Facing the sharp claws of the lizard man, Gwen did not show any panic.

The combat experience accumulated in the past few months as a ghost spider allowed Gwen to face the impending danger calmly.

With the perception ability brought by the sixth sense of spider sense, Gwen only moved his feet lightly and slid sideways to easily avoid the lizard man's unethical attack. His movements were smooth and silky.

Gwen reacted quickly, and the lizard man, who had also been strengthened, would certainly not be slow.

Seeing that Gwen had avoided his sneak attack, the lizard man immediately changed his offensive and used his other arm to grab Gwen.

At the same time, the tail behind the lizard man was not idle, and it formed a pincer attack with the arm attacking Gwen, sweeping towards Gwen's slender and straight legs.

Although there was no pattern between the moves, the effect was surprisingly good.

Gwen had been forced into a corner before, and now under the pincer attack of the lizard man, the space in front, behind, left and right had been firmly sealed, and it seemed that he was in an unavoidable situation.

But Gwen is not an ordinary person, and she cannot be viewed with common sense.

For ordinary people, there is no way to escape from the desperate situation, but for Gwen, the ghost spider, it is still easy.

She jumped up with her legs, and then relied on her strong core strength to flip forward in the air.

In a blink of an eye, Gwen came from the corner to the back of the lizard man. The situation that was originally covered by the lizard man's offensive changed instantly, and the lizard man was forced into the corner with his back to Gwen.

Faced with the perfect counterattack opportunity in front of her, Gwen would naturally not let it go easily.

If Dr. Connors, who has transformed into a lizard man, is allowed to act recklessly in the school, the consequences may be absolutely unimaginable.

Gwen crossed her hands and gently flicked her fingers on the bracelets between her two wrists.

The next second, two touch switches popped out of the two ordinary metal bracelets. Gwen only needed to turn the middle and ring fingers of both hands inward toward the palms, and the fingers would fall on the two touch switches.

The moment her finger touched the switch, two spider silks sprayed out from the bracelet, accurately hitting the lizard man in front of Gwen.

Gwen repeated the action of spraying spider silk continuously until the spider silk liquid in the bracelet was completely consumed, and she stopped, not giving the lizard man any chance to fight back. In a blink of an eye, the lizard man was wrapped in layers of spider webs and turned into a white giant cocoon.

These two bracelets were a piece of portable equipment developed by Peter for Gwen, in order to deal with the emergency situation where there is no time to change into a battle suit, but the spider silk launcher is needed.

Gwen was very fortunate at this time that Peter developed such a portable equipment for her, and she also carefully carried it with her.

Otherwise, she didn't know how much more effort she would have to spend in the face of such an emergency today.

Compared to Gwen's secret relief, the lizard man wrapped in layers of spider webs was in a state of turmoil!

Although Gwen's actions prevented the situation from getting worse, the fact that she used the spider silk launcher in front of the lizard man exposed her hidden identity as the ghost spider.

In addition to the surprise after learning the truth, the Lizard Man was more excited and ecstatic!

He had already seen that the so-called ghost spider was definitely a perfect experiment created by cross-species biological gene fusion technology!

This just proved that all his previous guesses were correct. Gwen must have concealed the real decay rate equation from him, otherwise it would be impossible to explain where the ghost spider ability in Gwen came from.

As long as he got the real decay rate equation, he could also perfectly fuse the lizard genes in his body like Gwen and restore his human appearance.

The Lizard Man, who didn't know that Norman Osborn was also secretly studying cross-species biological gene fusion technology, had never thought that all this was just a coincidence born out of the collision of unexpected events. The reason why Gwen was able to perfectly fuse the spider genes in her body was not because of the decay rate equation, but because she was the lucky child of this universe, with her terrible luck and protagonist halo.


The Lizardman was convinced that Gwen had concealed the true decay rate equation from him. He burst out with unprecedented strength and tore the spider web wrapped around him. Gwen's heart rose to her throat again when she saw the spider web on the Lizardman completely broken.

She was a little annoyed that she was too careless and did not change into the ghost suit.

Now she could only risk her identity being exposed and continue to deal with the Lizardman.

【I just used up all the spider silk liquid in the bracelet. Now I can only use myself as bait to lure this guy to a place far away from the crowd. 】 Leading the lizard man to a place with few people will not only help prevent the lizard man from causing casualties among the school's teachers and students, but also prevent Gwen's identity from being known to more people to the greatest extent. While

Gwen was thinking about the action plan, the lizard man who broke free had already rushed towards her.

Gwen reacted quickly and did a somersault to get behind the lizard man again. Then she froze her body until she saw the lizard man turned around and chased after her, then she jumped over the window and came to the outside of the laboratory.

Now it was time to go home, and most of the students were gathered on the first floor. What Gwen wanted to do was to lead the lizard man to the rooftop of the teaching building.

That was the most suitable battlefield for her to fight the lizard man as far as she could think of.

As for the possible damage to the school, she could only apologize to the principal. What did the lizard man and the ghost spider destroy have to do with her, Gwen?

But when Gwen put her plan into action, she looked down and found that the lizard man did not follow.

Gwen was so scared that she turned back quickly, fearing that the lizard man would turn around to deal with the teachers and students who had no power to fight back.

As a result, when she returned to the laboratory, the lizard man had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a huge pit on the floor of the laboratory.

The lizard man escaped from Gwen again!

The change of things was too sudden, and Gwen was a little bit overwhelmed for a while. I don’t understand why the lizard man suddenly retreated when she had planned it well? What

Gwen didn’t know was that the lizard man who had returned to the sewer on the other side was greatly relieved, and then saw that his body began to shrink and degenerate, and finally returned to his original human appearance.

This time, in order to go to Midtown High School to find Gwen, he specially used the equipment he stole from Oscorp to make a gene inhibitor before taking action, which temporarily turned him back to his original normal appearance.

It was just that just now in the laboratory of Midtown High School, because of his overexcitement, he activated the lizard gene in his body again and turned into a lizard man.

However, due to the effect of the gene inhibitor in his body, he was unable to catch up with Gwen. He could only dig a hole and escape back to his old nest in the sewer while the lizard man's ability had not been suppressed by the drug.


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