Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 236: The Most Spectacular in the Country of Fragrance (6)

Van Persie knocked back, Mao Jianqing chased the ball, Sneijder split, and Zhao Xuri caught up... The fight between the two sides around the midfield appeared at the beginning of the game. Probably Van Gaal noticed that no matter how the strategy and tactics of the Chinese team changed over the years, the control of the midfield was consistent, so he wanted to give it a try? The midfielder led by Wang Ai and Chen Tao has never lost control in any game, which is also the core idea of ​​the Chinese team's tactical play.

Challenged today.

In addition to Van Persie, Sneijder, Robben, De Jong, and Wijnaldum all concentrated on the Chinese team's midfield headquarters to besiege Wang Ai and Chen Tao. As for the two flanks, Van Gaal judged from the past few games. Clearly, defense is better than offense, and it's no big deal to let them go.

So the game unfolded in a way no one expected: the middle of the midfield of the Chinese team was caught in a hard fight.

Seeing such a situation, He Wei and Sun Jihai didn't have the heart to call Zhang Bin again to ask if it was about Xu Qinglian being broadcast, and they focused on watching and analyzing the game.

On the court, facing the siege led by Robben and Sneijder, two former teammates who were also good friends, Wang Ai was also unprepared. If Feng Xiaoting was not really reliable, it would be dangerous. After experiencing the discomfort for the first three minutes in this way, Wang Ai's fighting spirit was also picked up.

Although it is really dangerous to dribble the ball at this point in the midfield, and the opponent's on-site counter-attack is very dangerous, but if you always choose to transfer without fighting, then the space in the midfield will be occupied. Because the result of your avoidance will inevitably tend to distance from your opponent, then when your opponent occupies the best position, your best position will be lost, which is like the "star point" of Go. Maybe the opponent didn't really want to steal the ball from Wang Ai's feet and turn it into a deadly attack. Of course, this opportunity will not be missed, but it is more likely that the core of the Chinese team's midfield will be taken from the best position through a lot of close hand-to-hand combat. squeeze out.

Zhao Xuri and Zhou Haibin, who didn't have many chances on the two flanks, had subconsciously moved closer to the middle, but they didn't dare to rely too much, because the Dutch team was in a 532 formation, and the threat of the two full-backs was not small. So while Wang Ai stubbornly resisted the Dutch team's pressure from the middle circle to the top of the penalty area, Chen Tao silently stepped forward and changed positions with Mao Jianqing. Because he can also dribble and get the ball here is of little significance at this time. The last way to really ease the Dutch team's attack in the middle is to move the battlefield to the opponent's half!

With the help of his teammates who have the same heart, Wang Ai's resistance became more intense, and he often staged the situation where he dribbled the ball alone and faced two interceptions. Obviously there is a chance to pass the ball to the two sides or Xiaomao who comes back, but he just doesn't pass, he must get the ball!

He Wei endured a few times and finally couldn't bear it anymore, because he knew that at this moment, some people watching the football in China must have raised doubts, so he carefully asked Sun Jihai during the live broadcast: "Does Captain Wang have a lot of balls?"

"Did he lose the ball? I mean, except for the first two?" Sun Jihai, who was enjoying watching it, asked subconsciously.

"That's not there, but there are plenty of clear passing opportunities..."

"That's not an opportunity." Sun Jihai said flatly.

Maybe it was because the tone was not good, Sun Jihai then explained: "Yes, on the surface, it seems that Xiao Wanger can launch an attack by scoring the ball, but launching an attack is not necessarily efficient. In the case of the opponent's five defenders, relying on the Chinese team It is very difficult to have two strikers. The Dutch team concentrates on the center in the frontcourt, which means that their retreat route will be shorter, and the two flanks of the Chinese team are not fast players, so even if Xiao Wanger points the ball Going out, the ball goes up, and there are fewer people hitting more people.”

"Then Captain Wang, oh, this time the ball is scored, let's see..."

In the field, Wang Ai used his teammates to pull through to Chen Tao in front. Chen Tao took control of the ball and organized the attack. Moments later, Qu Bo forced a shot in front of the goal and was easily obtained by Romero. The situation returned to the Chinese team's half court again. Sneijder, De Jong, and Robben continued to swarm Wang Ai, but Wang Ai was not afraid and would grind with them while dribbling the ball.

"Jihai, according to your understanding, you can analyze the intention of the Chinese team for everyone."

"Okay." Sun Jihai said calmly: "From what I understand, because the two sides are very familiar, for example, Wang Ai, Robben, and Sneijder have all been teammates, and Zhou Haibin has played in the Dutch League for a long time, so personally There are no secrets in terms of characteristics. The two sides are more about the tactical design ability of the coaching staff, and the Chinese team's idea has always been to fight in the midfield, which means that controlling the midfield game will follow the rhythm of the Chinese team. At least China The team can play its own characteristics. The intention of the Dutch team is obvious, that is, to destroy the tactical rhythm of the Chinese team, even if it can’t be destroyed, Wang Ai has no time to intervene.”

Speaking of this, Lao Sun suddenly giggled: "Actually, from the opponent's point of view, the Chinese team's play is quite rogue, Messi fought so hard in the last game, but he still lost, because Xiao Wanger was in addition to He has almost no weaknesses outside of experience. He is tall and has long legs, a large area of ​​control, flexible steps, quick turns and is not afraid of hitting back, and his fast speed and good physical fitness make up for his inexperience. He does a good job at his feet, and he is not as healthy as a small man, even if he encounters someone like him, such as Yin Bu, who is not as fast and physically fit, he is simply invulnerable here."

"If you don't try to break his blockade, you can only go on the wing, and the Chinese team's four players on the wing are all very capable of defending, and you can't beat it easily. And if you really play on the wing, he will bring the ball out." Sun Jihai's slightly hoarse voice was clearly audible on the land of China at this time: "The Dutch team needs to occupy the middle of the midfield, and the Chinese team needs to use Xiao Wang'er to make a hard top. Judging from the past few minutes of competition, it is generally flat. In this contest of consciousness, the advantage of the Chinese team is that they often use one person to drag the other two or three people to fight for consumption, and the Dutch team will not be able to hold on like this. The advantage of the Dutch team is that they have two dangerous outs. The ball points are Robben and Sneijder. This makes Wang Ai, who can concentrate on dealing with Messi in the last game, must be often distracted. This requires Feng Xiaoting and Luo Tongliang behind Wang Ai to stop the leak in time, and the test is the midfielder. A tacit understanding with the central defender.”

Before he finished speaking, De Jong dribbled the ball and was suddenly cut off by Wang Ai. Then Sneijder and Wang Ai competed to get the first hand and quickly passed Robben. Robben slammed into the penalty area from behind Wang Ai, and Feng Xiaoting immediately stepped forward. , Robben couldn't get rid of it and had to stuff it to Van Persie, but Luo Tongliang, who had been vigilant all the time, smashed it before Van Persie.

"That's it!" Sun Jihai said excitedly in the live broadcast: "Feng Xiaoting has a flexible footstep and a calm mind can limit Robben who doesn't have much room to run, while Luo Tongliang is strong and strong and can withstand Van Persie, and they are both with Wang Ai. There is a great deal of understanding.”

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