"Good afternoon, Stacy."

Peter, who had finished lunch in the cafeteria, walked back to the classroom with a brisk pace.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Gwen sitting alone quietly in her seat. The sunlight shone through the window on her, forming a layer of light golden halo, making her look particularly beautiful.

Peter's heart moved, and he casually greeted her.

But he didn't expect that Gwen, who had little communication with him in the past, actually started to talk to him actively.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Parker. You seem to be a little different lately."

"Different? Really?" Peter looked at her in surprise.

If it was the old Peter Parker, he would have been very excited to hear this.

Because Gwen's words implied that the other party had been paying attention to him recently, so she noticed his changes.

But after hearing this, Peter now felt a little nervous, fearing that Gwen would find out that he had taken over someone else's house.

"Of course! You never lost your focus in class before, but recently you always daydream in class."

"And your eyes have changed, becoming more confident. We have been classmates for such a long time, but I have never seen you take the initiative to say hello to me before."

Peter certainly had no way to explain to Gwen these changes that she pointed out, and he could not explain to her.

Moreover, these changes that appeared in him were not really flaws.

After all, for a seventeen-year-old teenager, when everything is not stable yet, any changes in the body are normal.

Being young means that the future has infinite possibilities.

However, Peter could not say to Gwen,"Why should I, Peter Parker, explain my actions in my life to others?!"

He just smiled and asked Gwen a question in return:"If there is any difference from before, isn't Gwen the same as me? Especially when it comes to daydreaming in class."

Gwen blushed when she heard this, and turned away without paying any attention to Peter.

Gwen, who always presented herself as a top student, felt a little ashamed that she was caught daydreaming in class.

But her blushing was more because Peter's response just now made her realize that not only was she paying attention to Peter silently, but Peter was also paying attention to her secretly.

This two-way feeling that the person you secretly love also secretly loves you made Gwen feel that the fatigue accumulated from recent chivalrous deeds seemed to have been swept away.

To be honest, Gwen had never thought that wanting to be a partner of justice would be so tiring.

This kind of tiredness is not only physical, but also mental.

The reason why she wanted to On the one hand, she went to the streets to fight crime because she was the daughter of the New York City Police Commissioner and wanted to help her father reduce some of the burden.

On the other hand, it was because of the excitement and novelty of having just gained super powers, and she wanted to test her limits.

But after experiencing it herself, she didn't understand that there was a reason why her father was so busy every day.

There are so many criminal activities happening on the streets of New York every day.

Even if she just used her spare time every day to hang around the streets near her home and school, she could catch a dozen robbers and candy sellers.

As for those petty thieves, they were even more numerous.

If it were just that, Gwen wouldn't be so tired.

What really made her tired was However, not only was everything she did described by the Daily Bugle as a clown seeking attention, but even her father did not approve of such actions.

This made Gwen feel that she had made a mistake.

But for a girl who is in adolescence and rebelliousness, the more the outside world disapproves of her approach, the more she will persist.

And in the past few days, she finally found that her persistence paid off.

First of all, some voices supporting her gradually began to appear on the Internet, and many people who had received her help publicly expressed their gratitude to her.

In addition, she heard from her father that since the Ghost Spider became famous, the crime rate in New York City has indeed decreased.

This also proves that everything she has done is valuable. , and is not as useless as the Daily Bugle criticized.

Not to mention that Gwen is proud of her success in both love and career.

After these days of memory fusion, Peter has not been able to find an invention from Tony Stark's memory that is suitable for him to cash in now.

But this does not mean that there have been no breakthroughs.

With the continuous fusion of memories, Peter found that he seemed to be trapped in a blind spot.

He only wanted to rely on the black technology in Tony Stark's memory to make a fortune, but ignored other possibilities.

Until today, Gwen suddenly said to him that he was different from before.

It was this sentence that instantly enlightened Peter and got out of his previous blind spot of thinking.

【Yes, I am different from the Peter Parker before. But it is not only Peter Parker who is different, but also the whole world! 】

He had already thought that because the world he was in was different, he could gain benefits from the technological products in different worlds.

But he ignored that in addition to technological products, the literary and artistic works of other worlds also contained great value in this world.

And countless predecessors of traversers have verified that the path of plagiarism is undoubtedly the most suitable for self-made traversers. What

Peter has to do is to move the literary and artistic works of the other two worlds in his memory that do not exist in this world.

Then he can get his first pot of gold with almost zero cost.

With this accumulation of original capital, it is much easier for Peter to replicate the inventions in Tony Stark's memory.

After Peter carefully compared the memories of the three different worlds that he has merged, he really found that many literary and artistic works are not in the current world.

And because he absorbed the soul of the original body and some soul fragments of Tony Stark, his soul strength has been greatly improved.

It is effortless to be able to clearly recall the literary works in memory, even without missing any details.

In fact, Peter has already thought about it. Even if he does not find the literary works that do not exist in this world in his memory, it is okay.

He can just write biographies!

Anyway, the superheroes in the Avengers have never appeared in this world.

So for readers in this world, it is not impossible to directly read his non-fiction works as science fiction works.


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