When Peter completed the space-time stabilization device and came to the underground tunnel in Brooklyn from Queens, it was already completely dark.

With the memory of the movie plot in his mind, he could determine that the place where Miles was bitten by the mutant spider No. 42 was located in a restricted area in the underground tunnel in Brooklyn.

And the location of this restricted area is adjacent to the underground space of the Fisk Building where Kingpin secretly built a super collider.

Based on these two pieces of information, Peter asked Jarvis to screen the location of the Fisk Building on the map, and soon locked the place he wanted to find.

A laser pulse hand cannon blasted the chain on the iron door, and then walked down the stairs, and soon Peter came to an empty space below.

There are all kinds of graffiti painted on every wall here, but one of them particularly caught his attention.

It was a graffiti with very vibrant colors and lines, but it depicted a negative word like"no hope".

In the center of the graffiti, it was also written with���The white spray paint outlines the figure of the graffiti creator.

The white outline and black internal filling, as well as the negative word"no hope", are enough to show the psychological state of the creator when drawing the graffiti.

However, Peter did not come here to appreciate street art. The reason why he was attracted to this graffiti was because he knew that Miles was bitten by the mutant spider No. 42 after creating this graffiti.

Since this graffiti already exists, it means that Peter is still a step late and failed to intercept this opportunity to become Spider-Man.

He lowered his head and searched carefully on the ground. Sure enough, he found a spider corpse not far from the graffiti.

Looking at the flickering phenomenon that appeared from time to time on the spider corpse due to dimensional repulsion, Peter knew that this was the mutant spider from Universe No. 42.

Pick it up and put it in your hand. If you look closely, you can find that"Alchemy Company" and"42" are printed on its abdomen. These two white fonts prove its origin.

Although the interception plan did not succeed, Peter was not without gain in finding this spider.

Peter took out a small box from the additional cabin of Mark 8 and carefully put the mutant spider No. 42 into it.

This box was specially made by him in the secret base before, and it has the same effect as the space-time stabilization device.

He planned to take this mutant spider back to the original universe and try to find out something from it. After putting the box back into the battle suit, there was a sudden sound of footsteps from the top of the stairs.

Peter looked up at the sound and soon saw a black boy walking down the stairs.

Although he did not have the ability of spider sensing, as expected, this boy was most likely the little black spider Miles Morales.

Miles, who was standing on the stairs, showed a surprised expression after seeing Peter.

Obviously, he did not expect that a stranger would break into the small world where he and his uncle were graffitiing, and he was wearing a red and gold color matching flashy armor.

Seeing the tension in Miles' heart, Peter did not continue to scare the boy.

Instead, he took the initiative to open the mask of the battle suit, tried to squeeze out a kind and gentle smile, and then waved to Miles and said:"Hello, boy!"

"You, you...I, I……"Facing Peter's kindness, Miles was at a loss.

At first, Peter thought it was the Mark 8 on his body that caused Miles to feel too much pressure.

But when he found that Miles' eyes were always looking behind him, he realized that the reason why the other party was so flustered was not because of him, but because of his own spider sense.

Listening to the gradually increasing noise coming from behind, Peter knew that it must be Spider-Man and Kingpin's gang who had started fighting.

It seems that his guess is correct. Peter Parker of the 1610 universe went out today to stop Kingpin from turning on the super collider.

The reason why Miles appeared here at this time should be that he had discovered that he had obtained the ability of Spider-Man, so he came here specifically to find the answer.

I just don't know if if he successfully rescued Peter Parker of the 1610 universe, would Miles grow into a qualified Spider-Man faster, or would he take a completely different path?

"I see that you seem to be very concerned about the situation over there. Do you want to go over and take a look?"Peter was ready to go over to check the situation and then wait for a suitable time to rescue people.

The reason why he invited Miles was just to see how the other party would behave in this situation.

When Miles was invited by Peter, he didn't know why he nodded.

Although Peter's iron armor made him look like he was not easy to mess with, he inexplicably felt that he could trust Peter.

Miles followed Peter, and the two of them headed deeper into the tunnel.

After lifting a curtain, the two came to the end of the tunnel.

There was no It was not a concrete wall as imagined, but a whole wall of steel frame glass. Under the glass wall were joystick machines that controlled the gantry crane.

This should be an abandoned control room when Kingpin was building the super collider.

But before Peter could take a closer look, a huge explosion blew up the entire steel frame glass wall, and the joystick machine below was also blown away.

Fortunately, Miles was reminded by the spider sense and hid in a safe place in advance; and Peter, wearing Mark 8, was also unharmed.

However, without the obstruction of the steel frame glass wall, Peter was able to can observe the situation on the battlefield more clearly.

At this time, Spider-Man is constantly dodging the attacks of the Green Goblin in this universe.

To be honest, the Green Giant in his original universe is not even worthy of the word"Giant" in his name in front of this Green Goblin.

Peter estimated with his naked eyes that the Green Goblin in the 1610 universe is definitely more than 5 meters long, not counting the tail.

That's right, the Green Goblin in this universe has a long tail!

Not only that, he even has a pair of huge wings behind him!

Just based on the combat effectiveness currently shown by the Green Goblin, Peter feels that he is even better than the one in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Even more powerful than the Hulk.

Just when Peter was observing the Green Goblin carefully, and even thinking about whether he could get some research materials from him.

Miles, who was standing by, didn't know what was going on, but was unexpectedly dragged into the battlefield between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin.

However, with the reminder of the spider-sense, although Miles could not use Spider-Man's abilities flexibly, he still avoided danger again and again.

Even Peter, who came to his senses, couldn't help but want to praise him for his agility after seeing this scene.

But playing is playing, and making trouble is making trouble. Considering that the other party is a minor, Peter still decided to help him.


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