Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 155: Flamenco by the sea (5)

Zhao Dan heard the sound and smiled: "About October, I have already agreed with her to return to domestic production at that time."

"Okay." Wang Ai nodded: "It's better to feel at ease in China. The two of you discuss when to go, so I can send someone to replace her. She can rest at home after maternity leave, and it doesn't matter if she takes a year off. Our family doesn't care about that. . If she wants to come out and work, there are a lot of jobs in China, and it's time for her to rotate."

"I will also hand over my work to Xiao Qian as soon as possible, and your next full-time security guard is coming soon."

"Okay." Wang Ai asked curiously, "Will you retire?"

"Probably not. Brother Yan and I had slightly different policies at that time." Speaking of this, Zhao Dan smiled: "I have been working outside for a long time, but I may not be able to adapt to it when I go back, so there is a high probability that I will revolve around you. ."

"That's great! I'm actually very reluctant to leave every partner, and I want to be together forever."

When Wang Ai and Zhao Dan were downstairs talking about their children's future as two fathers, Kang Si upstairs was confronted by lions and tigers. Still shivering. After finally coping with these two, Kang Si calmly called Ai Xiaoqing again.

Wang Ai didn't know what they were talking about, but when he went upstairs, he happened to see Kang Si hanging up while wiping tears, he couldn't help sighing and walked over and touched Kang Si's head: "No matter what, no matter what the result is, we will put it all together. You are family."

The domestic feedback was very fast. The next day, when Wang Ai was about to go south with the team to London, the assistant minister personally called Wang Ai. First, he praised Wang Ai's timely report for preparing the department, and affirmed the value of Kang Si. In the end, he teased Wang Ai that he was good at cultivating talents.

Wang Ai was in a happy mood when she heard the sound: "Actually, among the three countries of Kangsi, the Kingdom of Greece is just a dream, not even her dream. Spain is her hometown, but she doesn't have much affection. Her father died in her early years, and her mother I haven't seen her in a few years of indifference, and there is not much support from the royal family. So she has the deepest affection for China, and is happiest when she works in my family's business, and she is willing to work for the country."

After listening quietly, the assistant minister was very emotional: "We will never let any personal affairs disturb her, and her good feelings for China are worthy of our long-term cherishing."

Wang Ai was relieved: "Then will she get a red flag car and Diaoyutai when she comes to China in the future? She is much better than me."

Across the phone, the assistant minister laughed: "I'm a guest from afar."

After confirming some matters during the conversation, Wang Ai hung up the phone, and then explained to his family again: "Kang Si, a cadre of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will come to see you in the next two days. It is a special envoy without a title, and this is on behalf of China. The official initial contact with you. Normally, this will not happen, but who made you have a relationship with me and have a relationship with China? The Chinese official is willing to take this to express its importance to you, and you have to look at it correctly."

Cons nodded: "I will, just a little nervous."

"Don't be afraid." Wang Ai said with a smile: "It's a family, you can relax and do whatever you want. In fact, this is mainly procedural and ritual. Friendly foreigner, haven't you been upgraded to a foreign dignitary now? If you don't go through this process, it makes us Chinese uncivilized, doesn't it?"

Kang Si relaxed with a smile, and picked up two kittens and put them on her lap.

"Lion, stay and accompany Kang Si, she has no experience, you have." Wang Ai looked at Leoni: "Actually, you have always been active in the diplomatic activities between China and Germany. There are more scenes than me. In addition, the cadres of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are actually relatively unfamiliar with Kang Si, and they are more familiar with you, so you will be better able to talk with everyone. "

Leoni was satisfied after hearing Wang Ai's compliment, and motioned to the old lady to take over the job.

Then Wang Ai looked at Zhao Dan: "Brother Zhao, Kang Si has been working by my side all these years, you have always seen it in your eyes, you are an official representative and a witness, so you also stay to deal with this conversation."

Zhao Dan didn't say anything, just nodded. He understood Wang Ai's subtext, and the official representative might want to ask him to verify something in private.

After explaining this, Wang Ai brought the Qian Ziqiang team to join the team and head south to London to prepare for tomorrow's Champions League semi-final.

When the plane carrying the Manchester City team was parked at Heathrow Airport, Wang Ai looked out the window and sighed with emotion for a while: Compared with six years ago, of course, he is not what he used to be, but the little assistant who was unknown at that time is also shining now. .

Shortly after entering the hotel, the whole team went to Stamford Bridge to adapt to the venue. Pellegrini arranged a defensive counterattack strategy for tomorrow's game. There is no reason not to do it with a three-goal lead, even if the opponent knows that the opponent will guess and make a target. deploy.

In the last game, the Wang Aijia Aguero combination, which was infinitely beautiful, took on the responsibility of attacking this game, but only the two of them. The rest are mainly defensive. As long as they can withstand the inevitable attack wave of Mourinho, Lisbon is ahead. Stadium of Light.

For this game, Chelsea, of course, went all out, and Manchester City made a general mobilization. From bosses to managers, from celebrities to family members, from sponsors to fan representatives, they all came to London, and brought more than 15,000 Manchester City fans.

On the last night of April in London, England, the Stamford Bridge stadium in west London was full of people, and this double blue battle that attracted the attention of the world was about to be staged. In their respective locker rooms, the two teams were making final preparations. In the corner of the visiting team's locker room, Wang Aizheng and Aguero danced and discussed the tactical issues of cooperation between the two until Pellegrini walked into the room. .

The gentle Chilean glanced around and found that the team members either closed their eyes to rest or communicated with each other. They didn't say much when they were satisfied, and waited quietly for the arrival of the FA officials.

After a while, the contented Wang Ai and Aguero stopped discussing, just as the door rang, and everyone stood up one after another and filed out.

Wang Ai still has feelings for this stadium and this team, so he took the initiative to block his emotional interaction with the outside world, kept silent and cautiously followed everyone out of the stadium, and maintained the purity of his heart amid the roaring noise. But surprisingly, when the two sides shook hands today, almost every Chelsea player would joke with him. Forget Terry and Lampard, even those who don't know each other?

The game was about to start, and Wang Ai shook off his doubts and waited for the game to start.

Manchester City kicked off the kick, Wang Ai pushed Aguero and ran forward, Aguero returned Demichelis, and the game officially started.

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