Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 8 Chapter 331: Champions League King (1)

The overwhelming praise for Messi in the newspapers the next day made Wang Ai stunned.

Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the mainstream media of the five major leagues are unanimous. Even the Madrid media rarely sided with Messi, claiming that the desperate Barcelona played a soul-stirring counterattack at the Bernabeu, and the scarred Messi persisted until the last moment , defended Barcelona's honor as the top two in La Liga, and broke Real Madrid's exaggerated dream of winning six rounds in advance.

This time, the Chinese media also rarely stood on the "opposite side of Wang Ai", putting the first person in the description and the first object of evaluation on Messi.

This majestic scene exceeded Wang Ai's expectations. He guessed the tone of the media. After all, he also thought that Messi's performance was very good, but he did not expect such a situation. Even at the regular meeting of the Chinese Football Academy every morning, the academy team chatted about the game after discussing normal work, and tried to ask their leaders about Messi's performance on the spot and even Messi's injury.

"Your dear dean is also injured, comrades, don't you want to talk about your feelings?" Wang Ai poured out bitterness.

"Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never end in a hundred battles." Old Liu smiled and said nothing.

After the meeting, and at lunchtime, news suddenly came on the TV: The Spanish Football Association announced a fine of 50,000 yuan and a three-match ban on Marcelo.

This is a response to the collective criticism of Marcelo by the press, and neither the official website nor the spokesperson of Real Madrid made any statement, and Marcelo did not accept the interview, which means he accepted it silently.

"The limelight is a bit wrong." Leoni looked away from the TV: "Real Madrid seems to be targeted."

Huang Xin thought carefully: "I haven't heard anything outside the rules recently."

Shi Wenjun nodded: "I haven't heard of any changes in Real Madrid's business. They just reached an agreement with an American company recently. They may go to the United States for training this summer."

Leoni said "hmm": "It may not be a conspiracy, but a collective alertness to Real Madrid. It was the same in the first phase of the Galaxy, especially at the beginning, and the response from the critics after the poor record was good. a little."

"That is to say, everyone regards Real Madrid as the biggest opponent?"

"Real Madrid is now stronger than any period in history. If you count one less game, it will be seven rounds earlier. This is almost at the level of Bayern's dominance in the Bundesliga." Leonie thought for a while: "If Real Madrid can't decline on its own , then the vigilance of all opponents and the antipathy from the league organizers will put pressure on Real Madrid from all aspects until the league is restored to balance."

"I hope it doesn't go to that level." Huang Xin sighed, "It's terrible to let the referee end."

Wang Ai has been eating in silence, but the little beauty looked at him: "Does it affect the doctor?"

"There will definitely be." Leoni also looked at Wang Ai: "The collective reputation is damaged, and everyone can't escape. In extreme cases, it is not ruled out that the media will target the doctor, criticize him, sarcasm him, and drag down his competitive state. He saved the game in many games where Real Madrid must lose, which made the points so exaggerated. The 2:0 attribute is usually praise and envy, but at this time it is the original sin.”

The little beauty narrowed her eyes and stopped talking. Huang Xin looked around: "Then let's... change?"

Wang Ai laughed: "The Du Han died by force?"

The little beauty immediately picked up the words: "Death is due to internal friction, not external trouble."

Huang Xin looked at the two smiling and said nothing, Leoni blinked: "So? What should we do?"

Wang Ai thought for a while: "It depends on the situation. I have no control over the Real Madrid locker room. I can only follow the trend, stay if I can, and leave if I can't."

Huang Xin said: "I'm afraid the focus will still be on you two giants. It is not only the foundation of Real Madrid's strength, but also the symbol of Real Madrid's strength."

"You mean, break us up?"

"I'm afraid it's easier? Breaking up the main lineup is too much, and the workload is too much, but it's easier to break up the two of you. You love freedom, and Ronaldo is full of complaints. If you want to leave, Real Madrid will go. So powerful, at least not so daunting."

Wang Ai shook his head: "I actually think what you said makes sense! Then do I need to prepare for a period of bad reputation for the club?"

Leoni and the little beauty exchanged glances: "Maybe not so fast, but the trend is already there."

The little beauty said: "If you count what Zhao Dan and the others reminded, there may be national opponents targeting you. We really have to pay attention to this matter. If you want to stay in Real Madrid, you have to think about how to escape this wave. It doesn't matter if others are unlucky, don't fold us into it."

Wang Ai frowned and said, "Do I need to lower my performance?"

"No." The little beauty said decisively: "If you use lower performance to escape the storm, shall we retire? Don't you continue to play football because you can still perform well? No matter how many people hate you, it's all yours For the foundation of our lives, we have to start from other places."

"But I don't have much to do." Wang Ai put down his quick son: "I have done everything I can do these years, and I have done everything I can to maintain my image. I have done charity, kept a low profile off the court, and did not foul on the court."

The little beauty thought for a while: "That's right, there's not much we can do, and I'm afraid we'll have to see what we do."

Leoni reminded: "I'm afraid the club understands this trend, so we can make an appointment with Florentino to see what he means at an appropriate time. If he wants to keep us, he has to find a way for us. Our contribution It is far more than the salary, he should understand. The only one in the world with its own 2:0 attribute, he and the club must give enough respect."

Huang Xin nodded: "Yes, we don't need too much salary. Anyway, we don't rely on it, but in terms of reputation and reputation, Real Madrid should provide enough protection."

Wang Ai looked up at the ceiling and thought about it for a while: "But in this way, Ronaldo will be under a lot of pressure."

Leoni said: "There is no way, after all, your competitive value is much higher than his. Besides, how do you know he is not willing? His super giant business map now largely depends on the He maintained it alone, as long as he doesn't release subversive black material, I'm afraid he welcomes controversy."

Seeing that Wang Ai was frowning, the little beauty suddenly smiled: "Don't think so much now, even if you come here, it won't happen overnight. The football world is not united, and Real Madrid is not something that anyone can pull off. This should be a long-term struggle." The process will take a year or two. Anything will happen in such a long time, we just need to be careful, you are in charge of playing football, and we are in charge of investigation."

Wang Ai smiled and stretched out his hand to scratch the tip of the little beauty's nose: "I'm the one pulling the cart, why don't you pull the rope?"

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