A 17-year-old underage girl stood in front of a muscular man who was over three meters tall and had green skin.

The muscular man was shirtless, only wearing a pair of tattered pants, with a big hole on his chest that was bleeding.

If it were you, would you be able to bear this scene?

Anyway, Gwen asked herself that she couldn't bear it, even though she had gained power far beyond that of ordinary people and had been a superhero for more than half a year.

In her more than half a year of superhero experience, she encountered bloody incidents, but the number could be counted on one hand.

Among the few bloody incidents, most of them were just some minor skin injuries. The most serious one was probably the time when George was pierced through the chest and his hand by the lizard man.

But that incident was completely unrepresentative. Gwen was completely overwhelmed by anger and hatred at the time, so she didn't even consider whether it was bloody or not.

When she came to her senses, all the injuries on George's body had been healed by Peter.

But now such a shocking picture appeared in front of her, and more importantly, it was all caused by her own hands, Gwen couldn't hold it back all of a sudden. Gwen, who lost her mind, froze on the spot.

At this time, Peter was far away from Gwen and did not notice Gwen's abnormality.

But the green giant was right in front of Gwen, and the distance between them was less than two meters, and he was the first to notice that the man in front of him was wrong.

However, there was a big hole on the green giant's chest that had not recovered yet. He was seriously injured and even if he wanted to make trouble, he was temporarily powerless.

For him, the most urgent thing was to quickly break free from the control of the annoying gloves, and then escape from here to find a place to recover from his injuries.

So while the ghost spider was stunned, the green giant leaned forward and pretended to pounce forward.

His action immediately attracted Peter's attention, and he quickly controlled the rocket gloves to stop his forward momentum.

At the same time, because of his action, Peter finally discovered the abnormality of Gwen.

""Ghost Spider! Ghost Spider! What's your problem? Answer me!" Peter shouted loudly, hoping to get a response from Gwen.

But to his disappointment, Gwen still stood motionless in front of the Green Giant without making any reaction.

Gwen was not in good condition now, and she was so close to the Green Giant. Peter couldn't just watch her stay there.

He had no choice but to fly to Gwen as fast as he could, hold her horizontally in a princess hug, and then quickly retreat to the original safe distance.

Little did he know that Peter's move played into the Green Giant's hands. When he focused all his attention on Gwen, his control over the two rocket gloves naturally weakened. The

Green Giant seized the opportunity and used all his strength to swing his fists in front of his chest for a fierce collision.

Under such a surging force, the destructive force generated has completely exceeded the limit that the rocket gloves made of spider silk fibers can withstand.

With a"click", the two rocket gloves on the Green Giant's fists immediately cracked and turned into fragments under his feet.

Getting rid of the restraints of the rocket gloves, the Green Giant didn't stop for a moment, rushed into the alley next to him without looking back, and then quickly disappeared into the thick night.

By the time Peter reacted, he couldn't even see the shadow of the opponent.

"I fell into the trap.……"

For someone like Peter who likes to play tricks on his opponents by outsmarting them, falling into a trap set by his opponents is undoubtedly very embarrassing.

Peter can say that he was too concerned, but he still had to take the loss because the Green Giant was using an open conspiracy, betting that Peter would definitely come to the rescue, and the abnormal Ghost Spider was his bargaining chip.

""I'm sorry, Peter. It's all because of me that the plan failed."

Gwen had already woken up when Peter carried her away from the green giant.

Now hearing the loss in Peter's voice, Gwen couldn't help but apologize to Peter with self-blame.

Peter hurriedly waved his hands in panic and said,"No, no! How could this be! Gwen, you didn't hold us back."

"Listen Gwen, this is a battle between the two of us. How can we put all the blame for the failure on you alone?"

"If you really want to blame someone, you should blame me. I misjudged the strength of the enemy from the beginning."

"I always thought that the green giant was just a monster with strong limbs, simple mind and only knew how to destroy."

"Unexpectedly, it was because of such a misjudgment that she fell into the trap he set."

For the failure of the plan to capture the green giant tonight, Peter's negative emotions were more because he did not see through the enemy's design.

As for how much threat the green giant would pose to the city and the country after he ran away, Peter didn't really care.

Anyway, whether there is a green giant or not, the people of the United States have always lived in dire straits, and it can only be said that too many lice will not itch.

However, after listening to Peter's comfort, Gwen's condition has improved a lot.

Just as Peter said, this is a battle for the two of them, and the two of them together are a complete whole.

If she takes all the faults on herself, wouldn't it be equivalent to excluding Peter from the team?

After thinking about this clearly, Gwen's inner guilt was relieved a lot.

It's just that the bloody scene that happened in front of her just now is still imprinted in her mind for the time being, and she is still a little depressed.

But today's failure also reminded Gwen and Peter that it is time for them to reflect on their own shortcomings.

And tonight's incident is the best material for them to review themselves.


Osborne Manor in the suburbs of New York.

It seems like a fairyland isolated from the world, and the disturbances in Harlem cannot affect it.

At this time, in the study, Harry was sorting out the information brought back from the company.

As the development of the medical knowledge database is gradually coming to an end, it is not far from the official launch of the intelligent medical robot project. Since learning the secrets of the Osborne family from his father last time, Harry has changed his previous image of a rich second generation and become more mature.

Recently, all his time except for studying has been invested in the intelligent medical robot project.

From the pile of densely annotated documents on the desk, it can be seen that Harry is not just pretending to show others.

And the purpose of doing all this is to prove to Norman that he is ready to take over the burden of the entire family.

After sorting out all the information he has read, Harry stretched tiredly in the boss chair.

The more company affairs he participates in, the more Harry can understand the difficulties of his father.

Although the stack of information in his hand looks quite thick, it is actually only the information of the intelligent medical robot project.

Oscorp is such a large group that it carries out projects at the same time every day, and sometimes there may be hundreds of projects.

And all these things often have to be reviewed and approved by Norman. Such a workload is definitely not something Harry can handle now.

Just as Harry was sighing in his heart about his father's difficulties, a huge collision suddenly came from the direction of the front yard.


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