Faraday Future's company building is a square rectangular building. From the outside, it doesn't look like a high-end and classy technology company.

Large technology companies like Pineapple and Amazon all have headquarters buildings that are magnificent and full of design.

But Peter doesn't care about that. His main goal is to develop in a low-key manner and make a fortune quietly.

Wouldn't it be better if he could use the cost of designing and building the building to buy more equipment and instruments?

After nearly half an hour's journey, Peter finally arrived downstairs of his company.

After parking the car, Peter took the elevator and walked straight to the company's reception room.

When he arrived at the door of the reception room, Peter saw two burly men in black suits and sunglasses standing on both sides of the door.

With this dress and physique, these two people are definitely either intelligence agents or bodyguards.

Peter wanted to push the door in, but they stopped him. Now it is certain that they are bodyguards.

Fortunately, an employee of Faraday Future recognized his boss and stepped forward to explain a few words, and the two bodyguards made way.

However, Peter was still very dissatisfied with this matter.

He was obviously the boss of this company, but he was stopped by an outsider in his own company. What was going on?

Peter had already decided in his heart that he must show the representative of Fisker Company a little color after entering. When he pushed the door and walked into the reception room, Peter saw his manager talking to a bald man.

The bald man was wearing a white suit and looked very fat. Although he was sitting, he could still see that he was very tall.

When the manager saw Peter coming in, he quickly stood up to greet him and extended his hand to introduce him:"Boss, this is Mr. Wilson Fisk, the founder of Fisker Group who came to visit in person today."

After that, he looked at Wilson Fisk and said,"This is our boss, Peter Parker."

Wilson smiled and nodded to Peter. After seeing his actions, Peter also came back to his senses and smiled and nodded in response.

Peter was stunned because he had never expected that the person who came to visit today would be Wilson Fisk himself.

So, it seemed that the other party was quite low-key, coming with only two bodyguards?

【No way! No matter who you are, I, Peter Parker, have said I will teach you a lesson, so I will definitely do what I say! 】

Thinking of this, Peter quickly put away his smile and said with a stern face:"I heard that you insisted on meeting me before you were willing to explain the purpose of your coming here today."

"Now that I'm in front of you, please tell me straight to the point. What project do you want to cooperate with Faraday Future on?"

After saying that, Peter walked to the main seat and sat down, looking at Wilson opposite him with very calm eyes.

The manager, who had a smile on his face just now, was standing behind Peter very awkwardly. He didn't know why his boss showed such an indifferent attitude.

He first looked at Peter, and then at Wilson, secretly observing the reactions of the two big men, not knowing what to do.

Just when he thought his career was about to suffer a Waterloo, Wilson spoke.

Wilson still had a gentle smile on his face, and he didn't seem to take Peter's attitude just now to heart.

"OK! Since Mr. Parker said so, I will get straight to the point. We at Fisker Group hope to reach cooperation with your company in the new energy business."

"Impossible!"As soon as Wilson finished speaking, Peter firmly denied it.

"Our company's new energy business has reached cooperation with China Geely Automobile, and the cooperation is an exclusive licensing agreement."

"We at Faraday Future will never tear up the contract just to cooperate with your Fisker Group."

Wilson was still gentle and easy-going in the face of Peter's interruption and refusal, and he didn't get angry.

He just shook his head and said,"I think you misunderstood me, Mr. Parker. We at Fisker Group have absolutely no intention of snatching Geely Auto's business, and we will not ask you to tear up the contract that has already been signed.""

"On the contrary, if the cooperation between us can be successfully achieved, it will bring great benefits to your company and Geely Auto's cooperation project."

Looking at Peter's almost impatient expression, Wilson stopped keeping him in suspense and said,"The thing is, our Fisker Group has recently reached a cooperation agreement with Professor Otto Gonza Octavius of New York University."

"In the next five years, Fisk Group will provide all the research funds required by Professor Octavius to help him complete the controlled nuclear fusion project of the artificial sun."

"I think you should be very clear, Mr. Parker, what it means once an artificial sun is created."

"That means we will have endless energy in the future! The Fisker Group, which owns this technology, only needs to keep selling energy to earn a steady stream of income."

"What do you think, Mr. Parker? Don't you think that the cooperation between our two companies is a match made in heaven?"

"Faraday Future's new energy vehicles can create greater energy demand on the existing basis"

"And our Fisker Group can just fill the gap in this demand."

Peter had already understood the intention of the Fisker Group at this time, but what surprised him was that the other party had reached a cooperation with Octavius first.

Was it because of the huge profits after the listing of the mechanical tentacles that made the other party set their sights on Octavius? Peter didn't know.

But he knew that it was definitely not a good thing for the technology of artificial sun to fall into the hands of Wilson Fisker.

But it must be said that the cooperation proposed by Wilson was indeed very attractive.

After all, the biggest difficulty for new energy vehicles to replace traditional fuel vehicles is the construction of charging stations.

Now that Geely Automobile is building a charging station, it must first reach an agreement with the local power supply company, and then lay cables, install transformers and a series of other work.

After all these are completed, the construction of the charging station and the installation of high-speed charging piles will also be carried out.

The whole process is not only very cumbersome, time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also very expensive to build.

If Geely Auto relies solely on itself to complete this work, it will probably take several years to truly open up the new energy vehicle market.

But if they cooperate with the Fisker Group, Faraday Future and Geely Auto can directly get rid of the burden of building charging stations.

With the strength accumulated by the Fisker Group itself in the construction industry, coupled with the artificial sun technology that can directly break the energy pattern.

Peter believes that they can definitely make new energy charging stations all over the world in less than a year, making the whole world a market for new energy vehicles.

No matter from which perspective, the combination of Faraday Future and Fisker Group is a win-win cooperation.

However, Peter does not intend to accept Wilson's invitation to cooperate.


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