Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 9 Chapter 16: Prince's Spring (6)

"Then do you support Neymar and fight against him?"

"Well, I don't support it, but I understand it. Everyone doesn't want to participate in stadium violence, but sometimes there is no thinking process from emotion to action. Judging from the current strict punishment measures, if people are given a chance to think, it is almost impossible will happen."

"How do you want the French Football Federation to handle this?"

"Uh, educate yourself more, right? If there is really racial discrimination, I hope you can apologize and reconcile, right?"

"But this is El Clasico."

Wang Ai shrugged and was about to leave when a new reporter came next to him and loudly said, "Did your teammates hear someone using racial slurs against you?"

"Really?" Wang Ai smiled: "My French is not very good, please ask him to use Spanish next time."

"But it's Spanish?"

"Probably the accent is thicker." Wang Ai turned around and walked away without caring.

When Wang Ai got in the car, Anna had already summarized the hottest topics in the game, including Wang Ai's artistic goals, Neymar's fight, racial discrimination... The accent was thick!

"Can this become a hot spot?" Wang Ai pointed at the last one and was confused.

Anna couldn't help laughing: "Your disgusted little expression is so cute."

After returning home, "heavier accent" attracted more attention on social networking sites than "Wang Ai's artistic goal", which left Wang Ai speechless for a while.

Until the next day, the popularity did not fade away. Wang Ai judged that Paris and Marseille should have jointly maintained it, in order to reduce the negative impact of the fight and strive to reduce the punishment. In addition, there are also voices on social media that "Wang Ai is weak". Some Paris fans believe that Wang Ai's failure to kill the opponent's goalkeeper after scoring and his speech after the game showed that he is not a "man".

After reading the newspaper in the morning, Wang Ai ignored it. Anyway, his base is in China and Asia. As long as Chinese and Asian fans view it positively, it doesn't matter. When the regular meeting was about to end, Lao Liu reminded Wang Ai that he still owed money to the fans. In the training video, Wang Ai was a little embarrassed.

"The league cannot be carried out, training cannot be guaranteed, the fans are bored, and the players have nothing to do. If you take the lead in popularizing some knowledge, it should be interesting."

We've been talking about it for a long time, and we've made promises several times, but we always forget about the whole thing.

"It seems like it's easy to forget things without paying." Wang Ai closed the video and said to Leonie with a smile: "Do you think now is the time to record a video?"

"When is it not? Anyway, the quality can be high or low, and no one forces you to do it a certain way. Just use it as a popular science textbook for your children."

Wang Ai took the ball downstairs, and Huang Xin heard about it and followed him out: "Speaking of which, you haven't been teaching your children for a few days, and you're not interested because you don't make money."

Wang Ai's face darkened, he raised his hand, and the football landed on Huang Xin's head with a thud and bounced.

Huang Xin picked up the football, her face darkened, and she threw it to Wang Ai with both hands: "You dare to fight with me."

Wang Ai pointed at the swimming pool: "If you dare to compete again, I will throw you into the water!"

Considering Wang Ai's naughty character and the guards who were walking out to watch the excitement, Huang Xin decided to endure it.

After flipping through several elementary football textbooks, discussing with everyone for a while, and thinking alone for a while, Wang Ai wrote down the syllabus and decided to follow the four on-field contents of ball feel, stopping the ball, shooting, and dribbling, as well as diet and fitness. Off-site content, a total of six videos were recorded.

"Isn't it a bit small?" Kangsi wondered: "Wouldn't it be better to make up ten or eight?"

"I can't get it together." Wang Ai looked at the syllabus again: "These are the basics. Once you learn these four things, you will be able to gain a foothold on the court. Whether you can go higher depends on your personal conditions."

"What everyone is most interested in is your shooting."

"I don't want to teach yet..."

"Okay." Everyone surrendered.

Indeed, Wang Ai hasn't retired yet, how can he teach him his special skills? Even when it comes to teaching, we have to follow the priority order of children, youngsters, Chinese Football Academy training classes, and young Chinese players. Now Wang Ai's kicking style is just like his track and field experience, which is not taught by the state.

Wang Ai has the right to be more selfish.

"Then let's get started." Huang Xin waved her hand, picked a flat angle that wouldn't expose too much privacy, and set up the camera with Anna. They adjusted it for a while and gave Wang Ai time to prepare.

"Hello everyone, starting today I will be recording six football training videos. I know you have been waiting for a long time. In fact, I also wanted to record it as soon as possible, but things got busy and it was postponed until today." Wang Ai held the football and smiled at the camera. Jie: "Okay, that's enough gossip. In today's issue, I will share with you about the feel of the ball."

Everyone was behind the camera, sitting or standing watching Wang Ai talk and gesture to the camera alone.

"Ball feel is the basis for ball control. If you have good ball feel, it doesn't matter if your ball control skills are poor. Because ball control skills are taught to you by others and are common products, they may not be the most suitable for your physical condition. For example, if your legs are long, Body proportions cannot be exactly the same as others. This is like wearing clothes that are most suitable for you. They must be customized after measuring your body data. However, commercial products are widely available and the cost is relatively low, so coaches often teach you this. But I recorded the video today for the players and fans, so we don’t consider the batch, only the individual situation.”

"We often see players in some top leagues having some less-than-standard technical moves. On the contrary, some players with very standard moves cannot play in the top leagues. This is because a good feel for the ball will give you deeper physical data and The combination of technical movements allows you to customize and adjust your own technical movements. Of course, I am not saying this to make you rebel against the coach. Daluluo is a quick way for you to get on the court, allowing you to develop in a balanced and comprehensive way, but you just want to. To get to the top, sooner or later you have to make your own way, combine technical moves with your own physical conditions, and become a player with personality and ability."

"It's a bit long-winded." Huang Xin and Kang Si whispered.

Kangsi nodded: "No matter how big or small it is, you either don't teach it or you teach it well."

Wang Ai was still explaining to the camera: "The basis of all this is ball feel. I remember I said in many interviews that there will always be a football on my bed, and there is still one on my bed now. Ball feel is your familiarity with football. Degree does not mean how heavy or how big it is rationally, but the familiarity and habit of each part of your body with football. Most of the actions in the game are instinctive reactions. You don’t have time to think with your brain. The more familiar your body is with football, Familiar as an organ, the more accurate your instinctive response is, the better you can achieve your goals.”

"Like a blindfold penalty kick..."

Having said this, Wang Ai took out a pair of sleeping eye masks from his trouser pocket.

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