Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 198: I've been here (8)

Huang Xin's sudden bubbling naturally made the chat group lively again, and the topic became more and more crooked. Kang Si mustered the courage to show some pictures of the interior of the Spanish royal palace and the Spanish royal jewelry that could be made public. Although these things are not hers, in principle, she can borrow them. For example, she can ask for help when she does not have jewelry when attending a major ceremony.

Speaking of this, women began to complain that Wang Ai was stingy, earning billions of yuan a year but reluctant to buy them jewelry. They saved a house of various **** and shoes, claiming that jewelry is actually gold-plated... ...At this time, they forgot that Wang Ai had just given each of them 10 million to comfort their family members.

But having said that, although their family members were shocked by the 10 million yuan, it also depends on the income level. In one year, billions cost 50 million, which is really not much, and this time, the next time Wang Ai thinks about it, he may not know when. Generally speaking, the women still live a relatively common life, and there is not much cash in their hands. Ai Xiaoqing gives them a living allowance of 1.2 million a year, which is only 120,000 in euros, if it is not for daily necessities Centralized purchasing and distribution at home will maintain a middle-class level. .

In the complaints of the women Yingyingyanyan, the Porto Alegre game gradually came to an end, and the topic gradually turned to football. After the end of the game, the focus of the Chinese team's game returned to defense. Their men no longer had a step in the center line of other countries, and they have been accompanying Yu Dabao in actual combat, but Yu Dabao stepped forward and assisted several times.

The women became unbalanced again, and Kang Si rambled that the doctor was only one year older than others, so why was he so protective and inclined? According to physical fitness, maybe the doctor is still kicking, and the newcomer will retire. Kang Si's words won unanimous praise from the women. Of course, Xu Qinglian also caught a loophole and introduced the topic into an undisclosed area with a short sentence of "physical fitness?"

Wang Aike, who is dedicated to bringing newcomers on the court and strengthening their running-in with them, does not know that he is discussing his "physical fitness" in his backyard, and that five women who have eaten him are selflessly sharing their dining experience and discussing a series of Physical properties such as hardness, length, heat, impact force are scientifically discussed. In fact, they are also talkative. Even Huang Xin, the only person who has an ex-boyfriend, has experience from small movies or small compositions.

When the five women were chatting with heat all over, the game on the court gradually came to an end. The Algeria team never broke the gate of the Chinese team, and even entered the penalty area very few times. This is a game completely controlled by the Chinese team. In the game under his feet, the opponents did not achieve results on both ends of the offensive and defensive. Seeing such a scene, Yang Chen couldn't help sighing in the live broadcast: "This may be the Chinese team that all Chinese fans want to see the most. These international players who have grown up bit by bit in everyone's eyes have finally reached their theoretical level. The peak period. Every attack and defense, every breakthrough or interception we saw on the court today may be their strongest performance, and also the strongest performance of the Chinese national team in history.”

Liu Jianhong sighed and adjusted his mentality: "I dare not say that they are perfect, but these 27- and 8-year-old international footballers have indeed come to their heyday, and even the youngest Wang'er is already 27 years old. The World Cup is held every four years. It is too cruel and a pity for players whose career life span is less than 20 years and their peak period is only a few years. For example, our guest Yang Chen, who was in 2008 Retirement, it is only two years before the Chinese team wins the World Cup. This determines that this Chinese team, this united group, this glorious group that has been champion all the way from small to big, has too few opportunities to perform peak performances for our fans, the fact Not much more."

"So." Yang Chen smiled and said, "Please seize the opportunity to watch this World Cup."

"Yes." Liu Jianhong also laughed and turned to a light topic: "Yang Chen, I heard that FIFA has been planning to shorten the World Cup cycle, what do you think? How much hope is there? Can they catch up? We I always hope that the strongest Chinese team can bring more honors to the country."

"It's hard to say." Yang Chen paused: "World football has two sets of competition systems. I quoted Captain Wang's definition as commercial competitions and honorary competitions. They overlap a lot. For example, players can be either The main force of a club in a commercial event can also be the main force of a national team in an honorary event. Their operating models also learn from each other. It is not as good as an honorary event that has many advertising endorsements in addition to bonuses, but these are still two sets of side-by-side and independent systems. The nationality of the competition score is based on the club, the honorary competition is based on the country, the commercial competition emphasizes revenue, without income, there is no club, and the honorary competition emphasizes honor. It will lose money, but the destination will be different.”

Liu Jianhong naturally stopped when he heard Yang Chen's long speeches. These days, Yang Chen's professionalism in the commentary, his familiarity with the national team, and his friendship with Wang Ai have all made his popularity overwhelming, so even if His commentary deviates a bit from the game, and everyone is willing to listen. Anyway, against a weak team like Algeria, when the game has been won, it is no longer interesting to listen to the traditional follow-up commentary.

"According to the current football operating rules, commercial events are the foundation of honorary events, and the same is true after our country's professional reform. Everyone usually trains in business events, becomes famous, and makes money. When they encounter honorable events, the national team convened. So we can see that the cycle of commercial events is very regular, from the end of August to the beginning of May of the second year in Europe, from February to November in China, and the honorary events are in the interval of commercial events. For example, this summer, many players have gathered into 32 national teams, but there are also many players who regret that their national team did not enter the World Cup and enjoy this summer vacation. This actually shows that the two competition systems actually compete for time, players and even competition. The contradiction of advertising resources, for which FIFA, UEFA, and AFC can only adjust, we have heard many times the contradiction between the football organization and the giant clubs, and this is also the reason."

"So, you are generally pessimistic about the idea of ​​shortening the World Cup cycle?"

Yang Chen hesitated for a while but decided to tell the truth: "Yes, I can't see the decisive force to change the World Cup cycle for the time being."

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