Although Gwen was not good at computer network technology, she relied on the powerful computing power provided by the server of the Spider's Lair and got the information she wanted by brute-forcing the database of the power grid system after school on the afternoon of the third day.

After careful and repeated comparisons of this hard-won information, Gwen finally locked a range of the Lizard Man's hiding place. What

Gwen didn't expect was that this location was near the Oscorp Building, which was visited by the Lizard Man many times!

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is also the safest place. Dr. Connors is indeed a person with top IQ. The choice of this hiding place was completely beyond Gwen's expectations.

Now that the location of the Lizard Man has been found, Gwen has not only followed the action plan set with Peter before.

She hopes to take the initiative to contact the other party, try to resolve the misunderstanding through dialogue, and then help the Lizard Man return to the original Dr. Connors.

However, since Peter is now using the laboratory above the Spider's Lair to conduct research on a new project, Gwen is temporarily unable to return to the Spider's Lair to update the equipment needed for this operation.

After returning home from school, father George was not seen because of overtime work as usual, and mother did not come back today because she had to attend the parent-teacher meeting of her two younger brothers.

Gwen could only make herself well-fed. After eating some convenient food for dinner, she returned to her room, changed into the ghost suit, and waited for the night to fall.

Gwen did not choose to act immediately because it was the rush hour after work in New York City, and this action would lack Peter's intelligence support and combat assistance in the rear.

In this case, if her conversation with the lizard man broke down, Gwen had no way to guarantee that the dense flow of people near the subway station and the large number of Oscorp staff would not be implicated in the battle between her and the lizard man.

So in the end Gwen decided to wait until after dark, when not only would the flow of people near the Oscorp building be greatly reduced, but the ghost spider could also use the cover of night to better hide its figure.

But just when Gwen wanted to keep a low profile and choose to stay put, the lizard man hiding in the sewer did not want to continue hiding.

Originally, his plan was to install the Canary Device on the rooftop of the Oscorp Building to maximize the impact of the lizard gene fusion serum.

Therefore, he would not miss this great opportunity where a large number of citizens were exposed to the outdoor space.

The reason why the Lizard Man chose the Oscorp Building as the place to implement the plan was not only because of its height as a skyscraper, which was conducive to the Canary Device to play a greater role.

This was also a kind of revenge for the senior executives of Oscorp who had caused him to fall into this situation.

Moreover, only if he was high-profile enough to attract more people's attention, the ghost spider could discover his actions in the shortest time.

If the ghost spider did not take the initiative to find him as the culprit, how could he make the ghost spider obediently surrender and hand over the real decay rate equation in his hand?

It can be said that all the choices he made were all for his own interests.

As for the huge impact caused by the implementation of his plan, will he be judged and liquidated by the government after he recovers his original appearance?

The Lizard Man only wanted to say,"Don't be silly, this is America."

As long as he can get the real decay rate equation, with the value shown by the cross-species gene synthesis technology, the US government will not punish him, and will probably only carefully serve him until the value of him is completely squeezed out.

But by that time, who will care whether he has been severely punished by the law?

Although this will make him lose the reputation he has been fighting for for a long time, he will be able to gain precious health and huge wealth. Compared with this huge benefit, the little risk has long been thrown behind the Lizard Man.

Having already convinced himself that he could not defeat the Ghost Spider, the Lizard Man believed that this was the choice he could make to maximize his benefits.

In fact, even Connors himself did not realize that under the influence of the lizard gene fusion serum, it was not only his appearance that changed, but even his thoughts were gradually approaching the direction of cold-blooded animals.


Carrying the Canary Device on his back and picking up the bag filled with lizard gene fusion serum, the Lizard Man confidently climbed out of the sewer and appeared on the busy streets of New York City.

The long-lost feeling of seeing the light of day again made the Lizard Man more eager to complete the plan and restore himself to his original appearance.

So he completely ignored the fear in the eyes of the people around him and the screams that followed, and rushed through the dense crowd quickly, and in a blink of an eye he had arrived at the bottom of the Oscorp Building.

Without any hesitation, the Lizard Man jumped up with all his strength, stretched out his claws on the fingertips and firmly clung to the wall of the building, and then used his hands and feet to quickly climb towards the rooftop.

The Lizard Man's arrogant style of behavior was naturally as he expected, and soon attracted the attention of the police and the media. As soon as this information appeared in the internal system of the New York City Police Department, the terminal in Gwen's hand also received an alarm almost at the same time.

Gwen looked at the alarm information synchronized from the handheld terminal, and looked up at the sunset outside the window. She knew that she had to change her original action plan.

The next moment, Gwen disappeared into her room. Not long after that, a piece of news that was as popular as the Lizardman climbing the Oscorp Building appeared in the reports of major media.——《Heroes show up, Ghost Spider shows up on the streets of New York".

Of course, you can tell at a glance that this news headline is not from the Bugle News. The headline of the Bugle News report is this:——《

The ghost of the spider is still wandering over New York. What kind of secrets are there between the masked criminal and the lizard monster?.J.J was able to develop the Daily Bugle from a tabloid into a news media giant.

His ability to fabricate news was so great that even Gwen, the person involved, couldn't help but want to know what secrets he and the Lizard Man had...

Not to mention the riots that broke out in New York City at the moment, Peter, who had been secluded in the laboratory for three days, finally ushered in the final moment of making the Extremis virus.

After three days of continuous optimization of the potion formula and repeated calculations of the decay rate equation, he successfully developed a one-time Extremis virus potion.

Peter was of course confident in the potion he developed himself.

But even so, he would not conduct human experiments on himself like Dr. Connors did.

To put it bluntly, a few mice are not worth much money, and there is no need to take these risks with his own body.

However, as long as the potion in Peter's hand can show the same results as he expected on the mice, Peter's confidence naturally does not need to conduct more experiments to verify the effect of the potion.

After taking all kinds of protective measures, Peter took out a long-prepared mouse from the sterile box, and then took out a disposable desperate virus medicine from the laboratory table.

This desperate virus medicine was specially prepared by Peter for the final verification test. According to the decay time he set, the effect of this medicine should only last for 5 seconds.

The reason for this design is that the mice cannot withstand the transformation effect brought by the desperate virus medicine for a long time; on the other hand, it is to avoid some unpredictable dangers that may be brought to him if the mice he selected are really gifted.

Of course, the premise is that the configuration he made according to the decay rate equation can really play its due role, so in order to prevent the situation where the drug effect does not decay, Peter also prepared a high-strength plexiglass box that is resistant to high temperature.

Put the mouse in the plexiglass box and fix it on a special test bench. Peter inserted the needle on the infusion set into the mouse's vein.

After sealing the plexiglass box, Peter inserted the other end of the infusion set into the desperate virus medicine used for verification.

The liquid medicine slowly flows down the catheter of the infusion set and is slowly injected into the body of the mouse.

Under Peter's excited yet somewhat nervous gaze, the next moment was the moment of witnessing a miracle...

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