There is no need to say more about the ending of the story between the Green Giant and the superhero.

However, in Norman's memory, his memory only stayed at the moment when he was surrounded by the group of black men, and then it was completely broken.

How did he escape from the group of people and how did he return to Osborne Manor? Norman had no impression at all.

However, in order not to worry Harry, Norman did not show any abnormality on the surface.

When Harry asked about what happened yesterday, he also concealed most of the truth from Harry. He only said that he went to the bank to withdraw money and was accidentally targeted by a group of gangsters.

However, the other party did not do anything to him after taking his money, and threw him back outside Osborne Manor under the cover of night.

Although Harry still had doubts about Norman's statement, he thought carefully and found that all the details could match.

Norman did have a record of withdrawing cash from multiple banks yesterday.

Later, the car and the money disappeared, and Norman was stripped naked.

These situations are very consistent with the behavior of those gang robbers.

But Harry overlooked the most important question, which was why Norman took so much cash yesterday afternoon. This was the key to the whole incident.

It can only be said that in front of an old fox like Norman, Harry was still a little immature.

In addition, Harry focused most of his attention on Norman's physical condition, and Norman changed the subject from time to time.

In the end, this matter was fooled by Norman.

But he reminded Harry very seriously to be careful during this period and be careful when going out.

But Harry just thought that this robbery left him with a psychological shadow. He just nodded and agreed casually, saying that he would not go out alone in the future, and he would bring more bodyguards whenever he went out.

But this would definitely not be the end of the whole thing.

The reason why Norman didn't want to tell Harry the truth of the matter, in addition to not wanting Harry to worry about him, the main reason was actually not to let Harry get involved in these dirty things too early.

Since the enemy has already made a move to put their Osborn family to death, then he, Norman Osborn, will naturally not sit and wait for death.

The first principle of business war is to give up quality.

Tooth for tooth, double return. Real business wars are often so plain and boring.

But before Eddie Brock handed him all the investigation results, he didn't plan to take action against those people.

Of course, there is no need to pay attention to solid evidence for assassination, and Norman's philosophy has always been to kill the wrong person rather than let him go.

Temporary forbearance is just to catch the enemy in one fell swoop and avoid alerting the enemy.

After all, Norman doesn't intend to let any of his enemies go. After ending the conversation between father and son, he sent Harry out of the room.

Finally, Norman calmed down, habitually picked up the tablet and began to browse today's news and international current affairs.

As a leader of a company, you must have a keen sense of smell to find useful information from these complex contents.

Of course, this sense of smell is not innate. Norman gradually acquired this ability through day-to-day practice.

This is how he developed the habit of browsing news events every morning.

However, his focus today is different from usual. He did not focus on news in the two fields of economy and politics.

Instead, he paid special attention to the report of a disaster accident in Harlem, New York.

And the more he searched for information related to the Harlem disaster, the uglier Norman's expression became.

Fragmented images kept flashing through his mind, but because they were too scattered, it was impossible to combine them into effective information.

But it didn't matter anymore. With Norman's wisdom, it was impossible for him not to guess the truth of the matter.

The time and place could be said to be coincidences, but how to explain the inexplicable memories in his mind?

"So that's how it is... So the reason I lost my memory yesterday was because I turned into that green monster"

"Later, he was injured by the ghost spider and fled back to Osborn Manor by instinct. He eventually collapsed outside due to exhaustion and recovered to normal."

Norman combined all the information he had learned so far and easily pieced together everything that had happened in his missing memory.

But even after guessing what happened, Norman still frowned, and the expression on his face was sad but also mixed with a hint of relief.

Norman's worry was that the gene optimization serum he prepared would eventually have problems.

Although this power is indeed very powerful, so powerful that even the National Guard had to retreat.

But a power that cannot be fully controlled is worthless. If used forcibly, the end result will only hurt others and yourself.

But to his relief, because of his perfectionist mentality at the time, he did not use the gene optimization serum on Harry.

This also allowed Harry to escape luckily and not to... Like him, he may turn into a monster at any time.

The only thing that worries him now is the genetic disease in Harry.

Norman doesn't know if what happened to him was simply because of a problem with the gene optimization serum.

Or is it that there are problems with the cross-species biological gene synthesis technology itself.

If it is just the former, then it is okay, at least there is hope to find a solution to the problem.

But if the problem lies with the latter, then the Osborn family may have only two choices left.

Become a normal person who dies young, or become a monster who lives to be a hundred years old!

In order to find out the answer to the question, Norman decided to consult the most authoritative expert in this field.

And this expert is naturally the pioneer of cross-species biological gene synthesis technology. , it must be Dr. Kurt Connors.

Or now we should call him his new identity, Professor Otto Gunther Octavius of New York University.

After obtaining the final decay rate equation, Norman took Dr. Connors away from the experimental base as promised.

And using his connections, he arranged a new identity for Dr. Connors, Otto Gunther Octavius, a physicist who teaches at New York University.

As for why the identity arranged was a physicist, rather than Dr. Connors' original biologist, this was also a special request made by Connors.

After experiencing the incident of transforming himself into a lizard man, Connors, an expert in biology for many years, has a new understanding of the dangers of biotechnology.

Based on This realization made Dr. Connors finally decide to give up continuing his research in biology and become a mechanical physicist.

In his opinion, a perfect mechanical structure can also help those with physical disabilities to make up for the missing body functions.

And compared with uncontrollable biotechnology, the biggest advantage of machinery is that you can stop everything as long as you cut off its power supply.

So after entering New York University with a new identity, Connors, who was originally a little confused, finally regained the fighting spirit he had when studying biology and devoted himself to the new field of physics.

After this period of hard work, the former Dr. Connors, now Professor Octavius, has really produced some interesting results.


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