Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 3 Chapter 238: Fisherman's Fairy (Act 4: The Last Strike)

The two backup central defenders have almost never cooperated in the real field, so even after half a month of intensive training, it still seems strange. Therefore, when Romero dropped Giuli and came to interfere in an emergency, it was too late .

Morientes, the Real Madrid abandoner, has scored 10 goals in the Champions League this season. After scoring, Morientes opened the jersey while running and rushed to the stands of Monaco fans. Scoring 10 goals in 13 Champions League games, far more than Ronaldo scoring 4 goals in 10 Champions League games, this also gives him a stronger confidence to return to Bernabeu.

Irueta was dissatisfied with the player's lax performance, clapping and roaring on the sidelines. Most of the players were silent. There was nothing to say about this goal. Only striker Pandiani grinned with a big bald head. He already knew that the club was going to sell him this summer. In fact, he had already foreseen this day. After all, his relationship with Irueta and Lendoiro was not very good.

The fishing port is constantly losing blood, and the club's heavy debt is increasing day by day. The so-called "rejuvenation" policy is to sell people for money. If you are so disobedient, you must go first. Fortunately, my own performance this season is good. The league scored 20 goals and the Champions League also scored 7. Should there be a good place? However, this game needs to perform well.

Pandiani, who came to Rakko in 2000, had been loaned out for a year because of his bad temper. If the club sold Ma Kai this season, he would not be able to return. He doesn't have a deep feeling for Laco, this is just one stop of his career.

Even if he cares about the club, but personal honor and personal interests are determined, Pandiani will work hard in this final battle.

Just when Monaco scored a goal and was about to kick off the scoring frenzy, La Coruna's main center Pandiani suddenly possessed the God of War. He changed his past laziness and slipping style, creating several times in the frontcourt Major threats quickly led to Laco's offensive. In this formation of Laco, the tall center is the fulcrum of the offense, and his state will have a great transmission effect. Luke, Victor, Belleron and others are equivalent to his assistants in the offense. As long as he is in a good position and form, he is the team's first attacker.

When Pandiani suddenly cheered up, the pressure on Monaco's backcourt suddenly increased, which made the match between the two sides suddenly because of this goal. If you look at the last 20 minutes of the first half, you can't imagine how dull the first 25 minutes are.

Rako, who is better than the defender, certainly did not come from his opponents. When there is no retreat behind the ball, he can only let it go. Laco no longer flinched, and inevitably exposed the weak rear defense. Right now, it depends on who has more aggressive attack power.

In the VIP box, Prince Albert of Monaco quietly breathed a sigh of relief, if not for the King of Spain, he would laugh. The 46-year-old unmarried Monaco's sole heir will be a super-diamond prince with billions of pounds of wealth, and doesn't really look at the poor Spanish royal family. It was just that he was the son of a prince, and the opposite was a true king. In Europe, the influence in the world far exceeded Monaco, the land of projectiles, so he had to be stretched out, not to be rude.

The prince is a man of temperament and a passion for sports. He has a certain influence in the International Olympic Committee. Aside from the fact that he must give face to the royal families in Europe, he doesn't care much about ordinary government leaders, let alone all kinds of sports stars. No matter how big the game is, he is going to be upset if he wants to watch. Unlike ordinary members of the royal family, they were scolded in their hearts, and their faces had to be maintained.

Monaco is ahead, and is about to bring a Champions League to his country, but this city country can boast a century of glory. This country is too small to form a league at all, so it can only participate in Ligue 1 and there is only such a team.

Although De Shang still can't keep it, it is enough to leave a Champions League trophy. Next time, there is no such good opportunity. Who can think that Real Madrid, which has three world footballers, is so brittle?

The thought of His Royal Highness's smile couldn't be stopped anymore.

However, after all, the prince did not understand much about football. In his opinion, it was a good situation about to achieve a great victory. However, in the eyes of Deschamps, this was not the case. He noticed the activity and state of Pandiani. Excellent, but fortunately Rodriguez's performance is solid, there is no problem for the time being.

It was just that Pursau's condition made him a little worried. The bulky center didn't seem to have a significant impact on Lako's weak back line. Even if Jiuli passed several good goals, he did not seize the opportunity. It seems that he His ability can only be counterattacked by Draco.

Although Pandiani led Luke and others to become increasingly active in the frontcourt, Laco's backcourt did not make a big push, and the connection of the midfield was handed over to Beleron and Sergio, which seemed to attack Monaco Force is also very daunting. But in this way, if Laco didn't come out, the heavy tank of Pursau could not find the crosshair.

Maybe keep the lead, but after the second half, Laco will be unbearable, right? At that time, the opportunity for Monaco should come. However, the Chinese is still very uncertain. Even if De Shang has already made arrangements, he still feels unsafe. His game status is so good that he can always complete assists or break the goal with little game time, whether it is La Liga, the Kings Cup or the Champions League, or even his national events.

But it ’s okay. He will come on in the second half, and he will definitely attack. We are just backing up and fighting back. If your two full-backs do n’t plug in assists, the frontcourt will not be enough. If you plug them in, there will be a gap behind them. Alas, What a profit!

But when Deschamps secretly pleased, Laco planned a beautiful frontcourt match, and central defender Pablo gave it to Sergio. Sergio saw that the ball was favorable and gave up without touching the ball. After Belleron got back, he turned around and gave a big kick to Victor on the right. Victor caught up and hurriedly flew off Jiewei. With his right foot, he shot like a pass from the front of the door with a little arc. The goalkeeper Rome did not dare to make a fist, and was ready to punch with two fists, but did not hit the right part. The football bounced high in front of the goal.

When Rome adjusted again, when it jumped up again, Pandiani had "landed".

Football is like a bomb with a parachute, and it falls gently inside the goal line.

In the 40th minute of the game, Laco equalized the score.

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