Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 144: long overdue (4)

Wang Ai sent Kang Si to the corner of the third floor, and watched Kang Si wave goodbye before pushing open the door of the other bedroom.

Leoni looked up from the bed and said in surprise, "No?"

"What do you want?" Wang Ai said, pulling the quilt off and going to bed, "I thought you were here, so I agreed to another day."

"Am I such a bad person?" Leoni turned over, her gray-green eyes flashing in the night.

"It's me, I'm still a little worried about her." Wang Ai stroked Leoni's hair: "If something changes like that, then why bother now. After so many years of waiting, it's not bad. I've been lucky enough to have you for a few months, no more than now."

Leoni lay on Wang Ai's chest: "The last one in our family, isn't it?"

"Of course, you have already filled my heart." Wang Ai pulled the quilt on Leoni's quilt: "Go to sleep, my proud little lion."

The next morning, Wang Ai held a small family meeting in the study, and formally discussed the issues that he had thought about yesterday. letter, go out to the consulate by car, and ask the consulate to apply to the country on its behalf. Although it’s okay not to apply, but it’s not harmful to ask for more instructions and report more, and it can avoid some troubles.

When I came back from the consulate and found that the women were already discussing the Milan Fall Fashion Week, Wang Ai was helpless. Men inevitably want to talk about military affairs together, so they have to let women talk about fashion together. Wang Ai ignores them and continues to write his own letters.

At noon, I wrote three more letters and sent them to Xu Qinglian, who was still online. She had already eaten dinner and walked around the courtyard several times. She didn't say anything after receiving the email from Wang Ai. Instead, she picked up a folded piece of paper. Facing the camera, Wang Ai curiously approached the screen and asked her to stabilize her hand.

"Dr. Xu Qinglian, your manuscript of "Research on the Modern Enterprise System of China's Socialist Market Economy" has been received..."

Wang Ai said in surprise; "Is this delivered to the publishing house? Has the contract been signed?"

"It's early." The screen flashed, and Xu Qinglian's face reappeared with a smile: "I just signed the contract today. I said that I was pregnant and it was inconvenient to move around, so they came to the door."

"So powerful?" Wang Ai joked about his daughter-in-law.

"Whose is it?" After saying that, Xu Qinglian picked up the piece of paper again and pointed the bottom at the camera: "Can you see clearly? Renmin University of China Press!"

"Oh, my own person, no wonder." Wang Ai smiled: "When will it be available?"

"It's early." Xu Qinglian shook the piece of paper a little irritably and a little shiveringly: "Look, there are more than 60 revision opinions listed, large and small, from typos to chapter titles to length. , I was told that this is only the first trial, and there will be more in the future."

Speaking of this, Xu Qinglian suddenly thought of something: "Your daughter-in-law was bullied, don't you care?"

Wang Ai waved his hand: "Change the publishing house! I don't believe that there is no obedient one in such a big country! The big deal is that we have to pay for it ourselves."

Xu Qinglian immediately turned her face: "Who asked you to change the publishing house? I asked you to revise it. If you can make three or five typos in a hundred words, you can't tell the difference."

"I was busy playing football at that time." Wang Ai explained with a face.

"Playing football? Aren't you born again? You went to school five years more than others." Xu Qinglian sneered.

Wang Ai slapped the table: "Okay, bring it, I'll change it."

"Don't change it blindly?" Xu Qinglian hesitated instead; "The publishing house is very sincere, and the head of my department contacted me personally. He said that we are his own children, so we give priority to support. You know, our book Many of the views here are different from the mainstream ones, especially the part where you are in charge of writing. You are happy when you write, sneer and sneer at everything. I look at it with a big head. If this is not a reliable publishing house, it may be deleted. What does it look like? It's too much trouble for my lover to do the sequence. I asked two people and said I couldn't understand it, but in fact I didn't dare to write it."

Wang Ai was still smiling when he heard the person in front, but the person behind became angry: "How can there be so many Chinese people who can't find it? Our books are hard goods! If it really doesn't work, I'll ask Lao Ding, there are many bigwigs in the Academy of Social Sciences. I read our magazine regularly! Besides, other people's books are afraid of being unpopular, belied, and blocked, so they have to find a good preface, are we the same? Believe it or not, I can sell them in the sports world Go to 10,000 copies? If you think it’s not enough, I don’t need to speak publicly, just let people tell the wind that this is my wife’s masterpiece, and with everyone’s curiosity about you, Chinese fans can underwrite 10 million copies!”

Seeing the man's vigour, Xu Qinglian giggled: "Okay, alright, I'm just kidding you, many leaders have asked people to tell them that they hope to see it published as soon as possible, otherwise the publishing house will not be in such a hurry. It's not a problem. I'm just afraid that too much use of the brain during this time will delay the development of the fetus... Oh, how much did I delay in order to lay eggs for you?"

"Don't you have to leave in the morning and evening?" Wang Ai whispered and said quickly: "Okay, I'll come, I'll come, you can take a picture of the revision and send it to me."

Xu Qinglian took out her mobile phone and prepared to take a picture and explained: "You have to change it carefully. Each revised paragraph should be marked with colored fonts, and the original text should be kept for comparison. Also, don't always think that this is our work. We don’t need to say too much, as long as we put the truth out, it’s more useful than anything if we stand still. At this time, if you go to ridicule them, you will be inferior.”

"I understand." Wang Ai nodded seriously this time, "I'm not angry with them for talking nonsense."

"Nonsense..." Xu Qinglian lowered her head and took a photo seriously, took out the data cable and connected it to the computer: "Isn't it because of lack of knowledge?"

Looking up at the screen again, the man on the opposite side was giving a thumbs up honestly, Xu Qinglian laughed: "I was infected by you, I knew it before and wouldn't say it in my heart."

Wang Ai unfolded the photo here, and it was very troublesome to zoom in, so he discussed it while looking at it: "Then I will start to revise it now, um, you can take a look at the revision opinions first, and tell me if you are not satisfied, don't use your brain to tell me directly. It's okay if I feel good or not, I can understand."

Over there, Xu Qinglian hummed, and Wang Ai said again: "In this case, writing the letter will have to be delayed for a while. It happens that the matter is very important. After a long time, it may be possible to recall what has been rewritten and not written. ."

"It's not in a hurry anyway, but it's better if we have a family meal this summer and get rid of the program."

"The whole family?"

"The whole family."

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