Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 223: Rights and Responsibilities (3)

In Lao Gao's deep thinking, Wang Ai's position in the next game is also the issue of the overall tactical arrangement of the Chinese team, which has been delayed until after dinner and has not yet made up his mind. Time is already very tight, there are still two days to play, how can we practice if we don’t make up our tactical determination?

The coaches blushed, and finally Vidy, who had been listening for an afternoon, couldn't help it: "You can prepare more, let Xiao Wanger be in charge of offense or defense first, and then call back if the situation is wrong. Anyway, I think Xiao Wanger can Adapt, and the team can adapt.”

The coaches looked at Lao Gao and Lao Tang, Lao Gao and Lao Tang looked at each other and nodded at the same time, then looked at Wang Ai together, Lao Tang said solemnly: "If you let you go to the front, you have to let go of the attack and try to involve the Argentina team as much as possible. Step, try to take the lead. If you are asked to defend, don’t you say you and Zanetti are good friends? Then Messi became famous, right? You learned from Zanetti?”

Wang Ai nodded silently.

Lao Tang looked at Lao Gao, turned his head and continued: "Fortunately, you and Chen Tao often change positions, and everyone is used to it. So we will study our opponents and hone tactics at a normal pace. It also depends on the research situation in the next two days, you have to know what to do.”

When everyone disbanded, Wang Ai suddenly frowned and raised his hand, and after attracting everyone's attention, Wang Ai also said solemnly: "Our tactical idea is to ensure victory, and the Argentina team's idea is to try our best to win. , This is determined by our previous matches and our achievements. So, think about it, is our thinking relatively conservative? This is not a good thing. When the strength is close, once the tactical thinking is conservative become passive."

The coaches looked at each other, Lao Gao also raised his eyelids and glanced at Wang Ai, lowered his head to think for a moment, and said dryly: "You reminded me well, we will pay attention, and we will also remind the players to pay attention. Facing Argentina, facing Messi, we don't have the conditions to take it easy, we have to fight."

Speaking of which, Lao Gao looked around indifferently, everyone knew that this was a sign of Lao Gao's tactical determination, so he stopped talking.

"That's it, prepare with both hands, cheer up everyone, and cheer up the players. Our coaching staff must use aggressive tactics to grab the victory. Let the players give up the mentality of Laozi and be as honest as the little players. Fight and win." After Lao Gao finished speaking, he looked at Wang Ai: "Wang Ai, haven't you studied Messi? Share your experience with everyone."

Including Wang Ai, everyone nodded in unison.

As Lao Gao is about to retire, his prestige in the team has also reached its peak. Guo Bingyan, the strong leader of the team, is respectful and respectful. What Lao Gao said is what. Among the coaches, apart from Lao Tang who can insist on his own opinion, the other coaches are also obedient. If it is not urgent today, Vidi will not intervene.

On July 5, a private jet landed quietly at Brasilia International Airport, and a trailer towed the unconventional "German Beauty" to the tarmac. Two vans picked up the passengers on the plane and drove to the best hotel in the city. Shengli Security first dispatched a five-person team to take charge, accompanied by as many as ten people, as well as two medical staff.

Xu Qinglian and Huang Xin, who were in bj, set off on a special plane together. Shi Wenjun, who was in Shenyang, had a lot of business and planned to come back in the semi-finals. And Kang Si, who is in Madrid, is preparing for this visit and learning diplomatic etiquette. She really has no time to spare. If it goes well, including Wang Ai's competition, her preparations will go smoothly until the finals.

Wang Ai's parents did not come, nor did the three children. In fact, if it wasn't for Xu Qinglian's insistence to come, the old couple planned to take their children out to relax, and also came to see their son's "Battle of the Peak". It's just that Xu Qinglian has no choice but to come, and she has no choice but to stay at home.

Even with a big belly, I have to toss, and the family is full of resentment, but there is no way, they all know that Xu Qinglian's temperament is like this. At first, he was going to get married and had to leave, and even Wang Ai couldn't stop him. Fortunately, she didn't have much time for this temper. After she made up her mind this time, Huang Xin took over everything and she let it go. She probably knew that she had provoked public anger this time.

The child can still hold it for a month, and it won't be long before it runs rampant.

Putting down her beloved film work, Huang Xin adjusted her emotions to the sense of honor of following a man's great journey in only two days. "The film I made is an epic, and my man is an epic of reality"!

The family visiting group led by Leoni was not far from where the guests were staying. They were already waiting in the hotel. They saw Xu Qinglian, who was wearing sunglasses, sun hats, and loose clothes under the cover of several capable guards. Leoni, dressed in casual clothes like an ordinary tourist, got up and smiled to meet Xu Qinglian, and gently touched Xu Qinglian's belly: "It's different if you have a general's belly, it's really stylish."

Xu Qinglian simply akimbo: "Is the room ready?"

Huang Xin, who was carrying something behind him, glared at the two of them: "It's still too much for such an adult, don't block it here, and hurry upstairs."

"How do you feel?" Leoni asked concernedly while walking with Xu Qinglian.

"It's okay, nothing special." Xu Qinglian didn't have much fatigue from the journey, and looked at the hotel decoration with different styles in China with great interest: "Are you familiar with this area? If you come here, you can take a look around. ."

"Still leaving? How big is your belly?" Leoni wanted to pat Xu Qinglian's belly again.

Xu Qinglian said strangely, "I've walked more than 10,000 kilometers, and I'm still a few hundred meters away?"

"You really are." Leoni shook her head: "It's more willful than me. Is this the benefit of registration?"

Xu Qinglian was finally a little shy: "I didn't know what was going on and suddenly wanted to come, and I couldn't hold back my energy."

"It may be the influence of this kid in your stomach, the telepathy half a world away." Leoni pretended to be mysterious.

The two were chatting nonsense. Huang Xin had assigned rooms to the medical staff, security guards and assistants and walked in: "How about the men?"

"I'm studying how to deal with Messi. It's said that Messi is going to explode." Leoni said that he didn't include the lake: "I'm a little worried, our men have been too stable in recent years, have you noticed? He is very rare. It's time to explode."

Huang Xin didn't know why: "Isn't it an outbreak in the Bundesliga the year before last?"

"It's a controlled self-regulation, not outbursts, I mean the salience of emotionally drawn immediacy."

"Maybe it's because the strength is too strong and the source of stimulation is lost?" Huang Xin shrugged: "I think this is a good thing. An outbreak is an overdraft, and stability is more important."

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