"Peter! Peter!"

"Where are you now? I'll come to you right away. My father has agreed to the cooperation!"

"Moreover, he put the matters of the preliminary negotiation in my charge. This is the first time that my father has asked me to be in charge of the company's affairs, and I have to do it beautifully."

In the phone, Harry's excited and anxious voice kept coming out, and Peter in the laboratory couldn't help but feel happy for him.

Although Harry is a smart man, he is a fool.

Peter told him his home address directly, and then continued to devote himself to the great cause of typing code.

In the few days when Harry was preparing the project plan, Peter had already built the core algorithm and infrastructure of Jarvis.

The next step is to get the final security defense module, and the 1.0 version of Jarvis will basically be completed.

However, in order for Jarvis to really help himself in work and life and become a qualified smart housekeeper.

Peter also needs to sort out a suitable database and let Jarvis undergo a period of training.

Only after completing the database training will Jarvis be allowed to officially connect to the Internet.

After entering the Internet, Jarvis also needs to complete the autonomous identification and learning of massive information. At this stage, the development of Jarvis can be considered real. Completed.

However, all this still depends on subsequent hard work. Peter can take advantage of the time when Jarvis is doing big data training to complete the design and manufacture of the other two parts of Baymax's hardware.

By the time Peter completes the hardware part, Jarvis' training is estimated to be almost over.

At that time, Peter will simply copy Jarvis's code, and then make some simple modifications according to the design requirements of the medical robot, and Baymax's AI intelligent program will be freshly baked.

However, when it comes to actual production, the performance of the AI intelligent program that Peter handed over to Oscorp will definitely be partially castrated.

After all, as long as the commercial version can meet the design requirements, Peter will of course keep the best things for himself.

Until Peter had typed about a few hundred lines of code on the computer, there was a sudden sound of a car horn outside the laboratory.

Peter immediately reacted. It must be Harry.


When Harry first heard the address information given by Peter, he almost thought that he had heard it wrong.

Because in his opinion, with Peter's wealth and status, he should not live in such an ordinary place, not to mention living in a luxurious rich area or villa.

This is also because Harry did not know Peter's specific situation. He thought that Peter could become the founder of a company at such a young age, and he should be a rich second generation like him.

But in fact, Peter is a real rich first generation who started from scratch.

After hearing this news from Peter, Harry was really shocked.

Everyone has an intervertebral disc, why is yours particularly prominent?

But what surprised Harry even more was still to come, when he followed Peter and came to the laboratory set up by Peter in the utility room.

Harry's complaints about the outdated and old appearance of the house were immediately thrown behind him.

As the young master of Oscorp, Harry has seen all kinds of advanced laboratories.

But no laboratory has ever been as technological as Peter's.

The first thing Harry saw when he entered the room was the holographic image floating in the center of the laboratory.

""Hey, hey, hey, Peter! Have I traveled to a science fiction movie? Holographic projection, this is a real holographic projection!"

Harry seemed to be crazy, rushing into the holographic image and dancing, just to verify whether everything in front of him was an illusion.

But the technology of holographic projection itself is to allow people to experience a dream-like illusion in reality.

How can Harry tell whether everything in front of him is real or illusory?

It was not until Peter directly turned off the light source of the holographic projection device and the image completely disappeared from the room that Harry calmed down again.

But this state did not last long. Harry ran to Peter again, grabbed Peter's arm and shook it hard, and asked incessantly about the holographic projection technology.

"Didn't you come here today to discuss cooperation with me?" Seeing Harry's abrupt look, Peter looked at him speechlessly and said

""Oh, it doesn't matter if that kind of thing is done later! Anyway, even if we have reached an agreement here, the board of directors still has to discuss it again. You should tell me about this holographic projection technology first. I am really itching to try it now!"

Under Harry's strong request, Peter could only reluctantly introduce him to the holographic projection device in the laboratory.

When Harry learned that the entire technology was actually developed by Peter alone, he was surprised again and again and gave Peter a series of free rainbow farts.

However, since meeting Harry, Peter has heard countless such beautiful words from him.

At first, Peter would be proud of it or secretly happy in his heart, but after hearing it so much, Peter gradually became immune to it.

After listening to Harry's praise expressionlessly, Peter thought that the matter had come to an end.

However, Harry obviously did not want to let Peter go just like that. He took Peter to tour this small laboratory.

When he came across something that interested him, he would pester Peter to introduce it to him.

Now Peter's laboratory has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to when it was first built.

Every time Peter merged Tony's memory fragments, once he was in it, If he found a small invention that was practical and could meet the production conditions, he would immediately run to the laboratory to replicate it.

So now Peter's laboratory is full of various small inventions that he replicated when practicing.

This led to Peter being dragged by Harry to be a lecturer in his own laboratory for nearly four hours today, until Aunt May came in and called them out for dinner, and Peter was relieved. After dinner, he finally sent Harry away. Peter silently swore in his heart that he would never let Harry enter his laboratory again no matter what he said.

From today on, the name Harry Osborn is on the blacklist of Peter's laboratory!

Watching Harry's taillights disappear around the corner, Peter turned back to the laboratory, preparing to work overtime tonight and directly produce the 1.0 version of Jarvis.

But at this moment, Peter suddenly remembered something:"No! What on earth did Harry come here for today?"

"We agreed to discuss cooperation, but he ended up wasting an entire afternoon and ended up not getting anything done.……"

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