Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 213: true civilization (3)

As a star, as a public figure, as a person who attracts attention and is immersed in traffic, you will always receive various information containing various emotions through various channels. There are many similar messages entrusting the national team to fulfill the fans' wishes, and almost every player has received it.

As the focus of the focus, Wang Ai received more, just like the ring he received. After a long time, Wang Ai has learned to screen whether he likes it or not. He can only work hard for the greatest common desire, but cannot respond to each individual desire. Wang Ai even explained it on Weibo. Pass.

His sincere attitude has also won the understanding of the fans. After all, putting oneself in the shoes and empathizing is the basic ability of the Chinese people.

However, today's is still too special.

Seeing that Wang Ai put on the ring silently, took the chopsticks and continued to eat, Ma Dong started to use his actions to adapt to the foreign objects on his fingers, so he got up and left to Lao Gao's table, pointing here and saying a few words. Lao Gao blinked his small eyes and looked over here, nodded silently, and pretended that nothing happened. Wei Di, who was at the same table, naturally heard it. He frowned when he heard the sound, and heated up the fans by himself. If so, he will handle it.

Maybe there is providence in the dark, and after many years, I received the ring again, and I received a powerful reason to wear it to fight, which should be in line with the meaning of "the return of the king". And Wang Ai is recently thinking about the strength of social mentality, thinking about the construction of the national psychology of a big country and a prosperous country. This is actually a story of the return of the king.

There can only be one king in the world!

After dinner that day, Wang Ai participated in the pre-war discussion, evening training, and night training with a more serious and focused attitude than usual.

Today, Yu Dabao, who was in the same room as Wang Ai, clearly felt the vitality of the captain. I wonder if that ring really has the spiritual bonus of a martyr.

Early the next morning, Yu Dabao adapted to the early morning rhythm of the national team. When he woke up, he felt quite refreshed. He was about to get out of bed. When the bathroom door opened, the captain had already finished washing. Seeing him look over, the captain smiled: "I'll go down first, the training ground is too far, I have to go to the gym to grab a place."

Yu Dabao hurriedly packed up, and at the same time weighed in his heart, is it better to live in a suite or a standard room? The national team is not bad for money, but the standard room was specially chosen for team building, but from the perspective of per capita facilities, maybe a suite is better? I don't know if the super-giant captain will feel impatient?

When Dabao went to the gym downstairs, the captain had already taken off his big shirtless body and was pulling the equipment in a rhythmic manner. The morning sun and breeze blew past the captain. Facing the rising sun, the detached body was an indestructible and powerful force. will.

Many times Yu Dabao wanted to personally ask the captain how to ignore the pain, tremble and surpass the limit again and again, and how to continue to take root in the soil and thrive in the cloud of fame and fortune. But either cautious or awe-inspiring, Yu Dabao couldn't say it. However, he had heard from Captain Zhao for a long time that the "boss" has a particularly strong mental power. He often considers academic issues when exercising, so as to use the autonomic nerves to take over the body, thereby maintaining the rhythm, strength and results that best meet the needs of the body. Occasionally, his spirit would sweep over his own body like an out-of-body soul, to cheer himself up.

Zhao Xuri's statement made Yu Dabao at a loss for a while. He had practiced for so many years under the leadership of coaches at all levels since he was a child, and it was the first time he heard such a mysterious thing. It seems that Zhao Xuri saw his confusion and doubts, and then explained that their boss is a special sports talent that is rare in a century. The rest of us can just follow along. Anyway, his path has been cleared, and he walked with his head held high and his pride full of pride.

Just follow along.

So, when Liu Liang walked in with a big bottle of milk, Yu Dabao gathered up his courage and asked for a cup.

The captain didn't say anything else, just instructed his guard: "Brother Liu, get another bottle."

With the arrival of everyone, the captain did not keep his silent state all the time, but also began to simply joke with everyone. When Li Tie arrived, everyone cleaned up and the gym that was creaky for a while became quiet. Finally, Yu Dabao, who went out, looked back at the sweaty gym. Twenty-third of them belonged to him.

Today's cultural class is relatively short. The speaker is Captain Zhou, who has taken the adult self-examination undergraduate course. Captain Zhou, who is preparing for the law test, is giving a lecture on the commercial law part of civil law. The veteran team members with wealth are very interested. But the captain didn't seem to be very interested and didn't listen much, while the usually serious and rigid Captain Zhou didn't care.

At noon, Yu Dabao tentatively asked Captain Chen, who had the best temper, and Captain Chen just plainly said to him that "Boss" is used to viewing the law from the perspective of the spirit of the law, and there is no need to deduct specific laws like us. Moreover, the "boss"'s family business is also handled by professional legal affairs. It doesn't matter whether he knows it or not.

Among the four newcomers to the national team, Wang Dalei called Wang Ai the boss as early as the last World Cup. When Wu Lei first came, he used to call him senior. Later, he followed everyone to call him the boss. Zhang Linfan also changed from senior to boss. Yu Dabao was not bothered by the close, but informal, and somewhat rogue-like title of boss, so he couldn't speak out, and kept calling him Captain Wang Ai.

When he realized that Wang Ai was not disgusted or rejected because of it, Yu Dabao also persevered. His stubbornness was not firm under Wang Ai's light, and it was only because of Wang Ai's indifferent attitude that he retained it.

Today's nap was an hour longer, and many people woke up at two o'clock, washed and went downstairs to do some simple activities, and the time was about the same. Bring sneakers, jerseys, shin pads, socks, water bottles, and snacks. Everyone goes downstairs and greets reporters and fans on both sides of the parking lot while walking. Some people who are called by their names will stop to take pictures of each other. Until the bus was seated, and the car drove out of the parking lot and the hotel area, the crowd could still be seen.

Brazil's public security is not good. The Chinese team has defeated the Brazilian team many times in recent years. The leader of the Chinese team, Wang Ai, has an ambiguous "old grudge" with the Brazilian football legends. Therefore, there is a police car in front of the Chinese team's bus. , the curtains of the bus are also drawn.

So, people today don't know that the superstar has put on the Lord of the Rings!

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