Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 242: Red Deeds (2)

Speaking of feelings, everyone and Lao Gao have long been indistinguishable from each other. Wang Ai and Lao Gao are more intimate and more casual, but the others are not bad. As the head of this team, Lao Gao has too many things to care about. Several members of the unhappy family of origin encountered a lot of troubles and even obstacles after they became famous. They all relied on Lao Gao to find a way or even directly intervene to help solve it. Only then did the original team remain intact as much as possible, and the country was preserved. The most precious tacit understanding of the team.

What Wang Ai can help his teammates is the career future, but he can't do anything about the family of origin because he is a peer. The little buddies can talk freely about the future together, but when it comes to their own family affairs, it is always difficult to talk about it, so it is much more convenient to find Lao Gao.

Lao Gao is both a father and a mother to most people, accompanying these children from unknown to famous all over the world, from naughty teenagers on the training ground to husbands and fathers. These 16 years are the best age for this group of players, but it is also the best age for Lao Gao.

The salary of the national team coach has risen to 10 million, but for Lao Gao, he could have earned 20 million and 30 million in the professional team, but he still chose the national team. It is reasonable to say that it is reluctant that this team hopes to lead the team to create more brilliant achievements, and even financially, it can be compensated in terms of advertising endorsements, but there are also factors that are reluctant to bear these children. Many people have become accustomed to him, and are used to the days when he is under his command willful and reckless, saying whatever they want, and if they really bring others down, they will inevitably suffer losses and grievances. In the end, it also has a strong meaning of repaying the country, but he doesn't say it, and neither does anyone else.

Before yesterday, everyone had not clearly realized this problem. Everyone was still looking at the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro with their heads held high. The fog cleared, and I was back in front of the Hercules Cup. Especially when I saw that the media from all over the world used the "last battle" to describe the next game, it was as if the group had recovered. The difference is right in front of you.

The silence in the cabin was in stark contrast to the whispered technical and tactical discussions in the corner of the cabin. This weird atmosphere continued until the plane landed, the coaching team's discussion ended, and Lao Tang and the others called for everyone to carry their luggage and prepare to get off the plane. It was quite stable, Lao Gao strolled up slowly from behind.

The emotions of the team members were about to burst out, but Lao Gao just glanced back at the cabin indifferently, said, "Go", and then left first.

Everyone had to take a deep breath, suppressed the melancholy in their hearts, stood up and got off the plane one by one, forcing themselves to focus on the game again.

The national team does not have a "loving mother", only a "strict father", and only a "strict father" can sharpen the men who will be like steel.

When the bus arrived, everyone discovered that the familiar "seaside villa" had appeared again, and everyone was secretly relieved. No matter how good the hotel is, it is inevitable that people will come and go, and the environment will inevitably be cramped and depressing. No matter how high the sky is and how big the sea is, the more relaxed the action is, the more free the mind is.

The team leader of the last World Cup was Vidi, but in fact, Leoni was in charge of daily affairs, so he was treated like no other national team in previous years. The cost is second, the key is that the social comments and perceptions are not very good. When most Chinese people are still "living in a dwelling", when you go abroad to compete in a villa, are you going to win glory for the country or just enjoy it?

Such questions have often appeared on social media after the last World Cup, so Guo Bingyan, who led the team at this World Cup, made adjustments. However, it was not blocked under Leoni's suggestion. Leoni told him that the different accommodation environment will affect the psychological state of the players and the team. Relatively speaking, an empty villa can cultivate a more relaxed state, while a hotel can maintain a more relaxed state. tight state.

Therefore, the national team maintains a variety of options for where to live, and will make decisions based on the advice of the coaching staff.

It was the coaching staff's suggestion to live in a villa during the finals because everyone was tired. Not to mention how difficult the two games of Argentina and the Netherlands are, the rhythm of one game in three or four days of the World Cup itself is not easy, which is equivalent to three and a half weeks of double games a week.

In order to relieve fatigue, store energy, and give the main force a chance to breathe, this slightly small but very quiet seaside villa appeared.

After putting away the luggage and allocating the room, everyone went to the restaurant on the first floor for dinner. The Chinese chef who came from afar, after accompanying everyone for 20 days, has figured out the requirements of the coaching staff for nutritious meals and the tendency of the players to personalize their tastes. The lunch that came out was rich and delicious, which relieved everyone's mood very well.

After a one-hour lunch break, the coaching staff called everyone to hold a game summary meeting. From the tactical design of the coaching staff to the execution of the players in the game, from the application of technology to the organization and cooperation, from the transition of offense and defense to the tactical dismantling of the opponent, from offense to defense, from collective to individual, what should be praised, and what should be scolded .

The terms and conditions are detailed and clear. There is no exception in the tactical summary meeting. The coach must admit when he is wrong, the players must be scolded when they are wrong, the coach must improve in the summary, and the players must improve in the summary. There is no super giant, no 50 years of the best, and some are just a member of the collective.

The summary meeting was held in the evening, and after a short break after dinner, everyone headed to the training ground to start recovery training, and at the same time incorporated some targeted training after the coaches' preliminary judgment on the next opponent.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the tired players were standing or sitting on the training ground. This was a good time for everyone to summarize the training experience of the day. Lao Tang also sat in the middle of everyone, listening to everyone's discussions, interjecting from time to time, and of course being refuted by the team members from time to time.

Old Gao, on the other hand, sat alone on the gloomy court bench, only the occasional spark of Mars showed that there was still someone there.

Wang Ai, who had just finished using the toilet, came back, stood in front of Lao Gao and stared at him, Wang Ai said after a while, "I thought you didn't feel it."

Lao Gao smiled and shook his head, shifted his butt: "Sit."

Wang Ai sat in the limelight, Lao Gao snuffed out the cigarette butts, got up, threw it into the trash can, came back and sat down again, looking at the brightly lit place in the middle of the lively training ground where the players sometimes fought each other. .

Thousands of words, thousands of words, all turned into silence under the shade of trees and side by side in the night.

The two silent men just enjoyed the moment of coexistence that had entered the countdown.

The road ahead is still bright, and it is infinitely beautiful at this time.

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