Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 3 Chapter 387: Want to be with you (below)

The ambiguous smell persisted in the room. Wang Ai, who forcibly suppressed the impulse, finally opened the window and used the cold wind of the deep winter to blow away the hormonal influence, and also scattered the rich dialogue between the two. However, it seemed as if he had broken a kind of boundary. Leoni officially confirmed the lover status of the two sides, and bravely and persistently squeezed into Wang Ai's heart, firmly occupying a position.

The label at that location has also changed from nothing, to a skin blind date. So, for the next two days, as long as Wang Ai is at home, the two must be close together, holding hands and hugging. In this respect, Leoni has always been more daring than Wang Ai, Wang Ai still has some hands and feet, and Leoni is too much.

Huo Huo, Wang Ai and they both did it, but they used to play around. The change began with Leoni ’s offensive, and also started with the youthful restlessness brought by Wang Ai ’s adulthood. An inward and outward attack shakes the defense of the mind.

On several occasions, Wang Ai was forced to endure Leoni's slick eyes and fell asleep resolutely.

Two days later, Wang Ai couldn't stand this kind of ambiguous taste. He knew that if he continued to do so, he wouldn't be able to hold it sooner or later, and he hadn't thought about it yet. Several women are beautiful, they have been together for a long time, and they are a little ambiguous, but when it comes to love, there is actually no one. The green plums and horses with Xu Qinglian are not love, don't look like it seems to be the case, but Wang Ai never really puts his heart on his heart and plans to spend his life with him.

Life is too long and too bumpy. Wang Ai doesn't know if he can stay together. Except for Leoni, Wang Ai didn't feel the love of others for herself. Maybe the Oriental women were too reserved? Maybe Wang Ai is so sloppy? Who knows? At least he didn't feel it from Xu Qinglian. Even if he felt reluctant to leave every time, how much friendship was there? How much love? Wang Ai couldn't tell. Especially in the past, they were too young, and they didn't know how to get along with each other. In many cases, they were actually imitating a couple on TV.

Even if Leoni, Wang Ai does not know how much love can be left without the role of hormones.

Reborn, Wang Ai pursues perfection.

What does perfect love look like?

Sitting on a passenger plane flying to Spain, looking out at the white clouds outside the window and the countless cities under the white clouds, Wang Ai pondered this issue.

Utilizing the calm thinking of his philosophers and analyzing numerous love stories, Wang Ai found that the answer was surprisingly simple: I like being with you.

Does Wang Ai like to be with them? Huang Xin? Shi Wenjun? Xu Qinglian? Leoni? Even Constance? It seems they all like it, because Wang Ai didn't consider the interest in their bodies under the guidance of hormones. Even Constance, a small, happy girl, has a habit of losing her own life and a serious and responsible work style makes Wang Ai feel comfortable and relaxed with her.

When I think of this, my heart is disturbed again, let's say it again.

The plane landed at A Coruña airport, dragging the luggage, saying hello to the fans along the way, after getting in the taxi, five minutes before the house, hurriedly left the luggage and went to the club. Accidentally many teammates They're all back and sweating on the training ground.

After a half-month rest, everyone looked good in spirit and body. Wang Ai also stopped playing with people for half a month, his eyes widened, he greeted, and ran to the locker room.

Pushing the door of the locker room full of masculine flavor, Wang Ai took a deep breath and swept Leoni's smell in the nose, or it was carefree to play football.

Wang Ai almost screamed and rushed to the training ground, "hitting out" with his teammates.

By the side of the field, Irueta, with his hands in his trench coat, looked at Wang Ai's state of courage, one wonderful pass under one after another, one imaginative assist after another, as if he had exchanged one with half a month ago. Like others, at that time, although he also had assists and goals, he was always quite satisfactory, and there was nothing particularly unexpected.

"Shen, what's wrong with him? Taking a stimulant?"

Lao Shen smiled and shook his head: "Should be a good rest?"

Iruetta pushed his glasses: "This is like the performance after getting love. He's seen his girlfriend these days? Isn't that Constance's translator?"

"No, he has a little ... huh?" Lao Shen said that there was also some cyanosis. Xu Qinglian naturally knew that, but he had met Leonie in Germany these days, and he had also seen it. They both flirted.

"Oh, what a beautiful youth." Irueta got the answer from Lao Shen's expression, and could not help Wen Qing's emotion.

Lao Shen grinned, lowered his head, but thought to himself: This may be the only weakness in Wang Ai? Soft-hearted and passionate. In the past, I only noticed that he was good to the people around him, friendly to the team, and even donated huge sums of money to support the youth league, women's football league, and even the stupid student aid fund. But never more thought, how could a loving person like this not be amorous?

Besides, which teenager is not pregnant and which girl is not passionate?

Wang Ai on the court naturally did not know the two coaches secretly guessed his love. He was having fun with Belleron. In the dimness, it seemed that he found the feeling of Ronaldinary's creativity. Originally, in terms of physical flexibility, the comprehensiveness of his technology was not worse than that of Ronaldinho, and even more powerful. It was just that he had been carrying too many things and could not put it down, so he seemed heavy or even clunky.

This is not his technique, but his mentality.

Taking a step closer with Leoni, and unlocking a layer of confusion in her heart, naturally seemed to want to fly.

In the evening, Constance came to Wang Ai to explain the schedule of business activities in January, and asked Wang Ai to arrange the national tournament this year to adjust the schedule. This is what her little assistant should do and also report to Wang Ai. The development of the Jerez Athletic Team, with the help of Chen Tao and Dai Qinhua and the help of Constance, Jerez Athletic has been developing in the past half season. It is currently ranked fifth, and it is expected to upgrade if it continues to work hard.

In the process of reporting, she also found out that Wang Ai's mental state was different, so she carefully asked: "Have a great holiday?"

"Haha, of course!" Wang Ai reached out and patted Constance's head.

Constance stepped back and stared cautiously at Wang Ai: Want me? Although I am ... but not like I want me, more like ... Is the nerve abnormal?

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