Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 8 Chapter 210: Looking for excitement (10)

"A fan of yours once counted your work schedule in recent years and found that you were extremely busy in the summer when other stars rested. Aren't you worried that your football performance will decline due to poor rest?"

Neither the Xinhua News Agency reporter nor Martin interrupted the EFE reporter's questioning. Xinhua News Agency did not intend to come, and Martin was not in a hurry.


"Then why did you still agree? As far as I know, the breakthrough in track and field has not brought any significant increase in your commercial value. Did your government force you?"

"On the contrary." Wang Ai said with a smile: "My superiors, specifically the Football Association, are very worried that I will affect the state of the game. In fact, as long as I express this, I don't have to participate in the World Championships or the Olympics. The world's track and field fans will put pressure on China's track and field authorities."

The EFE reporter looked down at the interview outline: "Then let me ask you this question. What is the reason for you, who has won three Golden Globes in world football, to suddenly participate? It doesn't make sense to you. What about track and field? Actually, you are not short of a world record, are you?"

"In terms of personal income and fame, I'm really not bad." Wang Ai first affirmed the reporter's topic setting, and then explained: "There is a premise that I participate in track and field events that everyone does not know, that is, as early as 2009 or even earlier. , I have already run into 10 seconds. During our national team training, sometimes everyone will try to play other sports. I have played as a winger for a long time, and I have requirements for speed, so myself included I was very curious, so I tested it, and I was about 20 years old at the time."

"That is to say, if you should practice track and field at that time, maybe you will set a world record earlier?"

"Maybe, but that's not the point. The point is that I was in a very unstable state at the time. Although I could set the records in China and Asia at that time, the probability was too low to be of practical value, so I didn't think about it. "Wang Ai paused and continued: "Later, the head coach of my national team asked me to write about my training experience. The purpose was also purely to provide a reference for the whole of China to engage in sports. But I did not expect to attract a lot of people. Many athletes and coaches from other sports have accused us of not passing on a football player's training experience, which will affect the normal training of athletes from other sports."

The reporters listened quietly, and the camera recorded quietly. Wang Ai smiled and said: "I was young at the time, and I was not convinced, so I wrote some articles to argue with them. You know, the more noisy you are, the more angry you become. It happened that my hometown hosted the National Games at that time, so I signed up for the 100-meter, long jump and triathlon. I didn't want to break any records at the time. After all, it was my first time to participate in an official track and field competition. I thought That is, as long as my performance can reach the level of a national athlete, it proves that my training experience is not only useful for football, but also helpful for other sports.”

The female reporter from the EFE News Agency and Martin opened their eyes wide: "That is to say, the great record of 9.48 seconds, which broke the 9.5 for the first time, turned out to be due to a quarrel?"

Wang Ai nodded helplessly: "You're right, without the famous quarrel in the Chinese sports world, I really wouldn't go to the National Games in a fit of anger. After that, I regretted it countless times, because every time I'm looking forward to the summer when my assistants will give me a lot of work with a sad face."

"But it makes your experience more legendary doesn't it? Makes you have more friends?"

"Actually, my supervisory unit, the Chinese Football Association, should be very unhappy in my heart. Because I belonged to them before, but now I am in two boats." Amidst the laughter of the reporters, Wang Ai continued: "And the track and field side probably also have dissatisfaction with me, because I am not loyal enough, they have tried their best to reward me, but I only work for them in my spare time."

Wang Ai waved his hand: "Similarly, my sponsors, my fans and Mr. Florentino probably think the same way, but they are very personable and won't really accuse me. I don't care if I return to Madrid. Neither the boss nor the coach was in a hurry to let me go to the game, but repeatedly told me to rest well, and I guess they were crying when they said that."

Martin laughed and took up the conversation: "You talk about your boss behind your back, be careful that he sells you."

Wang Ai nodded: "Yes, I am very worried about this, so I decided to take a good rest, so that when the team needs me, I will do my best to express my love for him and win his heart again."

After laughing, the reporter from Xinhua News Agency asked a question that everyone cared about: "Wang Ai, what are your expectations for the new season? What kind of results do you think Real Madrid will achieve?"

"Our current lineup has not changed much compared to last season, which determines that our combat effectiveness this season will not change much. Zidane is a serious and gentle person, and everyone likes him very much. With these two In terms of factors, I am looking forward to the new season, we should win some important trophies."

"What about you personally? You unexpectedly changed your style of play last season. Will you continue to do so this season? What is the reason for your change?" The reporter from Xinhua News Agency simply asked.

"I don't know this season, it depends on what the team needs me to do."

"As far as I know, Real Madrid is a team that often has problems internally, but you seem to be an exception. I have never heard of anyone you have problems with in a year. What do you rely on to maintain a friendly relationship with your teammates? asked the EFE reporter.

"Friendliness, distance and dedication." Wang Ai smiled: "Friendliness will get a friendly response, distance will reduce personality conflicts, and dedication will expand common interests. Of course, this is only my reason, and I can get along with everyone There are also reasons for teammates, probably because all the people I met were good people?"

The joint interview lasted all morning and ended at noon. At noon, after consulting everyone's opinions, Wang Ai personally cooked for the reporters. After the reporters left, Wang Ai found Leoni impatiently, and a phone call made the courier company's car arrive at the door.

In the evening, Ronaldo raised his head from the small lawn at home in surprise, because a strange aircraft flew across the sky, with a propeller on top of his head and a propeller behind him. What was even more strange was that the aircraft was flying directly towards him slowly. coming.

It's like a helicopter but it doesn't make any sound, and it's too small and too slow.

When Ronaldo was considering whether to call a bodyguard, Wang Ai's bright smiling face appeared from the aircraft only ten meters above the ground.

"Want a ride? Only 10 euros to the city center!"

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