more relaxed, so don't pay too much attention to the timing of passing and your footwork. It's almost enough, let Wang fight for it."

Pellegrini finally saw the opportunity to completely defeat Barcelona, ​​a rare high spirit.

After just 15 minutes, the Manchester City team walked out of the locker room confidently and stepped on the turf amid the soaring abuse. Wang Ai was attracted by a scream when he walked out of the passage. It turned out that it was two local fans who saw that Wang Ai was too calm. Shout out on purpose. When Wang Ai turned back, they attacked Wang Ai with the worst language and gestures.

Wang Ai shrugged: 45 minutes later, let you cry!

At the beginning of the game, Pique followed out of breath. In the first half, Pique played well. During the midfield commentary, the Chilean also praised him, saying that he played 120% of his usual ability today, marking people and running. Bits and truncations have amazing performance.

Chileans don't know that Wang Ai "thought" about Shakira some time ago, but the effect was achieved. Wang Ai didn't like Pique, and he was in the opposite position, so come on!

In the 49th minute of the second half, David Silva made a straight pass just after the middle circle. Pique, who was behind Wang Ai, had already experienced Wang Ai's power and did not dare to go around and steal, but kept pushing Wang Ai's With his body, Wang Ai stumbled forward with the help of his strength, and concealed the movements of his feet. When Pique found something wrong, the football had already been rubbed diagonally back by Wang Ai with the soles of his feet, and the people followed him around.

Pique chased with his teeth and claws, and Alves, who was ordered to defend and was highly vigilant, charged at high speed diagonally. Wang Ai grabbed the ball back before he stepped out, retracted his thighs, and ran in Alves. After a moment, start with the ball.

The scratched Alves couldn't stand, and fell to the ground in a circle, and in front of Wang Ai was Valdes alone.

Wang Ai, who was dribbling the ball, raised his head and glanced at poor Valdes with a half-smile: "Can't you come out?"

Valdés hesitated for a moment, but chose to attack. There is no point in stopping him, but there is always a reason for the attack.

Wang Ai faked, Valdez fell obediently, and then Wang Ai pushed a shot from a small angle and hit the close corner.

Most of the Camp Nou was silent, and the younger half of the Camp Nou sang and danced.

"The Champions League quarter-finals, here we come!"

This is one of the most vigorously waved visiting team banners.

The Cosmos team was devastated by Wang Ai's invincible performance that integrated technology, body, consciousness, and speed. Just like Messi couldn't win the European Golden Boot no matter how hard he tried, the invincible Cosmos team could not win no matter what. Can't escape cheap on the Chinese.

When Wang Ai passed by Pique, the angry and irrational little licking dog bumped him with the shoulder, and then he felt that he had made a big accident and fell to the ground exaggeratedly. Unexpectedly, Wang Ai himself just swayed and didn't even look at him. Instead, he opened his arms to the teammates who had rushed over to celebrate, but now looked angry, causing the teammates to hug him in relief for a while.

The referee turned a blind eye to Pique's poor performance and neither gave him a red card nor questioned Wang Ai.

Maybe it's sympathy for the losers.

The Cosmos team, which was behind with a total score of 1:3, just like Pique's "non-gentlemanship", launched an all-out attack, including but not limited to pushing people, kicking people, besieging the referee... The crazy attack forced Manchester City to be unable to draw The energy to counterattack was even startled. Regardless of how the Chilean cheered on the sidelines, Manchester City was still in a hurry, allowing the opponent to recover a goal in the 70th minute of the game.

Taking advantage of the brief restart of the ball, the Chilean engineer was extremely angry, and he explained loudly to the players: "To the king, to the king! Don't be afraid that you can't catch it when you give it, his physical strength is infinite, he is a nuclear dynamic!"

Wang Ai smiled when he heard the sound: "I have nuclear pollution, be careful to become Hulk!"

Negredo, who had just been replaced, couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

The Chilean glanced at the two of them angrily. Thanks to his usual tolerance, more and more team members laughed. He had no choice but to wave his hand: "Go, go, I hope you can laugh like this in half an hour. !"

Everyone actually listened to what he said. He has a good temper and good grades. Now is the honeymoon period for teachers and students. Therefore, Manchester City abandoned the ground pass and control play that had been modified since the beginning of the season. In the backcourt, he played a high ball to look for Wang Ai. Negredo strengthened the control of the ball under his feet, and the efficiency of the ball was getting higher and higher.

In the 81st minute of the game, it was he who accidentally sent a big winger to help Wang Ai use his speed to get rid of the entanglement of Barcelona's backcourt and grab the first point, and then he quickly plugged in to help Wang Ai distract his attention, making Wang Ai get the first point. The latter broke through near the bottom line, hit Valdez's crotch with precision, and increased the total score to 2 goals again.

As soon as the goal was scored, the cheers of less than one-third of the Manchester City fans seemed to ignite the entire Camp Nou. The Englishman's field of vision was full of Wang Ai and Negredo hugging, even though there were more than 10 minutes left in the game. In minutes, victory seemed to have come.

The guests smiled and applauded. Of course, they didn't show any strong emotions on their faces, but they all knew in their hearts: Team Cosmos's Champions League tour this season is over. They have been knocked out of pride by the Chinese! Even though they won't admit it, they'll struggle desperately for the rest of the time.

Many also turned their attention to a gray-haired Chilean, a South American of Italian descent who was about to create a new miracle.

At 5:50 a.m. bj time and 10:50 a.m. Spanish time, with the powerful whistle of the referee, a super-giant dialogue that attracted much attention in the knockout round of the 1314 UEFA Champions League came to an end: the efficiency king once again defeated the Son of Destiny, Leading another new Champions League team headed forward.

And behind him, there is a tragic Barcelona.

After the game, TV stations in many countries aimed at Wang Ai, who was celebrating with his teammates, and Messi, who silently bowed his head and left the stadium. Some TV stations also found out the data of the direct confrontation between the two sides: Wang Ai was in Chelsea three times. , 2 times during Inter Milan, 1 time during Bayern, plus 2 times at Manchester City, the outcome ratio is 8:0!

From the 0405 season to the 1314 season, as long as Wang Ai played no matter which team, Barcelona lost all!

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