Gwen was still in a daze, not knowing what Peter meant by this.

Then she felt a vibration under her feet, and she realized that the ground beneath their feet was slowly sinking!

It was not until she was completely below the ground that Gwen realized that this was a hidden sinking elevator.

And under that seemingly inconspicuous utility room, there is a wider space hidden.

Compared with the utility room on the ground that was transformed into a laboratory by Peter, this space under the ground has a unique sense of futurism and technology.

The entire underground space is made of silver metal, and the most eye-catching of them is the holographic projection device located in the center.

"Holographic projection?! I thought this thing only existed in the imagination of scientists and science fiction novels, but I didn't expect that there is such a mature product! Where did you get this thing?"

As a technology fan, Gwen couldn't help but be excited when she saw the black technology like holographic projection appear in front of her.

But to her surprise, Peter's answer once again exceeded her imagination.

"Well, as far as I know, there should not be any technology company on the market that can produce this kind of true holographic projection equipment. This device is actually designed by myself and assembled with parts after I made money."

Although the technological development process in Peter's world is not slow, I don't know if it is because it belongs to the Spider-Man parallel universe, the technology tree is almost entirely focused on biotechnology.

The level of technological development in other aspects is not too outstanding, and it is not much different from the world where Peter lived in his previous life.

Holographic projection technology is still only in the conceptual stage that requires the help of special media to be realized, and it is impossible to project images directly into the air.

However, in Tony Stark's world, Tony was able to rub out a holographic projection device by himself when he was 10 years old, and later upgraded it to a human-computer interaction function.

Limited by the current technological level of this world, the holographic projection device made by Peter only has a single display function.

But even so, it was enough to shock Gwen.

""Peter, you are definitely a genius! I finally understand why I can only rank second in the grade no matter how hard I try. It's not unfair that I lost to you."

Gwen walked to the center of the room and looked at the holographic projection in front of her. The stunning display effect made Gwen sincerely admire Peter's wisdom.

But Peter did not feel proud and complacent because of Gwen's praise. He knew very well that everything he created was just standing on the shoulders of the giant Tony Stark.

Peter would not belittle himself and deny his efforts. But he knew the difficulty and difference between creation and manufacturing.

So in the face of Gwen's praise, Peter just smiled slightly and changed the subject.

"This secret base is the real surprise I prepared for you, and it is also the second gift I want to give you!"

"This is... for me?" Gwen pointed at herself and asked in disbelief.

"Of course it's for you. Is there anyone else in this room besides you? Gwen, let me tell you, you are a superhero now, how can you not have a secret base of your own?"

"Look at the superheroes in the comics, the Batcave, the Fortress of Solitude. If you don’t have a secret base of your own, you are not a qualified superhero."

"I have already thought of a name for this secret base, Spider's Lair, what do you think? When you want to transform into a ghost spider, you can change your clothes here, so you don't have to worry about your family discovering your identity."

"And I can also provide you with intelligence support here, and assist you in your actions through this holographic projection device."

"Subsequent things like equipment upgrades and body treatment can also be done in the Spider's Lair."

"In short, if your home is a spiritual haven for Gwen Stacy, then this secret base is a spiritual haven for Ghost Spider."

""Thank you, Peter!" Gwen said gently.

Peter still had the same old problem as before, and when he got excited, the words came out incessantly.

But Gwen had some experience in dealing with this kind of situation. She just started to fight with Peter's face, and used her sweet lips to block Peter's big mouth that was about to speak again.

In this dark and quiet underground space, both of them were immersed in the sweetness and romance that belonged to them.

But just when Peter wanted to continue this French wet kiss, Gwen seemed to suddenly remember something, suddenly opened her eyes wide, and then pushed Peter away.

Peter looked at Gwen in confusion, not knowing what was going on:"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

Gwen replied a little embarrassedly:"No, I just suddenly remembered that I haven't tried on the ghost suit you gave me yet.……"

Peter never imagined that the culprit who ended this happy moment with his own hands was actually himself?!

【So... did I give the right gift or the wrong one? Peter thought sadly in his heart.

Although Peter felt very wronged at this moment, when Gwen changed into the ghost suit and appeared in front of him, he felt that everything was worth it.

Gwen, who was wearing the ghost suit, stretched out her hand and gently tapped the spider logo on her chest. The originally loose ghost suit instantly shrank to a state close to Gwen's skin. As soon as this tight suit was put on, Gwen's perfect figure, which was usually not exposed, was instantly revealed to Peter's eyes.

The pair of slender and straight long legs, round and full buttocks, tight and graceful waist, and a pair of plump and majestic headlights under the neck, all made people praise and fascinated.

If Gwen was not wearing a mask now, she would definitely be stared at by Peter's unscrupulous eyes and blushed.

But the next second, Peter paid the price for his unrestrained gaze.

Suddenly, he felt a black screen in front of his eyes, and then a ball of spider silk blew directly into his face.

In the following time, Peter, who was tied up tightly by Gwen with spider silk, became a test prop for Gwen to test the new battle suit. It was not until the spider silk on his body began to degrade automatically that Peter, who had escaped, saw Gwen still looking unsatisfied. He was glad that he had wisely set the dissolution time for the spider silk when he improved the spider silk solution for Gwen.


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