After getting rid of the trouble of genetic diseases, Norman Osborn began to act more and more aggressively in the company.

However, it is precisely because of Norman's strong way of doing things that he not only successfully re-established his prestige in the board of directors, but also regained some of the right to speak in the company's decision-making.

Thanks to this, the intelligent medical robot project that Faraday Future cooperated with Osborn has been progressing rapidly in recent times.

Osborn has almost gathered all the clinical experts and medical theory experts in the company. Everyone takes turns to work overtime and go all out to develop a medical knowledge database.

At present, the development of the database is going smoothly. Except for a small number of difficult and complicated diseases, the data of most common diseases have been imported into the database.

It is estimated that this task will be completely completed in the near future.

On the side of Peter, who represents Faraday Future, the development of Dabai's AI intelligent program has reached the last step.

Now we only have to wait for Osborn's database to be developed, and Peter can connect the AI intelligent program to the database to start the final disease diagnosis and treatment test.

If the test results prove that there are no problems with the functionality and accuracy of the AI, then the project can officially enter the final production and sales stage.

By then, Faraday Future, which has two cash cows, new energy vehicles and intelligent medical robots, will become the most dazzling new star among many American technology companies.

And as the founder and sole shareholder of Faraday Future, Peter will no longer have to worry about research and development funds. Even if Faraday Future does not raise funds for listing, he can become one of the richest people in the country with the huge profits earned by the company every year.

However, although the research and development of intelligent medical robots has come to an end for the time being, Peter's daily life is not easy.

Because it may be impossible to integrate Tony's remaining memory fragments for a long time in the future, Peter will devote his energy to two things after completing the task at hand.

The development of Baymax's combat form and the upgrade of Gwen's superhero equipment.

Peter did not plan to redesign the combat armor that Baymax wore in combat form, and was ready to copy the functions and appearance of the movie"Big Hero 6".

In addition to the protective armor plates on the whole body, the entire set of combat armor will also be designed with a pair of rocket gloves for long-range attacks and a pair of back jet thrusters for flight.

However, in terms of the material used to make the armor, Peter did not choose the high-strength carbon fiber used in the movie, but replaced it with the spider silk fiber that Gwen is using now.

Because under the same specifications, spider silk fiber is not only stronger than carbon fiber in strength, but also more in line with the lightweight requirements of Baymax in combat form.

Peter only needs to remove the directional decomposition enzyme in the spider silk liquid during the manufacture of the armor to ensure that the armor made of spider silk fiber will not automatically degrade like the spider silk of the ghost spider.

As for Baymax's combat chip, Peter gave it a new name.

Because Baymax's mission beside Peter is not only to fight, but more often it is actually responsible for protection and rescue.

So Peter changed the name of the chip from combat chip to superhero chip.

And all the programs required in the superhero chip were handed over to Jarvis, the smart butler who has officially taken office.

After completing various trainings in the database and a period of self-identification and learning on the Internet, Jarvis finally officially took office as Peter's smart butler.

It was precisely because of Jarvis's assistance during this period that Peter's R&D efficiency was so high.

And not only at work, but also in life, Peter is becoming more and more inseparable from Jarvis's presence.

Since Peter made a smart transformation of his old house, Jarvis has taken over all kinds of housework, from turning on and off lights to cleaning.

Even Aunt May's cooking skills have been greatly improved because of Jarvis's guidance.

The once difficult-to-swallow signature dish, the special meat pie, has now become a real delicacy.

Uncle Ben and Peter can finally save their pretentious and exaggerated acting skills.

However, compared with the development of the battle form of Baymax, what Peter is more concerned about is actually upgrading Gwen's superhero equipment.

After all, compared with Peter, who goes from school to home every day, Gwen, who takes the initiative to face criminals, must face more dangerous situations and a higher probability of accidents.

So whether from the perspective of combating crime or protecting Gwen's own safety, upgrading and optimizing Gwen's superhero equipment is far more important than developing the battle form of Baymax.

For this reason, Peter also put a lot of effort into the equipment upgrade plan!

The biggest improvement in upgrading Gwen's Ghost Suit is that Peter connected the suit to the AI intelligent program.

Peter opened most of the permissions of the Ghost Suit to Jarvis, giving him the second priority control of the Ghost Suit.

With the assistance of Jarvis, Gwen can quickly obtain intelligence at the crime scene and independently complete more complex combat plans without Peter's rear support.

More importantly, some of the more complicated functions were not put on the Ghost Suit by Peter.

Because during the battle, Gwen's full energy has been concentrated on the battle, and there is no time to distract herself to use those complicated functions.

For example, when Peter first designed the spider web launcher on the Ghost Suit, he configured 576 launch modes for the spider web launcher according to different possible combat scenarios.

But considering that it is difficult for Gwen to be distracted and make accurate decisions during the action, after weighing the pros and cons, only five or six frequently used launch modes were left.

But now with Jarvis's assistance, it's different. Gwen only needs to issue voice commands, and the rest can be left to Jarvis.

Not to mention the mere 576 launch modes, even if the number is increased tenfold, Jarvis can still handle it with ease.

Another upgrade is that after Jarvis completes Baymax's superhero chip, Peter plans to implant the combat program in the chip into the Ghost Suit.

The reason for this idea is that Gwen often complained to him on the phone recently, saying that the combat training arranged by George for her was too hard, which made Peter feel very distressed.

But if the combat program is implanted in the Ghost Suit, even if Gwen does not need it in actual combat, it can be used as a training auxiliary program in normal combat training.

Apart from anything else, at least in terms of efficiency, it is definitely much better than the involutionary training that simply increases the training time.

And there is another hidden benefit. As Gwen's combat times in the Ghost Suit increase, the actual combat data that Jarvis can collect will continue to increase.

At that time, Jarvis can also use Gwen's actual combat data to improve the actual combat effect of the combat program in the superhero chip.

Therefore, implanting the combat program into the Ghost Suit is actually a three-pronged approach.

However, this upgrade can only remain in the planning stage for the time being, and it will not be realized until Jarvis completes the program development task.

But just the upgrades that the Ghost Suit has completed so far are enough to raise the Ghost Spider's original combat power to a higher level.

Therefore, after completing the upgrade of the Ghost Suit, Peter couldn't wait to contact Gwen.

Not only did he want to see if the upgrade of the Ghost Suit was exactly as he imagined. He also wanted Gwen to come and experience the changes in the Ghost Suit in person, but also to test whether the upgraded Ghost Suit still had problems and defects that Peter had overlooked.


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