Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 167: The prime (seven)

After Wang Ai left the venue, he put this small disturbance behind his head, and naturally his team would handle it. The security is handed over to Zhao Dan, Qian Ziqiang and the state agencies behind them, and the public image is handed over to the cy sports news department where Jamie works. He still has to prepare for the Champions League final wholeheartedly.

Wang Ai has always understood that, except for his family, everything he has now comes from football. If you do your job well, you can be invincible. Just like this small storm, as long as Wang Ai is still standing on the football field and scoring a wonderful goal from time to time, he will have huge fans. And the huge fan base has attracted powerful sponsors, and the powerful sponsors have European and American politicians who support them.

And all these together have formed a shock and deterrent to the domestic compradors. After ranking first in the star income list for so many years, Wang Ai has not encountered any trouble in forcing donations in China, and the compradors also contributed.

After a day of training and rest in Lisbon, the day of the 1314 Champions League final has finally arrived. After training for a while at the Stadium of Light in the afternoon, everyone went back to the hotel to have dinner and wait for the night to come. Because of Real Madrid's own popularity and because Cristiano Ronaldo is Portuguese, this game is equivalent to an away game for Manchester City. In the past few days, you can see Ronaldo's large head portrait everywhere in the training ground. For Portugal, a small and weak country, the super giant is too big, and it is almost impossible to hold it. Ronaldo is also completely unable to rely on the motherland. full commercial potential. So what we can see is that the Portuguese society will give him all the good things, whatever they want. For example, after losing to Wang Ai at the Golden Globe Awards in January this year, Portugal gave him the highest honor of the third level. medal.

This thing, Wang Ai doesn't have it yet... Well, China has no medals at the national level except when the country was founded, only the medals of merit from various industries, such as the army and the police.

Chatting gossip with my teammates, it was getting dark outside, and I felt that the nutritious meal I had just eaten was almost digested.

On the street with neon lights in the dark, the bus drove to the Stadium of Light under the **** of police cars. Wang Ai sat in the double chair near the aisle and closed his eyes. Finally, he went through the coach's tactical arrangements and his own in his mind. The tactical idea, until the car stopped, did not open his eyes.

Outside the window was a car park full of fans, with City security guarding the order alongside those at the stadium, and a slew of reporters in front of the fans. Wang Ai picked up the coat on his lap and put it on, then picked up the satchel, looked down at the seat and saw that nothing was left behind, then took a step to stand behind Dzeko and in front of Kolarov. Aware of Wang Ai's position, Dzeko turned around and smiled and put his hand on Wang Ai's chest: "Superstar, don't follow me too closely, or the difference in cheers will affect my good mood."

Amid the laughter of his teammates, Wang Ai rolled his eyes, but did not follow closely. After Dzeko went down, the fans cheered for seven or eight seconds before walking to the door. The flashes and noises that were obviously much denser than before, and even the crowded crowd made Kolarov, who was not far behind Wang Ai, startled.

He doesn't care if he's a defender, but the battle in front of him is really different from a superstar teammate like Aguero.

Greeting the fans and smiling at the reporter's camera, Wang Ai walked into the stadium without stopping just a little slower. The facilities at the Stadium of Light are a little outdated, but there is no delay in using them. Everyone walked into the locker room in front of many qualified media cameras, and after changing their clothes and shoes, they went out to warm up.

Red seats, green grass, the Stadium of Light is still very beautiful. After the final activity, the players of the two teams returned to the entrance of the player tunnel together, ignoring each other. Surprisingly, Wang Ai, who was vaguely surrounded by his teammates, happened to meet Ronaldo, who was treated the same way. Unlike the rest of Real Madrid, Wang Ai and Ronaldo were still friends. When they got together inexplicably, they were right. They glanced at each other and smiled.

No matter how good a friend is, one must cry today.

After parting, Wang Ai calmly followed his teammates into the locker room. As the door closed, the last quiet moment came. The coaches are coordinating all kinds of trivial matters outside the locker room. Although the team doctor is in the locker room, he is huddled in a corner and does not say a word. The TV on the wall is actually showing Ronaldo's goal highlights, many of which were created by Real Madrid in white. Yes, it's hard to say if this is a deliberate attempt by the organizers to put pressure on Manchester City.

Except for a few low-pitched chats and laughter, the locker room was silent. In the crowd, Yaya Toure's big eyes were looking for Wang Ai. Wang Ai glanced at the locker room and felt confident. Many teammates, including superstars like Aguero, Dzeko, and Yaya Toure, were apprehensive. It seemed that the previous agreement was really used.

"Yaya." Wang Ai's voice suddenly sounded in the locker room, causing everyone to be surprised. People looked up at the superstar who was invisible in the locker room.

"How about giving me a penalty for today's direct free kick?" Wang Ai said easily.

Knowing that it was time for him to play, Yaya Toure was inexplicably nervous, and said the lines mechanically: "Okay, in fact, it's time for you to punish, you are the number one expert."

After speaking, Yaya Toure breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly found that there was no expected laughter in the locker room, instead everyone looked at each other...

It's broken, does everyone think I'm venting their dissatisfaction?

"It just happens that I'm a little uncomfortable today." Yaya Toure explained, but everyone was more nervous about his explanation. Yaya Toure was stunned for a second before realizing that he seemed to be saying: You force me, I stop kicking...

"No, I didn't mean that, I meant..."

"He's saying the best direct free-kicks should be seen in such a big game."

Or Kompany couldn't stand it anymore and intervened in time: "Wang, what is your direct free kick hit rate?"

Wang Ai also breathed a sigh of relief, glared at Yaya Toure secretly, and smiled at Kompany; "More than 60%."

"That means, three into two?" Kompany shook his alien-like brain door: "Wow, didn't we create 10 and you can enter 3?"

Looking at the other teammates whose eyes were gradually getting more eager, Wang Ai pointed at Kompany: "It's easy to score goals, the key is defense."

"Leave the defense to us!" Kompany put his arms around Demichelis next to him, and said worriedly: "Does it really work?"

As soon as these words came out, a lot of people rushed to answer, what "double the Bundesliga", what "the Premier League surpassed itself by 40%", what "average 3 goals per game", what "93 goals this season" all came out, There was a lot of noise in the locker room.

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