Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 210: Chinese Seeds (10)

"You mean, we still have the mentality of the weak?" Qian Ziqiang frowned and asked in an uncomfortable but calm manner.

"Yes." Wang Ai looked back at the Brazilian night sky outside the window: "Actually, I was vaguely uncomfortable with some things before, but I never thought about the reason. For example, every time I heard bj's Neighbors say that foreigners are uncomfortable. Why are foreigners called 'old'? Where is the word for 'old'? It is clear that we are older in terms of a long history, a large country, national strength, and the degree of human evolution. Xiaowai is right."

Qian Ziqiang laughed: "Xiaowai?"

Wang Ai didn't care: "You practice martial arts and work in the top unit in our country. I think you should have touched this boundary. Also, the 'old beauty' that disgusts me even more, a 5,000-year-old A country of history calls a 200-year-old country old... is it cheap or not?"

Hearing Wang Ai's indifferent voice, Qian Ziqiang was taken aback and frowned, "The convention has become like it."

"Yeah." Wang Ai sighed: "How did the convention come about? The weak mentality is afraid of others. This is a long, multi-generational national trauma, so it permeates everywhere, such as culture. , Folklore. Do you think plastic surgery hospitals all use the faces of foreigners as models? If you look at the field of education, you must cite foreign literature when writing papers in Chinese?" ..

Wang Ai shook his head and sighed, Qian Ziqiang knew that he actually wanted to say "cheap or not" just now, but he didn't say it in the end. Not only was his grief greater than his heart's death, but he also felt that he couldn't just blame those people.

Wang Ai raised his head with his hands behind his back. He didn't even know when Wei Di came out, so he said to himself: "I have been thinking about what the old overseas Chinese said today, and I was thinking about it upstairs just now, when the drug inspector came. I also subconsciously wondered if I was afraid of him, why I was so obedient at first, but later I felt that I was not afraid, because it was not only me who was treated like this. Moreover, my forbearance was for the greater good..."

"You really are not. You beat too many foreigners. In the biggest sport in the world, you become number one. Most of your feet are foreigners, the strongest people in the foreign country."

"Well." Wang Ai put her hands on the railing again and looked out of the window: "I now feel the scars on our nation for more than a hundred years, and the pain seems to be on me. That kind of spiritual trauma. …”

Wang Ai stroked his chest with his right hand, closed his eyes and shook his head gently: "That kind of temperament is probably possessed by thousands of people. I feel that I actually have a little bit. It seems that the highest pursuit is to be neither humble nor arrogant, just like when I was interviewed after the game today. It's like habitually praising my opponent. But I'm a person of my status and influence, and I'm not a politician. Why can't I be more free and easy? Why should I praise my opponent for saying such things? If I really have a strong mentality, and I have the strong mentality that our nation has had for most of the history, so I should be as straightforward and frank as those Western players, I played well, and the opponent lost. It's just bad kicking."

"But you have supported the national confidence of many people with your achievements and solid performance." Wei Di, who had been listening, suddenly spoke, he pressed the cigarette **** a little hard and walked over: "You can realize these things that we didn't realize. , worthy of being a philosopher. However, your main business is still football, national self-confidence, social psychology and these things are done by professional people..."

Aware of the faint sarcasm on Wang Ai's face, Wei Di's old face turned red: "Of course, they may not do well, but you have to understand a fundamental truth, material determines consciousness, right? You are a scholar of Marxism-Leninism, when China , The Chinese nation is really strong in terms of hard conditions, how long do you think the mentality of the weak nationality can last?"

Wang Ai glanced at Qian Ziqiang: "Leadership is leadership, even if you are unfamiliar in theory, you can keep up."

Wei Di laughed: "Is it empty talk that you have been educated by the party for many years? Isn't it a matter of meetings, study, and documents?"

Wang Ai tilted his head and looked back: "But you didn't expect it."

Wei Di pointed to Wang Ai and turned to face the window. After a while, he said, "What you said today really inspired me. I told you not to be proud."

"Well, it's already proud to be proud."

"From your point of view, you are the pride of the nation. I have a more in-depth and comprehensive understanding of this title, and compare it with what you said about a century of sinking." Wei Di said in a flat and coherent tone: "In the past, what we called The pride of the nation cannot be said to be a bad thing, but it is more of a self-appreciation, such as the four national quintessences. Internationally, martial arts is only a type of fighting, and traditional Chinese medicine is only a type of herbal medicine, and it is even talked about from a distance. Not mainstream. As for Peking Opera and calligraphy, if there are two lovers in the surrounding area, even if they go abroad and have international influence... I think this kind of words will have little impact on you, right?"

"Well, I've seen it a lot." Wang Ai laughed: "Before I went abroad, I thought that we had a five-thousand-year civilization in China, right? The Great Wall, right? In fact, when I went abroad, I didn't even have the popularity of Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee's international popularity is only China's first, and China is only a wild place on the edge of the world in the world view of most Europeans and Americans."

"That's why I said... um." Wei Di said this and shook his head: "You may be the most important person who has defeated Westerners and broken Western superstitions in a non-war situation in the past hundred years. But This is just my temporary feeling, whether your achievements can reach this high evaluation in the future will depend on the future."

Speaking of this, Wei Di suddenly showed a "naughty" smile: "If you have any scandal, it will be over. You can't praise you if you want to."

Wang Ai also smiled and shook his head: "That's not a matter of boasting. If I lose my position in the motherland, my achievements will not be as high, and even a fair evaluation will not be achieved."

Wei Di patted Wang Ai's arm: "Okay, the leisure time is almost enough, go back to rest early. How high you can reach in the future depends on your current hard work, don't think of it when I was in my 60s. If you shouldn't do it, it will be too late, you are still in a good time."

Wang Ai heard the sound and walked back, accompanied by Wei Di: "Tomorrow we are going to El Salvador, the opponent is... hehe. If you want to make the common people change their minds to call Lao Mei and Xiao Mei, then you have to work harder. , hehe, Team USA."

Qian Ziqiang, who was on the sidelines, obviously saw Wang Ai's eyes lit up like a twinkle.

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