Hearing the question raised by Harry, Norman Osborn, who had a kind face, suddenly burst into murderous intent in his eyes.

Recalling everything that happened yesterday, Norman couldn't help but start to review himself. His first half of life was too smooth.

Born in a wealthy family, he had excellent grades since childhood.

When he grew up, he successfully entered a prestigious school and directly inherited a large family business after graduation.

His wife is a beautiful and virtuous daughter, and his son is a smart and handsome talent.

The biggest difficulty he encountered in his life is probably the genetic disease that has been passed down from generation to generation in his family.

Even so, he finally successfully overcame it with his own intelligence and unremitting efforts.

If life has a script, Norman is not sure if he got the protagonist's script, but the script must have the words"winner in life" written on it.

But because of this, he gradually forgot the most important truth- his country is a country where capital is supreme, and capital will"eat people" in order to compete for its own interests!

Everything that happened to him yesterday was the process of Norman Osborn being put on the table as food and almost being eaten up by others.

Since he regained control of Oscorp, the company has been growing stronger.

Many of the directors who were originally on the opposite side of him have begun to waver.

I believe that after the intelligent medical robot project is officially launched and achieves results, his position in the company will be completely consolidated.

Next, it only needs to use some financial means to take back part of the company's shares, and Oscorp will return to the era of absolute control by the Osborn family!

However, imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel. The struggle for power and interests is far from as simple as Norman imagined.


Yesterday at noon, Norman, who was checking the report in the office, suddenly received a strange call.

However, when he picked up the phone, the first thing he heard was not a stranger's greeting, but the painful scream of his son Harry Osborn.

Hearing the familiar voice and the heart-wrenching cry on the phone, Norman was stunned. When he came to his senses, the other party had hung up the phone. Although

Norman was a little flustered at this time, the habit he had developed over the years allowed him to keep his brain calm and not lose his composure.

He did not call back the strange call that had just been hung up, but called Harry's mobile phone first.

He wanted to confirm whether the strange call was a boring prank or a carefully designed scam.

If both possibilities were ruled out, then the only thing left was the worst result.

At that time, no matter how unwilling he was to believe it, he had to be mentally prepared to face it all.

On the phone, the prompt tone waiting for the connection continued, but Norman never waited for the voice he wanted to hear.

Even Norman, who was always calm and composed, began to panic at this moment. Things seemed to be heading in the worst direction.

He did not hear Harry answer the phone until the call was automatically hung up.

In the next second, the strange phone that had called his office before called again.

But this time, the voice coming from the phone was no longer Harry's screaming, but a strange voice that was obviously processed by a voice changer.

"Hello, Mr. Norman Osborn. I have reserved some time for you just now so that you can believe my sincerity."

"I just don't know if you feel my sincerity, and can we start a pleasant conversation now?"

Listening to the teasing and sarcastic tone of the other party on the phone, Norman gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, wishing he could punch the other party in the face right now.

But he knew that this matter could not be done at all now, and even if it could be done, he could only swallow his anger for the time being and suppress the anger in his heart.

"Who are you? No matter what conditions you want, I can satisfy you as long as you put them forward. I only have one request, which is not to hurt my son Harry!"

When Norman first spoke, his tone was still a bit tough and angry, but the more he spoke, especially when he mentioned Harry, even if he tried to control it, his tone softened.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to hear the change in Norman's tone and laughed wantonly.

"Hahahaha, Norman Osborn, I didn't expect you to be so humble today! Let me tell you, now it's not me who wants any conditions, but you have to beg me to make them!"

"Don't you want me to let your son go? Then just beg me, if you beg me sincerely, maybe I will agree? Hahahaha!"

Although Norman's face was still a little ugly at this time, he had regained his previous indifference. Only the strong murderous intent that could not be suppressed in his eyes revealed his inner unrest.

From the other party's words just now, he had guessed that the other party must have had an intersection with him, or even might be someone he was very familiar with.

If this person simply wanted to extort money from him through Harry, then his words would not reveal his familiarity with him, and he would not show a carefree emotion when using words to humiliate him.

【Is it an acquaintance? But who is it? Why did he choose to do it at this time? There are still too few clues at present. We must get more information from him, at least to know what his purpose is! 】

While thinking in his mind, Norman had already opened his mouth in a begging tone:"I beg... I beg you, please make a request, let my son Harry go, please!"

Norman's acting skills are still good. After all, there are many things that need to be false and perfunctory in various business occasions.

The difficult pronunciation and the mood of compromise fully interpret the image of a father who is willing to sacrifice everything for his son.

But even though Norman has contributed such excellent acting skills, the other party still did not reveal his true purpose.

The man just asked Norman to quickly raise 5 million yuan in cash, and then drive alone, leaving the car and the money in the parking space of a bookstore in Harlem.

As for whether Norman would let Harry go after delivering the money, the man did not mention a word.

Norman certainly wouldn't believe that a person took a huge risk to kidnap the son of the chairman of Oscorp just for a mere 5 million Mi Yuan.

That's right, for Norman, the amount of 5 million Mi Yuan can only be described as"mere".

Even 100 million Mi Yuan, which is an astronomical figure in the eyes of ordinary people, is just a small goal for Norman.

The benefits required by the other party are completely disproportionate to the risks he took.

So Norman immediately judged that 5 million Mi Yuan was just a cover thrown by the other party. As for the other party's real purpose, it must be waiting for him behind!


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