Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 3 Chapter 327: Face to face: Dr. Wang's football thinking (4)

"So, Wang Ai, what did football bring you?"

"Happy, healthy body, regular life. This is a bit compulsive. Since the pursuit of good performance, you can only exercise hard and live a regular life."

"Apart from these? What about money? Can you reveal how much money you made this year?"

Wang Zhi digs into Wang Ai with a smile. Most people still can't hear him, and he is easily deceived by his gentle appearance. When he "reasonably asks" questions that make you embarrassed, it will be too late.

"Oh, what about this one?" Wang Aicong looked clearly and asked with a smile.

"Of course, if you don't want to say it, we won't force it." Wang Zhi smiled a little.

"It doesn't matter, I can say." Wang Ai looked to the side and thought: "It should be divided into three parts. The first part is my salary and bonus in Laco. In the past season, um, not year by year In that case, my total income should be around 1 million Euros. "

"10 million yuan?" Wang Zhi added.

Wang Aiyi smiled and understood Wang Zhi's intentions, but nodded: "Yes, ten million. Beyond this part, the big part is advertising cooperation. I have not counted the specifics, but the two parts of China and Europe add up. It should be about 20 million euros. Well, according to your habits, it is 200 million yuan. The third part is mainly from the Football Association, local sports bureaus, and temporary awards and bonuses of enterprises. This aspect can probably reach ... Ten million? Sorry, I haven't calculated this. "

"So, are you playing for money now? After all, such a high income."

"Can't say that 100%." ​​Wang Ai shook his head: "But I don't deny it, there must be some reason. Because without money, many things can't be done, but it's definitely not the only reason. I like to play football, kicking it to me This is a game that many people see. At the same time, from the perspective of responsibility, I also play for the fans. Too many fans are eager for our good results. It ’s good-looking and makes the game enjoyable. Is n’t the value of a football player or a football star right here? People buy tickets to watch your game. If you do n’t play well and always do n’t play well, you wo n’t. coming."

"Do you use money to do your charity donations?"

Wang Ai froze: "Let's say this is okay?"

Wang Zhi smiled: "Since you donated 100 million yuan two years ago to set a new record for personal charitable donations in China, I remember that in the interviews you received in the past two years, you have never discussed this aspect in detail, you just do not deny it. Since You do n’t want to tell the inside story of charitable donations, so it ’s always okay to talk about the outside story? Why do you want to donate so much money? Your total advertising income was 100 million. I know your family was very poor when you were a kid and lived in thatched adobe In the room, you can eat an egg every birthday, don't you want to use this money to meet your more material needs? "

Maybe it ’s Wang Zhi ’s questioning that is deep enough to arouse the philosopher ’s desire for debate. It may also be a change of time and the heat of the news. After two years, Wang Ai finally opened his mouth to explain this question: “Everyone has different ideas. Now the country encourages everyone Getting rich, of course, also protects everyone ’s wealth. Everyone can arbitrarily control their wealth without breaking the law. But my thought is, I do n’t think my labor is worth so much money. Host Wang Da, you say from the heart, Is my daily training and football really worth 30,000 or 40,000 a day? Is it really a lottery jackpot in half a month? "

Wang Zhi laughed and said nothing.

Wang Ai continued to think: "Regardless of salary, I said my advertising income. How did my advertising income come from? It is an endorsement for the merchants, fans agree with my image and buy goods. My advertising costs actually come from the fans. Although some of the shopping models may only have a tiny one-thousandth or one-thousandth of a million. Why do companies pick me for endorsements? Because I am well-known, the image can be, and the influence among the fans can also be. Or Say, I traded my influence for this money, not my labor itself, but how did this influence come about? It is inseparable from my performance during the national team. Before the 2002 World Cup, My personal advertising endorsement is almost equal to that, it began to erupt that year. But this influence is not purely natural person Wang Ai, but most of it is the international player Wang Ai, which I obtained through the platform of the national team. Or more Deeply said, if the national team does not give me this opportunity, can I get so much money? If Chinese fans are not eager for good results in Chinese football, I can get so much ? I help the national team this platform, with the fans eager to just get this influence, but not my own work. "

Wang Zhi laughed and said nothing.

"So, this money came to my account, but it was not equal to the value of my labor itself. Everyone can freely control this part of the wealth, such as subsidizing the family and improving their lives. This is normal. But my family Without my subsidy, my life does not need to be improved. So what do I do with this money? Of course I do whatever I want. Then, I donate it if I want to donate. Or, I think that the salary that Laco gives me is my labor. The manifestation of value. In addition, it is like walking to the wild and picking up a gem. I am lucky to get such a large amount of social resources, but I should return it to the society. I can control this resource, as I envisioned I have been very lucky to choose the method and field of return. After all, not everyone can control such a large sum of money at will. Besides, you have given me a greater reputation for this. "

"Does this reputation help you get more sponsors?"

"Surely there are. But it will never be more than I donate." Wang Aichong and Wang Zhi smiled. "You don't think I'm trying to gain a reputation and get more money, not like that. Because China's economy is always Although the amount is huge, there is an upper limit to the amount of funds that my image and the advertising agreement I can perform in my free time. Our Chinese people are relatively poor, and they can pay for my image and pay There is also a limit on the amount of money, which determines that my advertising income is domestic, and there is a total amount in a certain stage. For example, I have the Champions League silver boots this season, the Asian Cup champion, the top scorer in the Olympic qualifiers, the Olympic gold Boots, etc., but according to my agent's estimates, I can only have a maximum of 150 million to 200 million advertising revenue in China, and no more is possible. "

Wang Ai laughed: "So donations are not a sale."

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