Peter found that since he and Gwen confirmed their relationship, he became more and more eager to fuse Tony Stark's memory fragments.

Because from the day the two confirmed their relationship, there was one more person he had to protect in his heart.

There was a sentence in the previous life that Peter felt was very reasonable, that is,"All fear comes from insufficient firepower."

So now Peter is desperately trying to fuse more technical information, hoping to use these black technologies to arm himself and Gwen.

However, danger never waits for someone to be fully prepared before it comes.

Just as Peter was struggling to fuse Tony's memory fragments, the crisis that had been brewing for a long time came unexpectedly.

But what Peter didn't know was that among the many factors that led to the crisis, he actually had a share of the credit.

The reason why Dr. Connors's cross-species gene synthesis research has not achieved new results is that he has never been able to deduce the most critical decay rate equation. The reason why the decay rate equation is important is that it determines the success rate and stability of the cross-species gene synthesis process.

Without the existence of the decay rate equation, cross-species gene synthesis would become a lottery gambling game, and the test subject would have only a very small chance of becoming a lucky winner like the ghost spider.

The greater probability is that no changes occur after cross-species gene synthesis. If the luck is really bad, the test subject may even be in danger of genetic collapse.

But the appearance of Gwen changed things.

Because Gwen often brought information about cross-species gene synthesis research to Peter for advice, with Peter's wisdom, he naturally saw that the most critical decay rate equation was missing in the research.

However, Gwen had not yet confessed to Peter that she was investigating Oscorp, and Peter did not know that these contents were actually confidential information in Oscorp.

So in the process of answering Gwen's questions, Peter casually told Gwen the decay rate equation he had deduced in his mind.

Gwen, who had only a superficial understanding of cross-species gene synthesis technology, did not know the importance of the decay rate equation in this technology.

Therefore, in the daily work exchanges with Dr. Connors, he leaked the results deduced by Peter and passed them to Dr. Connors' ears.

At first, Dr. Connors did not take this matter to heart. After all, the same sentence spoken by an expert and an intern is not credible.

If Gwen was a well-known and respected scientist, Dr. Connors would definitely believe it. Even if he did not believe it completely, he had to discuss it with Gwen.

Unfortunately, Gwen was just an intern high school student with good grades and great cost-effectiveness.

It's just that everything can't help but be pondered. Although Dr. Connors did not believe that the decay rate equation that he had not figured out for so many years would be solved by an intern who had not yet graduated from high school.

But the problem of the decay rate equation was about to become his inner demon. Whenever he had free time, he would unconsciously recall the content of his conversation with Gwen.

After a long time, Dr. Connors could no longer suppress his eager heart and began to try to verify whether the equation he got from Gwen was correct.

It would be fine if he didn't verify it. Once he verified it, he found that the equation seemed to be correct!

Although it was a big blow to Dr. Connors that a problem that he, a PhD student, could not solve was finally solved by a high school student.

But then again, at the critical moment when this experimental project was about to be cancelled by Oscorp, he no longer had the extra information to consider such details.

The birth of the decay rate equation was definitely great news for Dr. Connors.

"If only...if only I could have a little more time!"

Sitting alone in the office, Connors said with regret as he looked at the result he had just calculated.

As a scientist with many years of scientific research experience, he knew very well that any theory on paper, in order to be transformed into truly useful experimental results, still needed a lot of practice, trial and error, and adjustments.

But for him at this moment, what he lacked the most was time.

There were only a few days left before Oscorp would withdraw all its support for him, and even the laboratory he was currently using would be taken back.

What made him even more desperate was that once the news of Oscorp's termination of investment spread, it would be almost impossible for his cross-species gene synthesis project to find the next sponsor.

So even though Connors knew that the decay rate equation in his hand was not supported by experimental data, Under such circumstances, in order to fulfill his obsession, he decided to take a risk.

At this point, it would be impossible to find other volunteers willing to participate in human trials, so Connors could only place the final bet on himself. After making up his mind, Connors took a last look at the calculation paper in his hand, then put it into the shredder, put on his white coat and returned to the empty laboratory.

Two hours later, when Connors walked out of the laboratory again and sat back in his office, he had a tube of light green gene fusion serum in his hand.

This is the latest lizard gene fusion serum that he had just configured using the decay rate equation. The serum contains gene fragments related to limb regeneration in the lizard's genetic material, as well as genes that promote cross-biological A special drug for gene synthesis.

If everything goes as he calculated, then after injecting this serum into his body, his right arm, which had been missing for many years, would be able to recover like a lizard's tail regenerating.

And his cross-species gene synthesis project will regain the support of Oscorp, allowing more people in the world who suffer from disabilities like him to regain new lives! Even at this time, his rationality as a scientist was still pulling at his mind, telling him not to make that impulsive decision.

But the strange looks he had suffered for a long time because of his missing right arm, and the psychological pressure of half a lifetime's hard work might go to waste, finally made Connors inject the serum in his hand into his body.

With the injection of the serum, the heart-wrenching pain that Connors had expected did not appear. Instead, he felt a A warm current emerged from deep within his body and slowly flowed to his missing right arm.

Then, under the catalysis of the rich nutrients and huge energy contained in the serum, in just a dozen seconds, he could see visible changes in his right arm.

His right arm actually grew out again from the originally closed section!

Looking at such an incredible scene in front of him, Connors was ecstatic, because what was happening proved one thing.

That is, his experiment was successful!

The serum he developed was successful!

Connors stared at his regrown right hand, as if he was looking at a flower blooming from a cliff.

He didn't know how long he hadn't felt the feeling of having his right hand, and this feeling of regaining it made him feel extremely intoxicated.

But soon the development of things exceeded Connors' expectations. As his right hand grew again, he found that the effectiveness of the serum in his body did not seem to end.

The warm current that just burst out from deep within his body was still accumulating in his body at this moment.

And he was like a pressure cooker placed on a stove that could not release the pressure. If this continued, he felt that his body might be blown up by the accumulated power in his body!


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