In order to facilitate comprehensive testing and inspection of the mice, Norman needed to anesthetize the mice first and make them completely unconscious.

Considering that the mice had been strengthened by the gene-optimized serum, Norman deliberately increased the dosage when preparing the anesthetic.

Even so, Norman used a full twelve anesthetics before he successfully made the mice unconscious. This is enough to show how good the strengthening effect of the gene-optimized serum on the mice is.

Watching the mouse swaying left and right in the cage and finally falling down, in order to prevent it from waking up too quickly, Norman continued to inject it with eight more anesthetics.

In total, Norman injected the mouse with a total of twenty high-concentration anesthetics.

It is estimated that now the blood vessels of the mice are no longer flowing with blood, but all anesthetics.

This dose is enough to stun seven or eight elephants, let alone mice. It can be seen how cautious Norman is in doing things.

After waiting for more than ten seconds and confirming that the mouse was completely unconscious, Norman opened the cage and caught it out.

Then he quickly obtained body tissue and blood samples from the mouse, and then immediately put the mouse back into the cage.

The whole operation process would definitely not exceed 10 seconds, but when Norman locked the mouse cage again, the wounds on the mouse caused by sampling had all recovered.

Such a self-healing speed is beyond the reach of even lizards that can break their tails and regenerate. After putting the obtained tissue and blood samples in the refrigerator, Norman injected various toxins, bacteria and viruses into the body of the mouse.

However, these harmful substances, without exception, failed to cause fatal damage to the mouse under its strong metabolic capacity and immunity.

When the test was over, half an hour had passed, and the mouse that had been injected with twenty anesthetics and various poisons had shown signs of waking up.

Next, Norman used various tools and instruments in succession while the mouse was awake to test the mouse's strength, speed, endurance and other physical data after serum enhancement.

After doing all this, he lifted the metal cage containing the mouse, and then sank the mouse and the entire cage into a huge glass fish tank.

The mouse was still able to move freely in the fish tank filled with water, and there was no sign of hypoxia due to being in the water.

Norman, who saw this scene, knew that it was the effect of the frog gene characteristics in the gene optimization serum that gave the mouse's skin the ability to obtain oxygen in the water.

At this point, all the testing links were basically over.

The last step was to kill the mouse and then destroy the body.

Although the mouse can breathe in the water through its skin, this state cannot be maintained for a long time.

In other words, if Norman keeps it in the fish tank, the mouse will eventually die of hypoxia.

But Norman was not prepared to achieve his goal in such an inefficient way. He lifted the mouse cage again, took it out of the fish tank, and placed it in front of a huge laser generator.

The next second, Norman pressed the switch, and the laser generator started instantly, and a huge laser beam accurately hit the metal cage and the mouse.

Under such a huge energy radiation, no matter how much the little white mouse is strengthened, it still cannot escape the fate of turning into a wisp of green smoke.

When the dazzling light disappeared, the place where the metal cage was placed just now, now only a pool of high-temperature metal liquid that still emits red light.

Seeing that the"monster" created by his own hands was completely destroyed, Norman's tense nerves finally relaxed.

After all, facing a mouse that is stronger than himself in almost all dimensions, he may lose his life if he is not careful, so Norman can't help but be careful.

Now that the only source of danger in the laboratory has disappeared, in an environment that ensures his own safety, Norman took out the little white mouse tissue samples and blood samples that had just been placed in the refrigerator, ready for the final test.

"Very good. Even after being kept in the refrigerator for such a long time, the cells still maintain a very high activity, and no other abnormalities were found in the body tissues of various parts."

"The most important thing is that the genes that were originally severely damaged by nuclear radiation were not only perfectly repaired, but also after fusing gene fragments from multiple organisms, there was no rejection or gene collapse!"

"Perfect, this time the test result is simply too perfect!"

After reading all the test results, Norman excitedly threw the test report in his hand away.

Although he was very confident that he could develop a perfect gene-optimized serum, he had never imagined that he could succeed in the first attempt.

Now that this good luck has come to him, Norman will naturally not let go of this opportunity.

He plans to strike while the iron is hot and complete the injection of the gene-optimized serum today!

Looking at the light green serum with an attractive luster on the preparation table, Norman's eyes revealed a firm determination and a desire for power.

He carefully picked up a bottle of gene-optimized serum, the bottle was cold and smooth.

Norman took a deep breath, and then inserted the syringe into his hand without hesitation. arm and injected the serum into his body.

As the gene-optimizing serum was injected, he felt a slight tingling pain, but he clenched his teeth and endured the discomfort.

After a while, Norman's body began to change.

He groaned in pain, and his body was gradually overwhelmed by the powerful force.

His muscles swelled, his muscle lines became more obvious, his skin became as hard as steel, and power surged in his veins.

His eyes flashed with a strange light, as if burning inner energy.

More than ten minutes later, the moment the transformation effect of the gene-optimizing serum ended, he felt unprecedented strength and speed, as if surpassing the limits of human beings.

Norman stood up, he looked at his changes with satisfaction, his body, which was originally aged due to age, was now full of explosive power.

He knows very well that he has now become a being beyond ordinary people.

However, Norman does not know that behind every bit of power there are potential dangers and unpredictable consequences.

If there were a mirror in the laboratory, he would find that his eyes were gradually becoming crazy and distorted.

The left and right sides of a face show completely different expressions. The right side of the face looks warm and peaceful, but the left side is sinister and fierce.

It seems that in this body named Norman Osborn, there is another terrible soul full of twisted desires and evil impulses.

Once Norman begins to lose control of his emotions and behavior and is driven by power, he may be replaced by this terrible soul and become a terrible monster like the Lizard Man.


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