Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 228: Rights and Responsibilities (8)

From the 20th minute of the game until the 30th minute of the game, Messi passed Wang Ai six times in a row, while Wang Ai only intercepted once, and the interception was quite embarrassing. The scene that originally belonged to him dribbling the ball over and swaying the opponent, today it's the clown's turn.

He doesn't know, he doesn't know that women all over the world feel sorry for him, he doesn't know that the fans who love and follow him are anxious for him, he doesn't know that the leaders who care and help him frown for him, he doesn't know that he respects and respects his sponsorship The merchants were uneasy for him, and he didn't know that Lao Gao Lao Tang praised him.

Give up goals, give up perfection, give up elegance, give up super-giant halo, and do the work of a sapper honestly. Without the great love that is willing to sacrifice and dedicate, it is impossible to do this, and it is impossible to do this without complaint or regret.

Unlike the Argentine fans singing all the way in the stands, the Argentine coaching staff is getting more and more anxious. Messi did pass Wang Ai many times, but he also consumed so much in the process that the final handling lost its due power. At the same time, in the persistent harassment and weakening of the Oriental Super Giants, the two ordinary Chinese central defenders who were covered by him finally stood up.

In the 28th minute of the game, after Messi passed Wang Ai again, it was Feng Xiaoting's side blow that made Messi, who had stumbled, lose the ball. This was already his fifth and fifth time in this game. For the second time, he followed behind Wang Ai, hid in Wang Ai's shadow, slyly stared at Messi's flaws, and when Messi was crumbling, he forcibly destroyed the performance of the king, and destroyed the planning of the Argentine coaching staff.

Gradually, Feng Xiaoting's presence attracted the attention of both camps. This big-eyed guy was standing beside Luo Tongliang, who had disheveled hair and full body, and seemed a little too gentle. If Luo Tongliang's image is like a half-orc, then this guy is like a male mage... white and pure, gentle and quiet.

Just after he succeeded in saving the boss's honor again, facing the hand that the boss pointed with a smile, he thought he was very smart and stroked his forehead hair, which had a tendency to bald, and he didn't know how long he had been practicing for this movement. , much like high-spirited middle-aged and elderly researchers.

Luo Tongliang, who was panting beside him, exhaled, after all, he was not the friends who grew up together. In the two years in Tübingen, little Wanger has not yet grown up, and he is behind, familiar with familiarity, but there is no tacit understanding. Like the few **** just now, the two of them could communicate silently and cooperate silently, and gradually formed the cooperation of Wang Ai to defend, Feng Xiaoting to help defend, Wang Ai to block, and Feng Xiaoting to block leaks. According to their ideas, they can only play black and **** the side.

Thinking of this, Luo Tongliang wiped a handful of long hair around his ears while running. Could it be the hairstyle?

At this moment, Luo Tongliang noticed that in the Chinese coach's seat on the sidelines, the burly Old Tang stood up slowly, paced to the sidelines, and then shouted at the court!

Like the conductor of the band, Lao Tang's voice made the whole team excited. The Chinese team members who were inevitably distracted by the two super giant heads-up just now suddenly realized that the pre-match arrangement was entering the next stage. Looking at Messi again and recalling the confrontation just now, it seems that Messi's physical fitness has indeed consumed most of it, and his threat has decreased!

The Chinese team relied on the help of Wang Ai and Feng Xiaoting, who had a tacit understanding. Although they were embarrassed, they did block Messi in an explosive state.

In that case, it's our turn!

With an order from Lao Tang, who had assisted Lao Gao with growing prestige for several years, the Chinese team's style of play had clearly changed. Gao Lin went deeper, Mao Jianqing pushed forward even more, and the 451 that collapsed because of Messi turned into a 442 at this moment!

He Wei and Sun, who were high in the stands, continued to be unable to interpret the reason for the change at this moment. They could only analyze in their minds, while repeating the scenes they saw on the field, and looking forward to the Chinese team's follow-up.

Seeing the coach of the Chinese team stand up and intervene in command, the Argentine team, although they don't know what this means, knows that something must or will change, and hurried to the sidelines to closely watch the dynamics on the court.

Also affected by the intervention of the head coach, Messi, who was already quite tired and needed relief, returned to Wang Ai. The two kept a distance of five or six meters without the ball, ensuring that they would be able to pinch again in one second. .

Late at night, in an unpretentious courtyard, Shen Xiangfu, who was invited to accompany him to watch the ball, was speaking to the leader with a bit of restraint: "The two of them fought with all their strength just now, like a weight. High-level boxing has lost its strength after a while, so their confrontation now has entered another level, and it is also a higher level."

The leader turned his eyes from the TV, rubbed his eyes tiredly, smiled and held up the teacup, encouraging Shen Xiangfu to continue with his eyes.

"Confrontation without the ball." Encouraged Lao Chen simply said: "After the new century, the football world has begun to pay attention to running without the ball, and carefully arrange the periphery around the football controller. And we are Xiao Gao and Xiao Wang and the others. On the first floor, we focus on confrontation as the core concept of football games in the new era, and combined with the concept of running without the ball, we form our idea of ​​confrontation without the ball.”

"Look, in the ball just now, it is clear that the ball is at the feet of other people, but the two of them have been running, and they are constantly adjusting their running, and the speed and position are constantly changing. According to the state of the ball holder and the confrontation, they choose to respond, At the same time, the two of them are still staring at each other. Messi is staring at Xiao Wanger because he will take Xiao Wanger as the first breakthrough point. At the same time, he is also afraid of Xiao Wanger's physical strength and often surprises. Defense. But Xiao Wang'er is different. Just now, Messi was just staring at Wang Ai's sneak attack at the moment he received the ball, while Xiao Wang'er was observing the relative position of him and the others, and constantly inserted horizontally between him and others. Between people, and the most dangerous person, to prevent him from catching the ball quickly and then quickly transferring the ball to become a threat, and to reserve the opportunity to step forward to restrain him, forcing him to be hesitant and afraid to let go."

The leader nodded frequently, and Jin Zhiyang, who also came to accompany him to watch the game, watched Shen Xiangfu stop him from continuing, because the leader understands the game, not to mention the mother-in-law.

The leader put down the cup and said slowly: "This is the reason why you still maintain an advantage even when your per capita strength is not as good as your opponent's?"

Jin Zhiyang and Shen Xiangfu said in unison, "Yes."

The leader smiled: "It seems that you have studied collectivism very thoroughly. It cannot be just a sentence or an ideal, but must also be implemented and guaranteed with solid strategies and tactics."

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