Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 3 Chapter 335: Brother takes you to fly (2)

The success of the national name has improved the media environment of Chinese football, but also increased the mental pressure of coaches at all levels. Zhuyu is in front. If he can't fight well, "Jade" will fly, it can only be "Pig".

Before the game, he and Wang Ai discussed to try to let these national youth teammates play as much as possible. Because Wang Ai was too tired, he didn't slow down for a week of rest, and lacked morale. Therefore, Yin Tiesheng meant that this national youth had been trained in the Toulon Cup, and tactics and coordination had been formed. Wang Ai was still used as a foreign aid.

However, from the situation in the first half, it seems that the Chinese team has not adapted well. Chen Tao and Zhu Ting have taken many shots, especially Chen Tao. They are very active. Four of them had shots within the range of the goal frame, and their strength and angle were both Not bad, but just didn't go in. Zhu Ting also created several threats and failed to turn them into success.

This makes Yin Tiesheng rather depressed. The Iranian team is not as good as the national youth, but it wo n’t score, it always feels that it is a little worse at the end, it may not be, but if it does n’t go up, it makes people look. Anxious! On the contrary, Yin Tiesheng thought that this summer's national team and Olympic team, why not be so close? The key is the player! The national team has Bai Guanghai and the national Olympic team has Wang Ai. Both of them have made a name for themselves in Europe. The shooting confidence is not generally strong.

In other words, the two of them "kicked" at the opportunity, fast, fierce, and accurate. On the contrary, no matter how good the domestic players are, their confidence is always inadequate. They always hesitate before shooting. They always want to lose their strength and aim at the angle ... The goalkeeper is not a stake. For example, Li Yi is the case. As a new generation of all-round powerful forward who can dribble, charge, shoot, and header, he can't score in the national team!

During the intermission, the atmosphere in the locker room was pretty good, but they didn't have much energy. Wang Ai observed and found that it really wasn't a loss of confidence, but ... exhaustion. He suddenly remembered the amount of training for Guoqing these days, and it was another old Shen! Superstitious crazy training coach! During these days of training, Wang Ai carried out a small amount of restorative training, basically training alone. Wang Ai didn't pay much attention to other teammates running laps and games. But now I think, I have to talk to Yin Yin after the game.

Alas, it is also called Liaozu Low-key. This consultant Wang Ai will take the first leg and will "interfere" with the head coach.

However, the intermission is obviously not a suitable occasion.

After the guidance of Yin finished the tactics, the locker room was temporarily silent. When he was ready to play, Wang Ai stood up and walked to the front. Yin Tiesheng knew that this was Wang Ai's old show. He smiled and let it go.

"Brothers, we are all one family, so I won't say much. I just say one word, rest assured, play happily, and play casually. I ca n’t win, and me? So, do n’t think about it, Just have fun. "

"You can go in when you get on?" Someone snorted in the crowd. Wang Aishun looked forward, Dong Fangzhuo!

"Huh? Old Dong? Let's gamble?" Wang Ai said with a smile.

Dong Fangzhuo Leng Keke touched his head and smirked: "Brother, I was wrong."

The locker room laughed loudly, Zhao Xuri yelled, "2.5 per game, who dares to gamble with you?"

Wang Ai regretted his mouth: "I wanted to get some extra money. I said, don't you really gamble with me? The wallets of the big players who have entered the tens of millions of years are open to you. Who wants to reach out? I welcome them. "

Wang Ai approached his teammates one by one, and no one dared to reach into his pants pockets and pushed him aside. When it comes to Chen Tao ...

"Boss, this first half ..." Chen Tao hesitated.

"It's okay, just not decisive. You are used to playing forwards and forwards. This time you are playing forwards. You haven't adjusted much. The attacking players on the second line create opportunities more than shots, so you used to have space, There is also time to adjust your footwork and seek for greater threats, but at the striker line, you do not have that time and space. You must shoot decisively when the opportunity comes, and determine you in just a few seconds. Shot line, strength, touch point of the ball. In short, the boss can tell you just one sentence: shoot, wave! "

After Wang Ai finished speaking, he turned to look at the forward players such as Zhu Ting, Dong Fangzhuo, and so on, "You too. The sharpshooters were fed by bullets, and the good forwards were trained by shooting. Don't hesitate, just one word: Go!"

Wang Ai has already interfered in the management of the team, but Yin Tiesheng didn't say anything. Of course, his assistant coach didn't say anything. People are consultants! Although everyone is a temporary worker, they are called experts!

The two sides exchanged venues in the second half and the game resumed.

Practice has proved that what Wang Ai said is not always effective. In the second half, the Chinese team's performance was a little more enthusiastic than in the first half. They also shot more, but they still didn't score! Although Wang Ai asked Chen Tao not to hesitate, but hesitated and tangled alone, how could he be easily pulled out? The more Wang Ai asked him not to hesitate, the more he wanted to score, the more he wanted to score, the more deformed his movements became. The more he couldn't get in, the more anxious he was, and he fired three or four anti-aircraft guns.

On the sideline, Wang Ai sighed and stood up: "Guide Yin, let me warm up for a few minutes, let me get in."

Yin Tiesheng nodded, but he warned not to get hurt.

With Wang Ai's rise, the atmosphere in the football stadium suddenly increased, and Chinese journalists began to invigorate their reporters everywhere and aimed their cameras at him.

A busy summer, although Wang Ai was exhausted physically and mentally, but also made his reputation to a higher level, it became the hope of Chinese football. And he has just been hired as a consultant, which has also made the outside world curious. What kind of performance will this consultant play when he comes on the field? Like his brother Chen Tao, will he lose sight?

In the 70th minute of the game, the Chinese team made a substitution, Wang Ai on the 13th and Zhu Ting 11 on the 11th.

It was another ten days without playing football. In the involuntary applause of the audience, Wang Ai felt that the two ribs were alive. As an Asian youth football match that few people watched, the arrival of Wang Ai made the organizers happy: they can sell tickets!

His appearance also made the Iranian team close to the enemy!

Do n’t worry, it ’s all fake! This year, the world's most popular football players, Ronaldinho, Sheva, Daluo, Kaka, and Deco, have all played against him. From the results of the game, he has not fallen behind! If it were not for his young age, it would be a bit inadequate to confront these adult guys, and he could even reach out and touch the crown of the World Footballer.

Such figures are in the youth team or the Asian Youth Civil War, and the deterrent effect can be imagined.

The Iranian team even wanted to be grieved and said: You shameless!

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