
Peter used all his strength and finally moved his right hand to press the emergency switch to open the suit.

Peter, who was finally freed from the iron suit, gasped heavily.

The iron suit was not very comfortable to wear after losing the energy supply. It was okay that there was no constant temperature system and air circulation system, but the failure of the urine filtering function was something Peter could not tolerate in any case.

Although this was not very particular, Peter carefully observed the surroundings and confirmed that there was no one around.

In the end, he chose a tree that looked more pleasing to the eye and watered it generously.

After solving his personal problems, Peter returned to the side of Mark 8.

He first turned the suit over and then opened the weapon attachment compartment on the back.

Although the Ark reactor on the chest of Mark 8 was damaged in the collision, each of the floating guns stored in the weapon attachment compartment had an independent energy core.

After removing the Ark reactor of one of the floating guns and installing it on Mark 8, the control system of the suit finally restarted.

But soon another bad news followed.

After Mark 8 recovered its energy, Peter immediately performed a system self-check on the functions of the suit.

It turned out that many chips and sensors could no longer be used normally, whether because of the previous collision or the inexplicable squeezing that occurred afterwards.

The only thing to be thankful for was that the suit's motion system and flight function could still be used normally.

Otherwise, even for Peter, who had been enhanced by the Extremis virus, it would be a headache to drag such a cumbersome action.

After the inspection, Peter used the existing conditions at hand to repair the suit as much as possible, and at the same time began to recall what happened before.

With his terrifying memory ability, Peter began to carefully check all the details of the collision in his mind, just like a video playback.

Then Peter had a rough guess about what happened at that time and his current situation.

Combined with Octavius and Kingpin's cooperation in developing artificial suns.

He felt that the behemoth that collided with him before should be some kind of nuclear fusion device made by the other party.

The orange-red sphere in the device is probably the artificial sun made by Octavius.

This can explain why the Ark reactor on Mark 8's chest changed at that time.

That's because the cold nuclear fusion reaction in the Ark reactor resonated with the hot nuclear fusion reaction in the artificial sun.

It's like positive matter meets antimatter, and two nuclear fusion reactors with completely different principles merge and annihilate each other, and eventually produce unpredictable results.

The annihilation of the two nuclear fusion reactors triggered a strong electromagnetic pulse, which caused some parts of the Mark 8 with insufficient electromagnetic protection to be damaged.

The reason why Peter disappeared from the sea near Hell's Kitchen and appeared in the woods where he is now.

It is probably because the annihilation of the Ark reactor and the artificial sun not only triggered electromagnetic pulses, but also probably caused the distortion of space.

The huge energy contained in the two nuclear fusion reactors opened a space wormhole in front of Peter and sent him to his current location.

So when Peter was deprived of his vision by the dazzling white light, he felt that his body was pulled by a force, and then he was squeezed into a coma by a suffocating force.

He should have been pulled into the wormhole at that time, and fortunately survived under the squeeze of space.

After repairing all the faults that can be handled on the Mark 8, especially the successful repair of the urine filtration system, Peter put on his battle suit again.

As the mask was completely closed, Peter began to call Jarvis in the suit.

"Jarvis, are you there?"

【Always at your service, sir.】

Hearing Jarvis's reassuring voice again, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In this wilderness, without Jarvis's help, it would be very difficult for him to find the way back alone.

"Jarvis, locate our current location and plan a route back to the lab for me.

Peter gave Jarvis instructions and waited for Jarvis to complete the task as usual.

But this time, Jarvis did not immediately give him the feedback he wanted.

【Sir, I have temporarily lost the network signal of the Spider's Nest. To locate the current position, I need to hack into a navigation satellite. Do you want to authorize the operation?

Peter in the battle suit said without any hesitation:"Authorize the operation."

Jarvis, who was authorized, quickly confirmed Peter's current location.

【Sir, according to the positioning of the navigation satellite, you are now in the Hudson Valley of New York, and the return route has been planned for you.

But then Jarvis said another piece of news that shocked Peter.

【But sir, I found that the map loaded from the navigation satellite seems to be different from the map in my system.】

【In the maps loaded by the navigation satellite, not only is there no Faraday Future building in New York City, but even the location of Oscorp is not recorded.】

【After careful comparison, I think the New York you are in now may not be the New York you are familiar with. 】

Peter suddenly had a bad feeling when he heard this. It seemed that what he experienced was not just a simple space jump...

Could it be that he had traveled to a new parallel universe again?

And this time it was not a soul crossing, but a body?!

With this suspicion, Peter asked Jarvis to mark the building closest to him, and then he took off directly from the spot and flew towards the target.

However, Peter did not approach blindly. After all, it was not a wise choice to expose himself rashly when he was still unclear about the specific situation.

After seeing the building marked by Jarvis on the map from a distance, he directly turned on the telephoto lens on the Mark 8 and zoomed in the picture in his field of vision.

Soon he saw a huge line of text printed on the outer wall of the building.——【ALCHEMAX】

Translated, Alchemy Company

"Alchemy Company?!"Peter was shocked when he saw the name.

Because in his memory, the most profound impression of the name Alchemy Company mainly came from two universes.

One is the 1610 Ultimate Universe where Miles Morales, the little black spider in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, lives.

The other is the Earth-928 Universe where Spider-Man 2099, known as the most handsome Spider-Man, was born.

Of course, there are many other parallel universes where Alchemy Company also exists, but that is not within the scope of Peter's understanding.

Anyway, on the Earth of the parallel universe where he lived before, there is absolutely no New York company called Alchemy Company.

In other words, Peter is now almost certain that he has traveled to another parallel universe in the previous collision.

However, in order to determine which parallel universe he traveled to, Peter needs to obtain more information before he can make a judgment.

At this time, two figures walked out of the door of Alchemy Company...

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