Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 172: Fragrant River Seven Days (Two)

Afraid of the neighbors' ridicule, Manchester City suppressed the unbelievable ecstasy. The triple crown celebration lasted only one day, which allowed Wang Ai to appear at the bj airport exit at noon on the 27th.

The early teammates have returned to China for more than half a month, and the Xianghe training camp has already started five days ago, and Wang Ai will have to rest at home for two days after returning to China this time. In a tournament like the Champions League final, especially in the case of overtime, even Wang Ai's physical fitness will not be able to rest for two days.

More importantly, it is exhausting.

From last summer to this summer, Wang Ai has not stopped. Various competitions have come in turn, and there are also marriages, academics, business and so on. A long time ago, Wang Ai realized that it was impossible to do this, but after losing weight several times, not to mention the thinner and fatter he became, but he did not lose much.

On the way back to China, Wang Ai fell asleep for more than ten hours, feeling not only physically tired but also emotionally depressed. The discussion outside continued, the fans were still reminiscing, the sponsors were still busy, and Wang Ai had already got into the house and ignored everything.

When Wenjun was still in Shenyang, there were only Huang Xin, Xu Qinglian and three children at home. Seeing them, Wang Ai finally felt a little more relaxed. First, he picked up the two sons who were greeted at the door, but Zhang Xiuyun was pulling Wang Hongzhuang in the second door. Wang Ai said unexpectedly: "Sister Zhang? Where is Huang Xin?"

"She went to rotate, and I was also rotating." Zhang Xiuyun said with a smile.

Wang Ai laughed: "Thank you for Qinglian. As expected of a sister who is deeply in love, she can help at a critical moment. Unlike me, a man who can't run around without caring."

Zhang Xiuyun smiled and looked down at Wang Hongzhuang who stared at Wang Ai with wide eyes: "Hongzhuang, don't you say hello to your father?"

Wang Ai squatted down with her two sons in her arms and barely looked at her daughter at the same height, and Wang Sheng fell to the ground: "She doesn't like to talk."

"Dad." Wang Hongzhuang said suddenly, "Why are you always not at home?"

Tong Yan Wuji said that Wang Ai's eyes were red, and Wang Ai reached out and took his daughter in his arms: "Isn't Dad back?"

Seemingly aware that her father was sad, Wang Hongzhuang smiled at Wang Ai, and touched her father's face with her little hand: "Dad."

Wang Ai agreed with relief, stretched out the other arm to pick up the two sons together, and carried the three children into the courtyard of Haidian's house next step under Zhang Xiuyun's guidance.

Xu Qinglian walked over quickly: "You're back, I don't know how to write a few letters..."

"Hey, you can slow down!" Wang Ai said in fear, "Don't fall."

Xu Qinglian stopped and laughed at herself; "I don't know why, I always forget about it."

Wang Ai didn't have time for both hands, so he touched Xu Qinglian's face with his forehead: "Just bear with it for another two months, just bear with it for another two months."

Xu Qinglian rolled her eyes, turned and walked to the stone table under the big tree in the courtyard: "You must not feed the child at that time? How many times have you said that breast milk is good, and that I am productive enough to take care of red makeup and so on. Sister Xiuyun, look at it. She, my baby has not yet given birth, and the milk was ordered by him."

Zhang Xiuyun laughed and said, "Hong Zhuang is a good boy."

"That's true." Xu Qinglian sat on the wooden chair and looked at Wang Hongzhuang, who was in Wang Ai's arms.

Speaking of this, Xu Qinglian turned to look at Wang Ai: "Are you really planning to set up a Wang Brothers football team?"

Wang Ai rolled her eyes and sat carefully on the side with the three children in her arms: "Even if I want to give birth, you are willing to give birth, it is not the same age group."

"Echelon, there is an endless stream of talents. At that time, we can hang a plaque on the door of our house, called a football family, how about it?"

Wang Ai sighed heavily: "Let's get down to business, what kind of letter is hard to write?"

"Put the child down." Xu Qinglian said angrily, looking at Wang Ai's head stretched out to read the letter.

"Let me get close to the child for a while. I haven't looked at it for half a year, and my height has grown." Wang Ai looked down at this and that, in a particularly good mood.

Xu Qinglian simply put down the letter and pressed it with a folder: "Go to the swimming pool, I'll go sit for a while too."

Wang Ai happily walked into the swimming pool with the three children, and heard Xu Qinglian say: "The children love to play with water. It is said that it is because they grew up in amniotic fluid?"

"Have you learned how to swim?" Wang Ai put down the child, and saw that the two sons were running to change their swimsuits, and the daughter was running behind, running crookedly, but fortunately the ground was covered with a non-slip carpet.

Wang Ai looked at the swimming pool again. Sure enough, all the corners were round and round, so he smiled and said, "This renovation project is a lot of effort, right?"

"Well, Aunt Ai changed it." Xu Qinglian pointed to the sky and the surrounding windows: "The original windows were not well sealed, they were all replaced last fall, as well as the sewer system, water temperature system, water quality system, our swimming pool. It should be the most advanced in the country.”

Wang Ai walked around the shore and watched the two boys pull the girl out, and then returned to Xu Qinglian: "Okay, try to train a swimming champion."

"Are you really planning to start a sports family?"

"There's nothing wrong with it, isn't it? Doing sports means saving money or a future. It's simple and pure, and it's much better than doing business. As parents, don't we just want our children to be safe?" Wang Ai Saying that, she handed a towel to the person beside her and asked her to cover her body a bit. After all, the pool was full of water and it was still cold.

The two children, one big and one small, made their preparations hastily last night, laughing and laughing, and went into the water step by step along the colorful plastic hanging ladder. Wang Sheng slammed in, his arms and calves were tight, and he swam very fast. Wang Zhonghua followed closely after his brother, and now he can't take care of his sister.

Wang Hongzhuang was not in a hurry. She was still young, with a swimming ring on her body, she swam twice in the water and then slowly swam, looking at the eldest brother and the second brother who were chasing and playing in the water and let out cheerful laughter from time to time.

Wang Ai let out a sigh of relief, leaned back on the chair with a contented face, and was caught by the people around her unexpectedly. She heard Xu Qinglian's low voice in her ear: "How does the princess feel?"

Wang Ai didn't care about Xu Qinglian's hand, and leaned over and kissed Xu Qinglian's face: "It's hard to describe, you can try it yourself when it's convenient for you?"

"Bah!" Xu Qinglian withdrew her hand, blushing a little.

"Be patient." Wang Ai pressed Xu Qinglian's hand on the armrest and looked at the three laughing children in the pool: "I will definitely be done by the end of July, and I will definitely be with you. By this time next year, I will be in front of you. Are you already four children?"

"By the way, how about the feedback on the second draft?" Wang Ai turned his head and said, "I am very attentive."

"Very good, but there are still some corners and corners, I will deal with it, eh, it is almost like the end of July, and the first version will be out."

"Really? I haven't published a monograph yet. You are better than me."

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