Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 230: Rights and Responsibilities (10)

For the remainder of the first half, neither side was able to instigate a dangerous offensive again. The Argentine team is looking forward to the halftime break to make adjustments, and the Chinese team is also looking forward to the halftime break, looking forward to the interpretation and arrangements of the coaches for the current situation.

I'm ahead, how do I fight? Will you let Wang Ai go out? Since the predetermined "offense first and then defense" has gone bankrupt, should it be changed to "defense first and then offense"?

"Wang Ai, are you alright?" In the locker room, Lao Gao put his hands in his pockets and looked at the strongest disciple who kept bowing his head and panting with a big towel on his head.

Wang Ai didn't look up, and responded in a dull voice: "Yes."

Lao Gao looked at Wang Ai silently for a few seconds, convinced that Wang Ai understood what he meant, and turned to everyone: "The most dangerous moment is coming, you may not know Messi, but you must know our own. Super giant. You said, in 45 minutes, your boss really let go, how many would he score?"

Everyone looked at each other, but no one answered because the answer was too obvious.

"The closer to the end of the game, the more powerful he will explode. You have to cheer up and remember this." Lao Gao explained the whole and began to make individual arrangements: "Chen Tao, Xiao Mao, you two have to fight for more control in the frontcourt. The ball, put the pressure on the Argentina team, even if there is Wang Ai in our backcourt, we can't stand the endless impact of Messi, you have to help share the pressure."

Seeing the two nodded, Lao Gao looked at Lao Tang, who stepped forward and made more detailed arrangements. When he finished speaking, Lao Gao spoke again: "Wang Ai, the confrontation with Messi is probably not only the main theme of the first half, the Argentina team must pass you if they want to open the middle channel, I believe you also understand that everyone is ready. help you. And yourself..."

Wang Ai raised his head and looked at Lao Gao with bright eyes, and Lao Gao also stared at him: "It's a little stupid."

Everyone was surprised, and Lao Gao asked, "Why are you always so far away from him?"

"Because I want to control it."

"Isn't that the case?" Lao Gao interrupted Wang Ai's explanation: "Your biggest advantage is your body, right? Especially when compared to Messi? Why don't you get closer? With your weight, being close to him can make his physical energy deplete faster than yours. With technology, no one in the world can block him, but with physical fitness, you can."

"Don't fight for technology anymore, fight for consumption!" Lao Gao waved his hand.

Wang Ai was stunned, and everyone was stunned.

In the second half, the venue was exchanged and the game started soon, and the changes of the Chinese team, especially Wang Ai, aroused the surprise of Sun Jihai. He directly said "Huh?" in the live broadcast: "Xiao Wanger, it seems to be able to defend! The first half In the field, he and Messi are more like two offensive players fighting for the ball, but now, it is a bit of a defensive player."

The sharper Messi slammed his head into the more difficult Wang Ai. From time to time, the two fought tit-for-tat in the middle of the road. All in a hurry, even Messi can't care about his demeanor. Entanglement, bumping, falling, chasing, pulling... Although Messi didn't do anything exciting in Wang Ai's defense, they did all the big moves within the foul!

In the 78th minute of the game, Messi again sharply got rid of the pressing action of his hand, and simply brought down Wang Ai who was close to him, while Wang Ai got up like a dog with his hands and feet. Shaking aside, Luo Tongliang arrived again when he was about to shoot, and used his thigh to block Messi's close-range shot from the penalty area!

The ball was taken by Zhou Haibin and went to fight with the Argentine full-back. Messi, who stayed in front of the Chinese team, suddenly bent over and retched a few times while covering his abdomen. Wang Ai, who was rubbing his thighs not far away, looked surprised: Although I was really disgusting just now, as for being disgusted by me like this? Performance art?

Messi waved his hand to reject the greetings from his teammates. When he returned to his hometown, it was inevitable to eat some favorite foods, such as barbecue. . Especially in that time just now, when Wang Ai's body collapsed and fell, and finally passed the opponent to get a single-handed sword, who would have thought that he would come up again with a haunted spirit?

The blow this time was so heavy that the feeling of vomiting that had been pressing down and felt nothing came up.

The pale Messi finally made a change. He no longer tried to singled out Wang Ai and directly scored a goal. Although this method is beautiful, it can greatly dampen the morale of the Chinese team, and even reorganize the super-giant pattern. But no time to try.

They've been fighting for most of the time, countless rounds, and countless moves.

Messi, who made the change, no longer holds the ball, but waits for an opportunity, which makes Wang Ai's defense more difficult. He can't always pester Messi without the ball. The duty given to him by the coaching staff is not man-marking but area defense, but his "area" is bigger and the focus is more prominent.

In the 85th minute of the game, Wang Ai's teammate Aguero brought the ball to Wang Ai, and he did not dare to take this strong little Wang Ai lightly. And Aguero didn't fight with Wang Ai at all. After attracting his attention, he suddenly scored the ball to the side of the air. I don't know when Messi had sprinted over and took the ball to kill the central defender of the Chinese team like a whirlwind. , when Wang Ai was still one step away from chasing, he made a decisive move and scored the gate of the Chinese team.

The Argentine fans cheered in the stands, but the Argentine players didn't celebrate at all, grabbed the ball and ran away, and the Chinese team didn't stop it. After the restart, the midfield and frontcourt players of the Chinese team all strengthened their control of the ball, both to take the initiative and to delay time. At this moment, the benefits of fighting side by side for many years became apparent. Maybe individual confrontation is still not dominant, but as long as two or three people form an organization, they can compete with their opponents, and once four or five people form a confrontation group, they can suppress the local offense and defense of the Argentine team.

A little bit of time passed, Messi became more and more anxious, and even returned to the backcourt to grab the ball, while Wang Ai doubled his attention. Whether it was Messi's personal penetration or his cooperation with his teammates, it was all in Wang Ai's hands. There are no secrets in sight. He either sticks to harass, or pulls away to steal, or smashes the opponent's rhythm from far and near, or runs long distances with his thighs to chase and harass all the way until he destroys.

In the 93rd minute of the game, Messi turned around after transferring the ball under his feet, but hit Wang Ai's shoulder and fell. Before he could get up, the final whistle sounded sharply.

In the hustle and bustle of the stadium, Messi lay his head up on the grass, looking at the deep blue sky of his hometown, with sweat or tears running down his face.

Wang Ai, who was not far away, sat cross-legged on the turf, silently looking at the stand opposite the red flag fluttering.

The figures of the two were put together on the sidelines of the camera.

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