Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 3 Chapter 276: Golden Asian Cup: Pursuit (2)

Li Ming was selected for the national team in 1992. This is the fourth time the silent 34-year-old veteran has played in the Asian Cup. He is also the record holder of the Asian Cup in the national team. Therefore, he himself was actively fighting, and Ali Haan gave him this opportunity.

It turns out that when a player is very enthusiastic, it often means that he can play beyond the normal. The progress of the game was as expected by the coaching staff. After 90 minutes, the Chinese team defeated the opponent 6: 0 without dispute. Among them, Shao Jia scored twice and Yan Song assisted twice. Hao Haidong, Li Yi, Chen Yang, and Li Ming all scored goals. Li Ming's goal was the most exciting. He directly hit the goal through a corner.

This ball happened in the opening half of the second half. After standing on the corner of the corner, Li Ming on the right, looked at it with his hands on his hips for a while, then he felt a kick. The ball was extremely fast, but the arc was not large. It passed quickly in front of the goal. The goalkeeper jumped up and held it for a moment. The result was not great, and Li Ming hit the goal directly.

This is a ball of the world wave, the workers immediately boiled, and the applause lasted a full minute!

Although this is his seventh goal in 12 years in the national team, it is enough to be remembered. In addition to scoring goals, he was also very active in assists and running, showing an outstanding competitive status and desire to win that was not a lot of veterans.

I don't know if Hao Haidong, his teammate for many years, stimulated him.

After the two wars, the Chinese team scored 11 goals and lost 1 goal. This is the best opening result of the 7th Asian Cup in the 28 years since China first participated in the Asian Cup in 1976. Similarly, only the 1988 Qatar Asian Cup, the Chinese team also won in the first two games, but only two goals in the two games, although the conceded is 0.

After the game, Li Ming was evaluated as the best player in the field and deserved it.

The victory of the Chinese team made the atmosphere in the team more harmonious. This is especially the case when the Tubingen system, which is clearly the "first faction", has no opinion. The main lineup remains calm and the bench lineup performs well. This is the situation that almost every head coach looks forward to.

At the same time, in terms of organization of the game, the so-called "security considerations" previously covered by Wang Aitivilaphan, in fact, the ticket price was too expensive and caused a small number of spectators, and the victory of the first game was eased. Wang Ai didn't go to the roots to find out whether he had fans re-purchased tickets or arranged for people to watch the game. In short, Villapan warmly praised the Beijing Organizing Committee and Beijing fans after the game, and let the storm Thoroughly quelled.

Next, the Chinese team will try their best to fight for the beginning and end, and win the line, so that they can easily face the knockout.

Since the game venue was in Beijing, Wang Ai hadn't returned home for another month, so he took a temporary leave with the coach. In fact, the players who put their home in Beijing are more free to go home. Ali Haan coaching team is more relaxed in this regard.

Going home is mainly to discuss some issues with Xu Qinglian. After two years of hard work, she has completed the undergraduate course in history at Renmin University this summer, and completed four years of study in two years! Follow closely the footsteps of Wang Ai.

It's just worse that Wang Ai took a master's degree in two years, and Xu Qinglian's teacher told her with regret: her undergraduate grades are excellent, but the comprehensive level is not up to the master's standard. The school suggests that she stay and continue Study. The director of the history department came forward personally and promised that in the coming year, if Xu Qinglian could continue to study in the past two years, a master could not run!

Xu Qinglian was a bit unsure. She originally wanted to graduate and go abroad directly to the United Kingdom this year. She had previously visited Europe for a trip, and was more optimistic about University College London, which is UCL, and aims at the School of History and Social Sciences. London is a special city that has "built high-rises, guests, and buildings collapsed" in modern history. It must have a deeper understanding in the fields of history and social science.

However, the People's Congress has been really good to Xu Qinglian in the past two years. This is not just the face of the 20 million student donations. Many savvy intellectuals sneered at it. It is actually Xu Qinglian's qualifications are very good. Study hard. Therefore, the retention of the National People's Congress, especially the temptation of "half a master's degree, completed in another year", is quite difficult.

So she called Wang Ai and asked him to come back to discuss it.

The result of the discussion was self-evident. She was hesitant, but Ai Xiaoqing was reluctant to go out when she was 16 years old, and Wang Ai was not at ease. You can rest assured in this good place in Beijing, but in London is another matter. Although the two haven't spent much time together these years, they are finally under their wings, and they are released immediately, and they are a bit worried.

Besides, it is a pity that the master's degree of the National People's Congress gave up in this way. Therefore, the result of the final discussion was that Xu Qinglian accepted the retention of the National People's Congress and continued to study for a master's degree in history at the National People's Congress. After finishing school successfully next summer, I will return to London.

This year Xu Qinglian needed to strengthen her oral English practice, and her family had to go to Britain in advance to pick a safe community and buy a house. At the same time, Xu Qinglian's security personnel had to be re-selected and trained. Zhang Xiuyun joined Beyond Culture Company. Now there are two temporary new guards around, and they get along well, but I don't know if I am willing to go to Britain or whether I can adapt well.

At the same time, the new defender must go to the UK to get a driver's license and return. London is a big city. It is not possible without a driver's license. This is different from Tubingen and A Coruña where Wang Ai is. He walks through the city just by walking.

Xu Qinglian finally called Yingkou's Lao Xu to report the incident, and Lao Xu also expressed support.

This time he did not mention the issue of tuition fees. Domestic universities are okay. As a civil servant and a small cadre, Lao Xu is not struggling, and studying in the UK is not something he can afford. Besides, after five years, the youngest son in the family has reached the age of seven, and he will go to school in the second half of the year. Old Xu's salary should be pondering this kid.

In these five years, Xu Qinglian went home once or twice a year, and she was almost a stranger to her stepmother or younger brother, especially her younger brother. She could see blood relationship more or less, and she could n’t even mention her feelings. So no matter how much money Xu Qinglian has in the future, I am afraid that this younger brother will not get much light.

After dealing with this important event, Xu Qinglian also completely relaxed, and began to control Wang Ai for a ticket, and she was going to watch the ball in the gym!

As the age grows, the love begins, and finally there is a lingering lover.

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