Gwen also saw the struggle and hesitation on her father's face. She didn't want her father, who had always been upright and selfless, to break his principles and bottom line for her.

And even Gwen herself would not approve of this behavior of sacrificing other people's lives to save herself.

So she broke the slightly depressing atmosphere and said,"It's okay, father. Let's not worry about those things that haven't appeared yet. You should quickly send Dr. Connors to the hospital by helicopter. I'm worried that if it drags on like this, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on even if we don't do it."

But even if Gwen said so, George still couldn't make up his mind.

At this moment, Peter, who raised the question, sighed, took out another desperate virus agent from his backpack, and then injected it into Dr. Connors.

Soon the agent took effect, and the scene that just happened to George was repeated again, and all the injuries on Dr. Connors disappeared.

Even the missing right arm grew again under the effect of the desperate virus agent.

The body was completely restored, and Dr. Connors soon regained consciousness.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw three faces that frightened him from the bottom of his heart.

This was exactly what Peter wanted. He squatted down and stared at Connors.

After a"friendly" conversation between Peter and Connors, Connors promised him that he would never reveal any secrets about Gwen in front of anyone. Peter then moved his fierce eyes away. After handing Connors over to George, Peter was not very satisfied with the outcome of the crisis tonight, but it finally came to an end.

Peter certainly knew that the best way to solve the various possible troubles he mentioned was to solve Connors, who might cause trouble, and extinguish the flame of trouble from the source.

As long as he could protect the people he cherished, Peter had no principle of not killing, nor did he have any mental cleanliness.

But theory is theory, reality is reality. Peter could not completely ignore the psychological feelings of Gwen and George under the banner of"I'm doing this for your own good."

The method of dealing with it just now, which combined kindness and force, was the best choice Peter could think of after weighing the pros and cons.

It was a favor to cure Connors through the desperate virus potion and help him get rid of his long-standing heart disease of right hand disability.

The strength that Peter and his team just showed was a sword of Damocles hanging over Connors' head.

If Connors could keep his promise and keep his mouth shut, both sides would be at peace and happy.

But if Connors failed to control his mouth and brought trouble to Gwen, it was no wonder that Peter and his team took revenge. They had to let Connors experience the profoundness of Confucianism. So that he would know what the definition of"benevolence" is and what"hearing the truth in the morning, dying in the evening is fine".

At this point, the matter of the lizard man has come to an end for the time being, but for Gwen, her troubles are far from over.

The problems between Gwen and George, the father and daughter, have not been resolved yet.

While George now has to deal with Dr. Connors's affairs and has no time to take care of other things, Gwen quickly asked Peter how she should deal with the problem that the identity of Ghost Spider has been discovered by George, hoping that Peter can provide her with some useful suggestions.

This issue is actually a rehash of the old topic.

Because after the Lizard Man first appeared, Peter and Gwen discussed this matter in the Spider's Lair, but Gwen was distracted and didn't hear it.

At this time, Gwen brought up the topic again, but the original method was no longer effective now.

After all, George already knew that the true identity of Ghost Spider was Gwen. As a father, how could he be willing to see his daughter risk her life?

On the surface, this problem seems to be how Gwen can make George recognize her second identity as Ghost Spider, but in the final analysis, it is still the conflict between George's protective desire as a father and Gwen's desire for independence as a daughter.

Now there are only two ways to solve the problem between them.

Either convince Gwen to give up the identity of Ghost Spider and return to her original normal life; or convince George to accept the fact that Gwen is Ghost Spider, and it would be best to promote the cooperation between Ghost Spider and the New York City Police Department through his identity as the police chief.

No matter which method is used, it seems extremely difficult to achieve. However, as Gwen's boyfriend, Peter must stand on Gwen's side.

So in fact, from the beginning, he only had one choice, which was to help Gwen try to convince George

"This matter is actually difficult and easy at the same time. The key lies in how you do it."

"As the saying goes,"Sincerity is the only sure-win." You are Uncle George's daughter. I think as long as you tell him your true feelings, you might be able to win his support."

"After all, no daughter slave can resist his daughter's coquetry and pleading. If there is one, just do it a few more times and he will definitely soften his heart in the end."

Peter has already given the solution. As for whether Gwen can achieve it in the end, it is a matter between Gwen and George, and it is not something he can intervene in.

However, Gwen, who has finally mastered the methodology, has not been able to find any opportunity to exercise her subjective initiative recently. In order to deal with Connors' affairs, George goes out early and comes back late every day, and he is even busier than before.

In fact, since they joined forces to break the conspiracy of the lizard man that night, George has not been happy at work.

He thought that with the crime committed by Kurt Connors, with both human and material evidence and clear facts of confession, he should get a result soon.

But the reality is that when George's superiors learned that Dr. Connors had developed the lizard gene fusion serum, even though he had explained the possible side effects of the lizard gene fusion serum, the senior government officials were still eager for this research result.

Because for these politicians, even if the lizard gene fusion serum cannot shine in the medical field, it still has great value in the military field.

Think about the scene where the soldiers who turned into lizard monsters were airdropped into the enemy's area, that is absolutely It will be a completely one-sided massacre!

George was able to rise from a fledgling police officer to the current police chief. This is not the first time he has encountered the darkness in American politics.

George actually doesn't care whether Dr. Connors will be sentenced or what his final outcome will be.

What he is worried about is whether the cross-species gene synthesis technology mastered by Dr. Connors will fall into the hands of senior government officials and cause irreparable disasters to the world in the future.

In the face of the power of the government and capital, can Dr. Connors keep his promise and keep the secret about Gwen.

George even began to regret why he didn't... Alas, there is no regret medicine in this world. Even if he chooses again, George feels that his choice will probably not change.

After reluctantly handing over all the relevant information about Connors and the case to the special department assigned by his superiors, George went home on time with a heavy heart.

No matter what the outcome of this case is, since he has time now, it is time to have a good talk with his daughter about how to deal with the identity of Ghost Spider.


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