With Peter's wisdom, he certainly knew how dangerous his current behavior was.

But for the current situation, taking advantage of speed and flexible positioning was the best way to buy time for Gwen and the others to rescue.

If Peter chose to give up his own advantage and instead took the initiative to attack the Hulk, Peter's situation would only be worse than it is now.

Although the Extremis virus potion gave Peter the ability to generate a high temperature of 3000 degrees Celsius, due to the difference in physique and strength between him and the Hulk, he could not cause fatal damage to the Hulk at all.

Once he was caught by the Hulk's huge palm, Peter could not break free even if he wanted to, and could only become a lamb to be slaughtered in the Hulk's hands.

Even though his recovery ability was amazing, the pain caused by the injury was real.

What's more, the extremis virus potion only lasted for half an hour, and Peter didn't dare to gamble his life on whether the Hulk had the patience.

Once again, Peter narrowly avoided the Hulk's"fly slapping" attack.

But this time was more thrilling than before, because the end of the car in the Hulk's hand had already touched the jet thruster under Peter's feet.

Under this force, Peter's body immediately shook violently in the air, and it seemed that there was a risk of falling in the next second!

Fortunately, the material of the jet thruster itself is strong enough and there is no structural damage.

Peter also relied on his excellent balance ability and stable psychological quality to successfully adjust the flight trajectory and avoid the subsequent pursuit of the Hulk.

However, from this narrow attack, it can be seen that after a long period of attack and defense, the Hulk has also begun to seek active changes.

And this change is not only a change in the attack mode, but also an increase in the attack speed.

Knowing that his previous prediction model had failed, Peter instantly distanced himself from the Hulk and was very alert.

Peter knew very well that if he could not predict the Hulk's attack, he would not be able to continue to deal with the Hulk with his reaction speed.

In this case, the best way to deal with it is to immediately distance the two sides.

According to our junior high school physics experience【V=S/t】From this formula, it can be seen that, assuming that the Hulk's attack speed remains unchanged, the longer the distance from the Hulk's attack to Peter's position, the longer Peter can react.

In this way, Peter can give himself more reaction time during the dodge process.

Moreover, after the distance is pulled away, the Hulk, who has no other long-range attack means, can only choose a straight-forward attack method such as a flying cannonball to attack Peter.

In this way, the Hulk's attack mode is greatly simplified. With this increase and decrease, the difficulty of Peter's dodge attack is naturally greatly reduced.

However, after the distance is pulled away, if you want to keep the Hulk's attention, it is definitely not enough to just dodge.

If you want to hold the Hulk's hatred, Peter must continue to fight back.

But the problem is that although Peter has temporarily obtained extraordinary power through the desperate virus potion, he does not have any means of long-range attack.

At a distance of more than ten meters, Peter can't rely on the high temperature of 3000 degrees Celsius on his body to burn the Hulk, right? Boiling a frog in warm water is not the way to cook it.

Fortunately, Peter is self-aware and has considered his own shortcomings and made plans to deal with them.

As mentioned earlier, Baymax's rocket gloves and jet thrusters can be disassembled and used separately.

The jet thrusters make up for Peter's inability to fly and lack of maneuverability, while the rocket gloves naturally make up for Peter's lack of long-range attack methods.

"Dabai, listen to my instructions now and quickly launch the rocket gloves in your hands towards me."In mid-air, Peter dodged the various brands of cars flying towards him while giving instructions to Baymax through the communicator.

Baymax, on the other side, was digging on a ruin. It detected through the hyperspectral lens on its body that there were four innocent citizens buried under the ruins with vital signs.

But after receiving Peter's order, Baymax took off the pair of rocket gloves on his hands without saying a word.

After the rocket gloves left Baymax's hands, they immediately started the built-in propulsion device and flew away from Baymax.

It will automatically navigate to Peter's location based on the real-time positioning signal sent by the jet thruster under Peter's feet.

As for Baymax, he removed the armor on his abdomen and used it as a shovel to continue his excavation and rescue work.

Because it lost the gloves, it could no longer use the hands made of double polyvinyl alcohol fiber for digging.

Even so, Baymax still faithfully completed the tasks assigned to it by Peter. This is its innate responsibility and mission as a superhero.

At this moment, Ghost Spider Gwen landed gracefully and came to Baymax.

"Baymax, the two areas that my father and I are responsible for have completed all the rescue work. How is the situation on your side?"

After Gwen and Baymax joined the rescue team, in order to improve efficiency, Baymax first scanned the entire Harlem area to look for survivors in the ruins.

After Baymax confirmed all the locations that needed to be rescued, George divided the map into three areas based on the scattered relationship of these locations.

George, Ghost Spider and Baymax were responsible for one of the areas respectively, and then they integrated the original manpower in the area to carry out the rescue work.

Among the three teams, the strongest one is undoubtedly the team led by Ghost Spider. Reflected in the rescue efficiency, Ghost Spider was also the first to complete the rescue work in the area.

So after finishing the rescue work in his own area, Ghost Spider first asked the police officers to evacuate this dangerous place with the wounded, and then rushed to the area responsible for George.

Compared with the efficiency of Ghost Spider, the rescue progress on George's side was much slower. However, after Ghost Spider joined in, the rescue speed was greatly accelerated.

Ghost Spider did not come to Baymax until he finished the rescue work on George's side.

【The rescue work in my area has almost been completed. Other police officers have evacuated the injured to a safe location. This is the last location that needs rescue.

The result was the same as Ghost Spider expected. Among the three teams, her team was the fastest, followed by Dabai, and George was the last.

According to the barrel theory, George's team was the"short board" in this rescue work.

So her choice to support George first was correct, and ultimately improved the overall efficiency of this rescue mission.

After hearing that the area in front of Dabai was the last location that needed rescue, Ghost Spider shot out a spider web without saying a word.

Then he pulled hard with both hands, and a large amount of bricks and rubble stuck by the spider web were pulled away by Ghost Spider along with the spider web.

It was in this way that Ghost Spider helped the other two areas to complete the rescue quickly.

And as the survivors of this last rescue location were rescued, the task of transporting them safely naturally fell to Dabai.

As for Ghost Spider, she turned around without any hesitation and immediately rushed to the center of the battle.

There, there was the last target in her heart that needed"rescue" waiting for her.


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